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Archived Applications / Diana Sutton
« on: 08/12/2011 at 20:31 »
Name: Diana Sutton

House Request: Slytherin.

Diana would make a real Slytherin with her ambitious and cunning behaviour. She always knows what she wants and is not afraid to do whatever it takes in order to achieve it. There is also a constant need to be the best and to stand out. Diana doesn't talk much and doesn't easily open up to people – quite on the contrary, the first impression of her is that she's rude and arrogant, however, that isn't necessarily true. She is not too fond of people who like to draw attention on themselves or people who are too loud and noticable. She may have a lot of aquaitances, but she carefully chooses her friends and usually ends up having one two or three really close ones. Once she does make friends with someone, Diana is loyal and protective of them, and would crush anyone who dares to hurt them. However, she is ready to do the same to those who disappoint her.

Year: Either 4th or 5th.

Bloodline: Pureblood.

Magical Strength (pick one): Charms

Magical Weakness (pick one): Divination

Biography: Diana Brigitte Sutton was born to British parents on October 24th, in Lyon, France, as an only child in the family. She lived with her pureblood parents in an almost idyllic conditions, surrounded by love, comfort and of course – magic. Diana was aware of her abilities ever since she was a little girl – she used to spend a lot of time in the nature with her father, who was a big fan of Quidditch and played it during his school days. He was the first one to introduce her to that sport, and Diana remembers spending sunny summer days with him, just watching him fly around and listening to his stories. The girl was immensely impressed by what her father used to tell her and as the time went by, her interest in Quidditch started to grow more and more. Diana also loved spending time with her mother, who used to tell interesting stories about dragons and Veelas, or would spend time with her in the kitchen, teaching the little girl how to prepare various types of cookies, especially around Christmas time.

The family also loved to travel. Diana clearly remembers her first trip abroad – they went to Portugal for a few days, as her father Ian – who worked for the Ministry – had to go on a business trip and decided to take his wife and daughter along. Diana was thrilled by the sight and the smell of the ocean, and was excited and eager to learn more about other people and cultures.

Their journeys didn't stop there. Spain, Greece, Malta, and of course, various parts of France and England were also the places Diana visited already as a 10 year-old child. However, none of those locations could compare to the most wonderful, amazing city she ever went into – Moscow. Just a year before she started her education, Diana spent 5 days in the capital of Russia and loved absolutely everything about it. The architecture, the culture, the language.. Oh, the language! It was one of the most interesting languages she ever heard, and her love for Russian just grew from that day on.

However, their journeys had to be put on a break once she celebrated her 11th birthday. Diana was absolutely thrilled when her parents, Nerine and Ian, decided to send her Beauxbatons, one of the most famous schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Europe.

Already on her 1st year it was obvious Diana was really interested and eager to learn and experience new things. She always did her best in classes and was involved in many activities that the school organised. Diana made friends there, but her somewhat unpredictable temper sometimes made it hard for other people to understand her. She never talked much and preferred to spend time either alone, or in the company of two close friends.

Diana's first schooling years went surprisingly well and just when she got used to the whole system and the people in Beauxbatons, her parents decided it was the time to return back to England.

Even though Diana was a bit surprised and nervous over their decission, it didn't bother her that much – she's been to England before and was actually quite curious what would the new school be like in comparison to Beauxbatons. So when the time arrived, the Suttons packed their suitcases and already 14 year-old girl soon found herself in the British capital, preparing for Hogwarts.


Personality: Diana Sutton's temper often gave her parents a headache. A very few people knew what was really going on inside that girl's mind – she wasn't garrolous and it took some time before she felt she could open up to someone. She's witty and intelligent, and likes to observe people and situations around her before she opens her mouth. Diana carefully chooses her friends – with time she learned that not everyone could be trusted and it would be better to keep some things to herself before she really got to know someone. People who talk much, but say little bore her. Diana also gets easily annoyed by people who are too loud and in-your-face. She's often sarcastic and can basically approach any problem or situation with an ironic attitude. She's got good self-esteem and knows what her qualities are, and is not afraid to stand up for herself. Diana is ambitious, a hard-worker, but doesn't deal too well with failure.

Once Diana makes friends with someone, she creates a bond that cannot be easily broken, unless that person disappoints her or mistreats her in any way. She's protective of her friends and may react in an unpredictable way if they are hurt by someone else. It can be said that's also one of her flaws – when she's attached to someone, she's attached fully and completely and gives all of herself to that person. Diana's jealousy may also cause her some problems – she protects what's hers and is terribly afraid of losing people she loves. When she's in a bad mood or amused by someone's behaviour, she may even start to provoke and tease, just to see how will the person react to her words.

She adores reading and taking long walks in the nature. Weather plays a huge role when it comes to Diana's mood – she prefers rain and snow to sunny and warm weather. However, she loves to watch sunsets and go out once the sun disappears from the horizon. Night is Diana's time, when she functions best, and could often be seen doing homework and studying while everyone else is asleep.

Appearance: Shoulder-lenght, dark brown hair and piercing brown eyes are the first thing people notice on Diana. She's slim and fairly tall for her age. Her dark eyebrows against a pale face make her seem somewhat serious. Her fingers are thin and long, and her nails are always painted some dark colour, like black or dark red.

You come across one of these three posts on the site. Please reply to one only as your character would.
*** Remember, you can only roleplay your own character's actions, not James' or Astrid's.

Option I:

Blimey, the Great Hall was packed. It seemed like everywhere a guy looked there was some clown waving around a House banner or yelling about the game.

'Can you believe it?' 'No way!' 'This must be the biggest upset in Hogwarts Quidditch history...'

Stupid Quidditch.

James flopped into an empty seat at the end of the table, shoved an empty plate out of the way, and let his head sink onto his crossed arms, squishing his freckled nose down flat against the tabletop. He wasn't sure why he'd even bothered to come here, since he definitely wasn't hungry. He'd probably never eat again, in fact. He didn'tdeserve to eat. He hadn't stopped in the locker room to change out of his muddy, sweaty uniform after the game either, because he was pretty sure he probably didn't deserve to be clean too; and anyway he couldn't stand to see the looks on his team mates' faces after he blew their chance at winning one of the biggest games they had ever played.

Just one lousy shot. That's all it would have taken. If he could have just got that one stupid foul shot to go through that one stupid hoop, they could have won and he wouldn't have been the biggest blockhead in the entire school.

As if to prove the point, half the people at the next table suddenly broke into a loud victory chant. James pressed his face further into his arms to hide the bright red blotches he could feel creeping up his cheeks. That was it. He was just going to have to run away and move to Nova Scotia. He'd just cost the three-year-in-a-row Champions the Quidditch Cup! How do you ever live that one down for crying out loud? He was only a second year and he was going to spend the rest of his life as 'that dumb cry-baby kid who dropped the Quaffle!'

It felt like every set of eyes in the room was boring into him, and James couldn't stand it anymore. He jerked himself back up from the table and stomped right back out of the Hall the same way he had come in. As he stormed into the quieter hallway outside, he could hear footsteps somewhere behind him. James rounded on the sound and began to shout, his brown eyes shining with tears. "WHAT! Haven't you ever seen a loser before? Why don't you just take a picture!"

Sample Roleplay Response:

Diana was strolling around the Hogwarts corridors after having watched the Quidditch game everyone so eagerly awaited for a long time. The end was quite surprising and exciting, as the Chaser of one of the teams dropped the Quaffle just a second before the end, when he had the chance to score and bring victory to his team. The disappointment among them was immense – Diana could see it even from her seat which wasn't so close to the centre of the field.

She was just about to return to her common room when she saw a boy in Quidditch robes roaming around the corridors as well. Frowning slightly, Diana smirked to herself as she realised the person she just bumped into was no one else but the exact same chaser who failed to score for victory. She smirked once again and decided to have a few words with him – she didn't think it would do too much harm – after all, it was just one match and next year his team also had the chances to win.

„Trying to cool down after the game, eh?“ Diana spoke up as she approached James and leaned against the wall. Her eyebrows were raised high as she spotted the tears on the boy's cheeks and burst into laughter when he shouted towards her. „Now now, I'm sure next year you'll be more successful and manage to make up for that horrendous mistake you made today – if they even keep you in the team, that is,“ she laughed provokingly and continued to observe the boy and his reactions.

Optional: If you are new to our site, please let us know how you found us.  (Ex: web search, advertisement, recommended by a site member, etc.)
- Google! ^^

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