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Archived Applications / Daisy Stewart
« on: 23/08/2013 at 07:03 »

Application for Hogwarts School

Daisy Ellen Stewart

May 1

Dover, England


Magical Strength (pick one):

Magical Weakness (pick one):

Year (pick two):
fifth or sixth

Daisy Ellen Stewart was born into the typical middle class family. Daisy grew up in a normal household or at least she thought so. Having three older sisters proved to be an active household to say the lease. When Daisy noticed that something wasn't right, that she seemed to be just ever so slightly different from the rest of the family had come around the age ten. Whenever she felt stressed it was like electricity shot through her body, that the pencil she was about to pick up snapped in half or the mirror she looked into shattered without being touched. Yes it was seven years bad luck and yes Daisy believed in that silly superstition; so when it occurred she'd start to cry and her mother came into the room and asked why the mirror broke again for the third time?

The pieces fell together once Daisy received her letter to Hogwarts. Daisy at first was in disbelief and thought her older sister Lilith had played a joke on her. Witches and wizards were meant for fairy tails right? As she through the first one out another came and another till Daisy actually accepted what was going on. So one late night as she looked the letter over again, Daisy sighed and got out of bed. Waking her mother she tried to explain what it meant and how she was really a witch. Of course her mother dismissed her young daughter and shooed her off to bed.

Over the summer Daisy tried to get her parents to believe her, that the weird things that happened around her were real but once again she was being dismissed. It wasn't till late august her distant uncle George paid them a visit. Uncle George always was around for family events but he never talked to anyone so it surprised Daisy he came around. He explained to her parents what was going on and how their precious little girl was actually a magical being. At first they tried to make heads and tails over what was going on, that their bright and cheery little girl was actually something more. They allowed her to travel with her uncle to gather supplies for school. It opened Daisy's eyes to a whole new world she never knew of.

As she went to Hogwarts Daisy loved it. The wondrous world of magic was more than anything she could have imagined. She was doing more than trick card tricks, she learned new spells and how to use her new found ability. Daisy seemed to get along with her housemates and her professors. Her grades were less than desirable but she always managed to squeeze by every time. It had not been for a lack of trying, no Daisy never had been the most studious student.

After her second year daisy noticed a significant difference in the way they acted towards her. She'd write them letters about her time at Hogwarts and how she missed them terribly but the letters weren't coming back to her as quickly as she wrote them. Her father became distant as her mother wanted to talk about anything other than magic. Just before she was going back to school for her third year, her mother stopped her from going into the portal to the train. She looked Daisy in the eye and asked her if she really wanted to be a witch, maybe this was all silly and perhaps Daisy could just give it all up and grow up as a normal girl.

Shaken from what her mother said Daisy, she turned around and headed towards the train. Slightly distraught by the turn of events Daisy had a harder year compared to the previous ones. Her parents ignored her letters and her sister Rose was the only one that wrote back. Her uncle arranged for her to spend the Christmas holidays with him after she told him what was happening. For once in the past three years Daisy wasn't isolated and felt at home. So as the year finished her uncle arranged for Daisy to live with him ever since. A nagging feeling was always at the back of her mind, had this been the reason her family acted towards her uncle? Was she prepared for that fate as well? Daisy learned to push that thought away and kept them to herself.

Everything changed though when new years eve passed and instead of proceeding into the new year they seemed to go back in time. Like most students Daisy had no recollection that they traveled back in time. Her uncle seemed like the only close family she had. Daisy remembered another group of people she grew up with, having a mother and father for sure but at that moment she felt like they were estranged and Daisy seemed to be aloof to that fact they weren't around. She was lucky at least she had her uncle with her to take care of her.

As the new term started her uncle had given Daisy a journal as a present. To be honest Daisy had not been too impressed with the gift but as she was boarded the train she instantly begun to write. Perhaps it was good to keep a record of what went around her and how it affected the young blonde. She liked the little inscription George had wrote on the back of the cover. 'It's what we leave behind that is a reminder of who we are and going to be.'

Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.

House Request:

Daisy is as cheerful as her name sounds. She loves to be around people constantly and being in a good mood. It just seems to be her nature to be that way. A smile is constantly on her face even when she is sad or mad, she doesn't want people to see her that way. All Daisy wants is for others to be happy and would place their feelings before her's. The one thing she would never want to do is bother people with her problems and keeps them bottled up inside her. The best word to describe her would be an air head. Daisy was usually a mediocre student with grades to just get by. Her studying skills are near to zero but she always felt like she wasn't made to be a Ravenclaw that's for sure. The added fact that she is forgetful hasn't helped any matters.

She has always been innocent and naive to the world. There still is more for her to learn about the magical side of her life but there is still things she has to learn about herself from her other side. The world is still full of sunshine and rainbows to Daisy and she'd easily trust anyone and thing she heard. Daisy would cower away from conflict, she would try to diffuse the situation but most likely end up crying as a way out of enduring anymore of the situation. If there is one thing that she hates most it is a dirty mess or room. Daisy can be very domestic, something she got from her mother from a young age.

Daisy has long blonde hair that she usually keeps down unless its a damp or cold day. Her hair becomes very frizzy so she would it up in a braid or a bun. She is average height and weight for her age but never really noticed any change in her body shape. Her skin is very pale but not to the point of looking sickly. Plus there are faint freckles on her face and arms but you would have to be up really close to see them. Daisy has dull blue eyes and a slight baby face as well.

Daisy left the owl tower after she had sent a letter to her uncle. Daisy for once had a hard time trying to convey what she wanted to say, like it had been stuck in no man's land instead of traveling from her mind to the paper. Sometimes it had been hard living without a mother figure or a sister or some kind of female influence in her life. She couldn't talk to him about boys or girl problems, that'd be to obscene from a young lady like herself. Sometimes she wondered why her uncle never married anyone, it wasn't like he was too old or not good looking; Daisy supposed that it wasn't her business anyway.

She sighed as she walked back towards her dormitory. Daisy needed her friend Alexandra and hoped she'd find her back in their room. Alexandra always seemed to be able to pick her up when she was down. Plus her friend was the only one that could tell how Daisy really felt and called her out on it every time.

Looking down at the letter she wallowed in her sorrows in private. Luckily for Daisy the halls were empty and she had peace and mind or at least she thought so till she heard a voice call from behind her. Daisy turned around obediently and she instantly noticed the infamous Astrid Bixby. Daisy inwardly sighed but smiles as the girl approached her. Daisy wasn't about to ignore someone but she wasn't in the mood to deal with Astrid. "Hello" She greeted Astrid or well tried to before the girl jumped at asking her about frog legs. Daisy was slightly bewildered by the journalist that it took her a moment to process an answer.

"I...umm" she babbled on tongue tied. Daisy was not one to be asked on the spot questions she needed time to think first. "I never tried them before." Finally she was able to answer the girl but it had no real point to how she felt about them serving them to the students. Daisy' second thought was she never thought that people would actually eat them! "You mean people really eat them? Those poor legless frogs!" Again it took a moment for Daisy to process the absurdity to her response and it showed as she blushed.

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