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Messages - Guy Libellule

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Archived Applications / Guy Libellule
« on: 12/04/2013 at 16:23 »

Application for Beauxbatons Academy

Name: Guy Libellule [Gee Lee-bel-lou]

Birthday: November 20th 1959 1921

Hometown: Paris, France

Bloodline: Halfblood

Magical Strength (pick one): Divination

Magical Weakness (pick one): Charms

Year (pick two): 1e, 2e

Biography: Guy Libellule is the only son of French pureblood businessman Ghislain Libellule, by his mistress the muggle ballerina Oksana Lysenko. Though born in Paris, Guy was raised in the Ukrainian SSR until the age of seven. It was his mother’s motherland and the place to which she returned when it became clear that relations with Ghislain were at an end. Guy had no contact with his father until his magic surfaced at seven at which point he was ‘reclaimed’ from his mother’s care and returned to Paris to live with Ghislain and his barren wife. Ghislain was of sufficient societal standing and wealth that if he said Guy was his legitimate pureblood son, returned from Russian boarding school, then it was so.

Guy’s relationship with his mother was strained. She resented his presence in its ending of her dance career and sought to fulfil her thwarted ambitions through him. Guy and Oksana were poor in Ukraine, living in a kommunalka with three other families. All the money Oksana earned went straight towards Guy’s ballet tuition, which she both begrudged and insisted upon. Guy remembers very little of his time in Soviet Ukraine or his mother but some things that stick out included the fierce verbal fights between the matriarchs of the kommunalka and the overt disapproval shown towards his mother as a single parent. His memories of his mother are of her being a very critical woman who was only pleased by him when he excelled at dance. His mother contracted typhoid fever and died when he was nine. He sent all the money he received in allowance to her in the two years of her life in which he lived in Paris but never asked his father for permission to see her again, something for which, pre-Slide he felt regret and post-Slide was tormented by not knowing from where exactly this regret derived.

To Guy, Ghislain was a saviour from the inability to please. Once Guy had been made to look the part there were aspects of his son that Ghislain found extremely pleasing. He moved with the grace and poise of a proper young pureblood gentleman, he was polite and quite, spoke only when spoken to, was instinctively solicitous, and very quickly tri-lingual. Even his wife became fond of Guy despite her intent not to. By the time he left for Beauxbatons she not only loved and missed him dearly as a son but had become his greatest support and ally.

Guy didn’t dance again until his second term at Beauxbatons. He had been resolved never to dance again but saw the winter performance of the final year students and was entranced by their beauty. His father was disapproving until he made an appearance to the dress rehearsal of Spartacus in Paris on 31st December, 1974. Guy had joined a Paris corps de ballet over his winter break from Beauxbatons and was in rehearsal for the New Year’s Day performance. His father had come to chastise him for associating with muggles but on seeing him dance said only that ballet was no job for a man unless he was the principal, which Guy understood as the acceptance and praise that his father, while too proud to offer, wished him to know was felt. The New Year’s Day performance never happened.

New Year’s Eve 1974 was a day of firsts for Guy. First time his father saw him dance. He roomed with three of his fellow dancing soldiers in a top floor apartment that had an amazing view of the Palais Garnier and it was the first time he seriously considered what his life could be like. First kiss, first conception of what it might be like to be in love, and first moment in his life he’d felt like he was exactly where he was supposed to be. He woke up nauseous and confused in an empty apartment with no trace of his friends ever having been there or the performance they were due to dance, but for a roman helmet, apparently an authentic period piece, borrowed from a prop department that would not exist for another 37 years and only saved because he’d had his father enchant it earlier in the day for comfort. Something as trivial as it chafing the back of his ear.

The first time he set foot in the Beauxbatons dance hall after The Slide was surreal. His body remembered moves his mind did not and sometimes he sees snippets of a dance involving Roman soldiers and can imagine the music but it is not a ballet that exists yet. He developed a bit of an obsession with all things Roman during his seconde année, trying to piece bits of memories together, not even memories, vague feelings, trying to understand why he feels like he’s lost something huge and irreplaceable. He thinks ballet holds the answer and has become increasingly driven to dance.

Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.

Ecole Request: Performance: Dance

Communaté Preference: Charlemagne

Personality: Guy has become a lot more serious and closed off since The Slide. He doesn’t sleep particularly well. He’s become more driven. More obsessive. Dance has become all-encompassing with him preferring to be in character rather than out and favouring more dramatic roles. He never adhered much to dancers’ diets before but has become increasingly fixated on controlling fairly arbitrary aspects of his life. He used to always make time for his friends and for fun and to experience life but these days if he’s not in class or in the library fastidiously researching roles, he’s in the dance studio.

He doesn’t seek advice or let many people get close to him but he’s never rude. He still has a kindness and gentleness about him and he’s instinctively attentive but increasingly he saves much of his once fairy open personality and emotional nuance for performance. He’s chivalrous and honourable in nature. He has a fiery temper and stubbornness when riled. He’s searching himself for something he can’t yet find and it frustrates him often. He’s very self-critical and demanding of self-perfection, clinging to dance as the most familiar and ‘real’ part of his life.

Appearance: Guy has a ballet dancer’s sinewy physique. He is graceful and elegant, walks with feet at ten to two and is concealing an awful lot of upper body strength. He is quite particular about his appearance, concerned with looking his best.

The conversations around the table continued on as Guy stared into his bowl of soup. He moved his spoon and the decorative cream swirl rippled on the surface forming new shapes that he saw as an aerial view of a dance. He moved his spoon again. This time when the cream rippled he squinted distracted by a memory of a dream, dancers dressed as slaves, with fists clenched tight above them holding onto a foot of chain stretched taught between each manacled wrist but decorative, like a ribbon. And then they broke the chains on mass, stepping into a pirouette à la seconde, spinning again and again and again.

A Roman soldier entered the scene, his armour glinting majestically in the stage lights. He took off his helmet and threw it on the floor. It clattered like a heavy solid piece of metal and not the lightweight prop it should be, jarring the realism of image. It startled Guy and the vision was gone. His spoon had slipped from his hand and clattered into the ceramic bowl. Potage crécy had slopped over the edge staining the table cloth for a moment he thought red but as he blinked a few times  it became orange again. He turned his head to his friend beside him. He was giving him a funny look but his gaze moved on to his shoulder and then to something behind him and was filled with distaste. Guy frowned and looked behind, concerned at the cause of that expression.

He stood immediately to face the girl in distress.

“Pardon me,” he said, dipping his head slightly in acknowledgement of her attention. As he did so he felt something fall from his head and shoulder and watched the food as it hit the bench and floor. He looked to his friend in confusion and then the girl, finally taking in her empty tray.

“Mademoiselle?” he asked. 


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