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Author Topic: Leander Laskos / Public Policy  (Read 575 times)

Leander Laskos

    (11/12/2016 at 21:25)
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  • Adjunct Magical Creatures Sanctuary Administrator
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Character name: Leander Laskos

Previous and/or Current Character(s) if applicable: Cosmina Laskos, Venadikt Borovsky, Lobelius Taberford, Vestalis Dauer-Montes, Cupidot Belizaire, Cypriana Wolverby, Mercutio Duke

Character age: Twenty-Six in September ‘49

Character education:
Leander Tareseos Laskos

Relevant Education & Employment
▰  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry, Hufflepuff House Graduate 1941
▰  Completed NEWT level courses in Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology studies.
▰  Ministry of Magic, Junior Magiorinthology Research Assistant 1941 - current

Leadership Experience
Editorial Writer,
Spellbound Newspaper
1939 - 1941 Terms
Teacher's Assistant,
Care of Magical Creatures & Charms Courses
1939 - 1940 Terms
Hufflepuff House
1940 - 1941 Term
Undefeated Hufflepuff Two-Term Quidditch Champions
1939 - 1941 Terms
Camp Loki
Summers 1940 & 1941
Archivist & Catalogue Author,
Department for the Control of Magical Creatures
In charge of wand core and potion ingredient rationing during the War
Policy Author,
Proposing subsidized funding for a magical creature sanctuary development

Strength and weaknesses:
Leander had always considered himself a dedicated worker. It was not often he chose to leave his tasks unfinished and it was always a matter of guilt with him if he knew he had not put in his best effort. His unshakable philosophy (or burden, perhaps) was that if he was given a responsibility or was in a position to accomplish something, he owed it to himself to ensure it was done. Possessing a decently high level of comprehension, he was usually able to understand the best ways in which to get things done, even when his ability to do so was not always able of meeting his own expectations. But in this, Leander hardly took himself too much to task, so long as he knew in the end that the best effort was expended. He of course, did not expect himself to be perfect, by any means. Nor did he expect to be even particularly well-rounded. But of himself he knew that his hard work would compensate for much.

At school, his talents were at least at first outnumbered by those subjects for which he showed less ability. Alongside his interest in magical creatures, Leander excelled primarily in charms and transfiguration. For other areas, he had less aptitude. Potions, divination, and herbology were chiefly among them. However, wherever he found he could not easily excel, he devoted some time, secluded, studying what he could to make at least a passable attempt.

Physical description:
Of lankier frame and usually precise attire, Leander Laskos’ one particular quirk of appearance is his untameable mop of hair. His stature and features are not what one would call imposing, rather the opposite. Though he keeps limber by a regimen of calisthenics, it has kept him more trim than bulky. Leander’s expression is typically an inviting one, ready to enjoy a joke. Perhaps most expressive, is the easy way in which his brows knit and raise in response to his thoughts, even if unexpressed verbally.  Having grown up with his cousins’ family robe shop in the a basement of his father’s cafe, Leander considers himself to be knowledgeable enough not to commit fashion solecisms, however bolder some of his sartorial choices. When the weather permits, he has a particular fondness for sweaters and a vast assortment from which to draw.

Leander maintains easy friendship with many people, being easily good-humored and readily witty, even at his own expense-- self-deprecation being at the heart of his humility. Sometimes, however, his humor is not to everyone’s taste particularly when at the recipient end of one of his pranks. Beneath his ready-to-laugh nature, Leander is a generally compassionate person. Having grown up as an elder brother to three younger sisters (triplets), he is rather used to being in positions of comparative protectiveness,  particularly towards those younger than him.

A willing listener to other’s problems and a quick defender of those who have been wronged, Leander believes everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect to their own lives. His childhood was largely colored by his family’s status as half-blood and muggle sympathisers, he had seen the divides it caused in their society, known the tough choices it forced people to make. The struggles of his heritage in their homeland mirrored much of the turmoil and uncertainty of the last decade. But through it all, Leander was assured of certain values and a certain worth of all people, wizarding and muggle. These values, he was not afraid to fight for and worked to subvert those toxic invasions of their society which sought to divide rather than bolster them.

Hopes and dreams. Why are you teaching at Hogwarts?:
Having since graduated Hogwarts eight years ago, Leander entered the working world feeling he had known what he wanted to do. He had worked towards his goal diligently throughout his last years at Hogwarts (the ones which really mattered), disappeared within the Library’s shelves to cram as much knowledge as he thought he could retain for his NEWTs, and achieved satisfactory results as necessary to gain a position at the Ministry of Magic’s Department for the Control and Regulation of Magical Creatures.

While he had originally thought the title ‘Junior Research Assistant’ in his chosen field of Magiorinthology would have guaranteed him the position and responsibilities he had envisioned, his actual career path had taken a much different turn. Seeking to assist younger members of society make the most of their opportunities where they can find them, Leander has offered himself and a curriculum to teach some of the fundamentals and import of civic participation and the importance of policy making for not only those looking to enter public service at the Ministry or Mungo's but also for those who realize the importance their own voice must be in making their wizarding world better for everyone in it.

Born to the English branch of the numerous Laskos family, whose Greco-Turkish reputation for dirty blood and menial trade, Leander had grown up with a perspective of the magical world a little different than some. His family lived in Manchester and they formed their own community of immediate relatives. Greek and gregarious. Although his family name is known for their manufacture of fine flying carpets, his father and uncle ran a cafe which served thick Turkish coffee and sweet nut pastries, below which his mother, aunt, and cousins owned a fashion line of fine robes and enchanted embroidery. Following their family’s custom in Turkey to blur the lines between muggle and magic, they ran both businesses out of Manchester’s Chinatown neighborhood, better able to conceal strange goings on and elaborately dressed patrons. The family cafe at least, catered to muggle clientele, the braver of whom might enter the front of the shop and finding its ‘atmosphere’ to be what man described as ‘odd’. Wizarding folk were ushered to the privacy of the back patio.

Growing up in this duality, Leander gained a special lense into the muggle world, even if his glimpse of it was only tangential. And so when the law came down that every wizard and witch’s bloodstatus was to be registered, Leander could not understand what so separated those supposedly pure and those who had non-magical ancestry. He had hated the red little badge which he had been forced to wear all those years. He had wanted to challenge the looks strangers had given him on seeing it, the idea that they knew something, anything about him because of that badge which proclaimed that one of his ancestors five generations back had been a muggle. It was a law which had been abhorrent and unjust. But what hurt worse was the way it had divided him from others with whom he might otherwise have connected. It seemed like such an inconsequential thing by which to be judged.

However, at school, he had been told to keep his mouth shut, to not endanger himself or make any trouble. What might have been known to be true in his family did not mean it would fare well outside of it. So he found another outlet for his more rebellious tendencies. He participated in duelling and applied much of his quick thinking to other disruptions with his involvement in secret student pranking group D Squad. He thought in some ways he had found another home in his activities and the classmates with whom he was closest. A second kind of family where he was accepted as much as he was among those who shared his last name.

And then the war came.

Its shadow cast over everything. Leander, like many, found what sanctuary he could at school. He paid attention to his studies, he got a girlfriend, he spent time with his friends. And he did it well-- even coerced to join his house quidditch team (under pretense of being only a substitute) he was soon made interim co-captain and won twice. At Loki, he joined as counsellor and in his final year he was made prefect. He kept strong for the younger students, encouraged them to focus on living rather than worrying, and gave them confidence that there was a world beyond this war.

After graduation, Leander found certainty less easy to come by. There was less a structure to fill. Although usually a young man of direction, he found his footing less certain after graduating. It was another challenge which he took on to find his feet, this time all on his own. He reported to his position at the Ministry in the Department for Magical Creatures, believing he would be researching his chief interest, but the war and its interests took precedence. Not one to be so easily daunted, Leander did not take the affront personally, instead he found what projects he could apply himself. He had become chiefly involved in establishing a rationing system for wand core and potioneering materials and ensure the was a system in place to best apportion them.

There being little priority in organizing field expeditions for magical birds, Leander instead found himself bound to the Magical Creatures department archives. It had been a mass (some called trove, others trash) which had received little attention in organizing. There were pockets of course, where certain researchers had squirreled away their notes, but many documents had been only loosely filed by creature type and there was certainly no comprehensive catalogue to speak of. Uninteresting as the task appeared to be at the outset (and proved to be in the midst), Leander took it upon himself to comb through each document and folio and tome to assign them a place on the shelf and a reference card in the card filing cabinet. Through perseverance and with little compliant (there being hardly anyone who would have listened), he had finally brought it into a kind of order. The task which had been gruelling and to a certain degree thankless, Leander had taken as a learning experience all the same. In reading the journals and discoveries of the many researchers before, He had rediscovered his own thirst for adventure.

But the world was not always so full of opportunities. With the end of the war and the new presence of the Hexenreich, Leander found that perhaps there was a greater reason to stay in London than to leave it. He joined the Resistance as a cryptographer, aiding in transmitting messages between members embedded in the Ministry and those outside of it. In this, his fairly innocuous position worked best to his advantage. However, with their influence waning, the archives catalogued, Leander has begun seeking out a new enterprise, encouraged by his closest friends. Having begun (what he hopes to be the last) an administrative project seeking the subsidized funding for a Magical Creatures sanctuary, Leander has been applying himself elsewhere, hoping to see where his efforts will take him next.


Roleplay Response:
During his attendance at Hogwarts, he had never had much occasion to visit the Headmistress’ office (even despite the numerous riotous activities in which he participated anonymously). Generally, Leander had been one of the students well able to distinguish where exactly the line lay and was careful not to cross it too conspicuously. Apparently he had done so well enough to have been elected a House prefect in his final, seventh year. That, however, he wondered how much he might have chalked up to a certain person’s influence rather than his own merit.

But overall, his record had been fairly spotless. Unless perhaps the professors had known more than they let on. But if they had seen more in him than he had let on, they had never voiced such opinions to him directly.

With Headmistress Ivanova he had never much opportunity to get a sense of her (other than it was better not to try and cross her). However, he would have been surprised to have discovered she had any thoughts of him at all. What was one former Hufflepuff who had become only a productive member of society to a Headmistress of Hogwarts who had seen many of her students go on to greatness?

He supposed his name must have crossed her desk at least a few times without raising any alarms, and once again it was under her consideration as part of his application to be a Professor at his former school.

Leander took this position no less seriously than he did anything (truly, at heart, despite his sometimes carefree humor) and so had arrived forty-five minutes early to the Castle, to account for any additional travel time from Hogsmeade or unforeseen hazards. What he had not predicted (divination having never been his strong suit), was that he might have been accosted by a particularly worked up ghost who seemed quite intent that he knew him for surely the son of some wizard he had onced duelled or had had some rivalry against. The ghost having apparently spent much time determining what such a person might look like when they came back to the castle was convinced that Leander was in some way responsible for an apology. This he had given, however, not to a satisfactory level of sincerity.

Ghosts by definition, he confirmed, were reluctant to let matters go.

Waylaid for half an hour in one of the corridors, and causing something of a scene as he denied that he was this person’s descendant and giving a whole hereditary list of his forefathers and aunts and distant cousins did not seem to placate the spectre until Leander was in fact run out of plausible or even fabricated explanations. The ghost, on the other hand, had eventually trailed off in the reason for having interrupted him in the first place, and had begun to think Leander had been trying to prove some relation to him.  In a what turned out to be a perplexing twist, Leander proclaimed that he had now only ten minutes to make it to the Headmistress’s office for a very important appointment, the ghost had responded with some consternation before disappearing, “Well, that, my boy, is at least a fifteen minute distance even if you were to run.”

Before entering, the hurried dash to Ivanova’s office (thankfully where he had remembered it) had been enough to remove the scowl from his brow, but insufficient time to determine an explanation for the Headmistress as to why in fact he was late. Having exhausted all his excuses with the ghost, he simply ran his hand through his hair at her censorious remark and hoped he did not look like a scolded schoolboy.

Straightening his shoulders, he bowed slightly in acknowledgement, “Yes, I’m deeply sorry, Headmistress Ma'am. I was overcome by nostalgia this last half hour, I am very honored to be invited back. May I still come in?”

It wasn’t quite the truth, however, he felt the truth would have felt too much like a lie. 

look at where his eyes are
