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Messages - Winter Roux

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Archived Applications / Winter Roux's application
« on: 09/04/2012 at 20:13 »

Name: Winter Roux (Any nickname is fine)

Former Character's Name (if you had one): Well, I have had an account before. But..they went inactive, and I can’t remember their name. (So we don’t talk about her. O:)

House Request:I would prefer Slytherin, most. I believe Winter would do well in Slytherin. Although she is probably not what most people would call ‘Slytherin type’ she can be manipulative when she wants. She loves to get her own way, and she will do what she can to get it. She is not above cheating, and loves to play the field with a bit of flirting. So yes, she is also friendly, and loves a laugh, but I do believe she would be right at home in Slytherin. (But most of all – please not Hufflepuff. Mainly because my old account (The one we don’t talk about o:) was in Hufflepuff, but also because I don’t think she would fit in. They seem too..Well. They don’t seem very outgoing, and they always seem too happy. Same goes for Ravenclaw.)]

Type in your two year choices here.
3rd or 5th


Magical Strength (pick one):Conjuring & Summoning

Magical Weakness (pick one):Transfiguration

Type in your character biography here.It all started, as it nearly always does, with a child. A child of two respected pureblood adults, no less. The little baby girl was the first child in her family, a miracle baby of sorts. It was previously thought that the mother was infertile, and the hopes of having a child – crushed. True, there were spells, able to sort their problem out, but they were a last resort. Miracle baby came first.
So perhaps it really all began, on the 29th of December, when the little miracle baby became a reality, and slipped into the world. With snow falling around the country, and everyone being so delightfully content with the expectation of a new year approaching – Winter seemed like a magical place.
So just like that, the little miracle baby, became known as Winter. Winter Roux.

As a baby, toddler, and child, the girl was delightfully spoiled. She always received her heart’s desire. However, her muggle school friends always kept her grounded (Or at least tried) and the girl became less dependent on her parents – though was still willing to throw a tantrum if things didn’t go her way.

As time went on, the little miracle baby grew into a pre-teen, an 11 year old. She was excited, from the moment she turned 11. Having pureblood parents, she was frequently involved with the magical world, yet she simply couldn’t wait for the moment when she really became a part of it. When she really fitted in  to the Magical world, and could learn everything that had ever interested her. Besides, she always thought it might be fun to get away from her parents. As much as they liked to spoil their only child, they were also very protective – leading for a girl who loved to break the rules.

And then it came. Her Hogwarts letter. And she was off. The little Miracle baby was off on the Hogwarts Express – and it seemed as if her life was finally starting.

Please include these sections if they are not addressed in your biography.

Personality:Winter is a very outgoing person. She hates it when people complain about the little things, and even more so when they make plans. She much prefers to take things as they come, and see where they take you. That being said, she can also be a little hypocritical, as she will easily complain about something if it doesn’t go the way she wants it too. As a child, she frequently tried to please everyone, and simply grew to understand that she would get her way anyway, and there was no point. Now she just does what she pleases, and is happy with that.
Winter loves to flirt, with anyone and everyone, though a little bit more of the thrill is in the chase, not the capture. However, she would love to have a boyfriend, because she loves the feeling of being needed, and wanted.
The girl loves to laugh, and loves to make other people laugh. However, if she thinks for even one moment that they are laughing at her, she will throw a proper tantrum. She flies into a temper a lot, and isn’t afraid to yell out exactly what she’s feeling. One problem she has is not thinking before she speaks. This seems to land her in many an argument, and although she likes talking to her friends, she also loves arguing. She loves being put on the spot to find an insult, and she loves the slight adrenaline rush it gives her.
There are usually times, though, when Winter will start manipulating people, whether it’s manipulating them to do her homework (she hates school work) or help her out on a prank that she wants to play. She also has a very large disregard for the rules, so occasionally tries to convince people to take the fall for her, if caught. However, she also hates it if someone else gets the credit for something that she did.
She is also not above cheating, though generally tries to be subtle about it. School work is not her forte, so this is usually the biggest time when she tries to manipulate people into doing her work, or letting her copy.
Overall though, she is a reasonably nice person.

Appearance:Winter is a short teenage girl – shorter than average. She has jet black hair, which falls in waves to about mid-back. While not a weedy person, the young girl doesn’t really have anything in the way of muscles. She is, however, reasonably strong, and wouldn’t hesitate to punch someone if needed – actually, she secretly wishes for the day when she can punch someone – though she would never do it without reason. One thing she loves about being small, is that she frequently surprises people when it comes to her strength. Particually with her running. Winter actually runs very fast, and loves the adrenaline rush of it. Most people however, don’t seem to expect this from her. Her skin is reasonably clear, and she is generally quite petite. Her eyes are blue, though she would kill to have green eyes – as she loves how they seem to glow. Plus, she believes they have more of a ‘Slytherin feel’ to them. When possible, she wears colour contacts.

Option II:

“Oh, come now!"

Astrid Bixby’s voice carried down the corridor, the tall blonde girl not far behind. Her interviewee – or victim, depending on perspective – turned a corner and she frowned. They were always soelusive when she needed them. Sure, they would talk as if there was no tomorrow during class, but once she actually needed them to say something, they were nowhere to be found. Gryffindors.

Flustered, Astrid stopped in the middle of the corridor and stared, her parchment hanging limply from her hand. She was a good reporter, really, and she always did her best to make sure that everything she wrote was accurate. She glanced down to the quill, eyeing it with disdain. It wasn’t her fault if her quill misquoted. How was she supposed to know? It made for interesting articles, at least, and if she had misquoted the Head Boy last term as saying he had a love for stuffed animals, then that gave him personality. Astrid sighed.

A pout formed on her lips as she turned away, discouraged. The corridor was mercifully empty, though the doors to The Spellbound – the school newspaper – were ominously closed. Corbridge was a mercifully sweet editor, but Astrid was terrified of disappointing her all the same. She hadto come back with quotes.
Her eyes, blue, trailed her surroundings before choosing a new path, and she turned down a new corridor. A figure was ahead, and her eyes lit up, an impossibly rosy smile blossoming across her lips.

“Hey!” Astrid called, her voice light and singsong. She trotted to catch the person, her shoes clicking on the stone floor. “Wait up! It’s for the paper!” Her legs aided her admittedly poor running, and Astrid gasped as she came closer. “What do you think about serving frog legs at lunch? Some say it’s a delicacy, but others think it’s plain gross.”

Sample Roleplay Response:

’Oh, come now!’

A loud voice broke through Winter Roux’s voice, as she wandered absently down the corridors. Until that moment, the teenage girl’s mind had been filled with a lovely dream of dating the Slytherin Seeker – She might not like the sport so much, but the players were usually hoooot.

However, at the sound of the voice, Winter blinked slightly, clearing her head. Her next natural instinct was to walk faster, away from the..loud..demanding voice. She didn’t do well with people ordering her around, and all she really wanted to do was go back to common room and collapse.

It soon became apparent though – as a Gryffindor turned the corner she was heading towards – that the loud voice was not talking to her. It also became painfully apparent that – if she continued in the direction she was going  - she would walk straight towards the voice. But that was the way towards the common room..

Rolling her eyes, Winter took a slight breath, before decidedly marching around the corner, leading her to..an empty corridor. Raising an eyebrow, Winter paused, slightly confused. Was she daydreaming again?

Nope. It became clear as the owner of the loud voice appeared at the other end of the corridor. Winter momentarily closed her eyes, before walking straight onwards, hoping she could just pass by..

“Hey! Wait up! It’s for the paper!”
Oh. That was why the annoying voice had sounded familiar. Astrid Bixby, if her memory served correct. The reporter who always..mis-quoted, as she seemed to like to put it. In truth, Winter delighted in reading her articles and her.. ‘mis-quotations.’ But when she was the one who was at risk?

Her decision made, almost subconsciously, Winter turned around, and walked quicker – back the way she had come. Footsteps sounded after her, quicker, as though Astrid was running. Perfect. There was no escape, it seemed.

“Oh, what do you want!?” Winter finally yelled, spinning round, blinking in slight surprise as she noticed the girl was much closer than she had originally thought.

“What do you think about serving frog legs at lunch? Some say it’s a delicacy, but others think it’s plain gross.”

The response came, and Winter pursed her lips, tilting her head. It wouldn’t..hurt..to answer, would it? There seemed no way out of it, anyway.

“Well, let me see.” She spoke clearly, in fake thought. “Frogs legs are gross, I would rather eat my own eyeballs, and if you mis-quote me, or, actually, if you quote me at all - I will accidently let slip that you may or may not have gotten.. rather friendly with Professor Tibbles last term.”
Winter finished with a light giggle, “If you know what I mean.”

Leaning forwards slightly, the teenage girl waggled her eyebrows, “Do we have a deal?”

Optional: I actually forgot about this site..so..I’m semi-new? :P I found it for the second time by doing some odd Google searches!

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