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Author Topic: Ignis Fides Rivers  (Read 1001 times)

Ignis Fides Rivers

    (01/04/2012 at 10:04)
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Name: Ignis Fides Rivers.
She’s not fond on nicknames nor her first name, so she prefers to be called Fides.
(I’ve already tried to change my name from “Ignis” to “Ignis Fides Rivers”, but I have no idea how)

Former Character's Name (if you had one): None.

House Request:I leave that to the sorting hat.

Year:  second-third
Type in your two year choices here.
*** Due to other applicants, we may not be able to fulfill your request but will try to keep you in the general age group.


Magical Strength (pick one):

Magical Weakness (pick one):

My suitcase was fully packed when I drew it upstairs. I can assure you that there are too many stairs in this new home. I finally found my bedroom in this new and strange house. I kicked against the clamping door and let myself in.
It was dusty in the old room and it smelled like rain. I liked the rain, but there had to be prepared a giant fire afterwards, I got cold very quickly. There was no fire in here.
But the place didn’t hide this true identity and was nothing less and nothing more than meets the eye. I admire honesty and true beauty, in people too.
I dropped my suitcase on my bed and saw the dust whirl around it. In the suitcase where some clothes, my spell and philosophy books and some old pictures of back home.
Me and my father, me and my mother, me and my…
I mustn’t think about the past, I thought as I felt some tears coming up in my brown eyes –much like my father’s. He used to call me Hazel eyes when I was younger. Now, they were at the bottom of the ocean. Alone, cold and forgotten, in the ruins of a ship that once slit the water like a knife. They were gone now –and they left me all by myself. All right, not all by myself, there appeared to be some relatives in a (for me) foreign country, so I had to move from Holland. Across the same ocean –so you can imagine that was my first reason why I didn’t want to move.
And the second reason? Oh, did I mention I had to go to a boarding school in this foreign country? If there is one thing I don’t like, it is a boarding school. I don’t like people forcing me to do something. And I feel trapped inside places I can’t get out. I want some space, different people around me every day of the year, the eastern wind in my long brown wavy hair. And of course some paper and ink, for I must write. No dairies, not something girl-like like a diary, but everything that comes to mind.
I thought they would have all the ink and paper I wanted, but not the space to run around.
The letter came a day after my arrival, I must have fumbled it and thrown in a corner. I don’t want to look at it again, I don’t want to go to the so-called place of Hogwarts. But I had to.
I wiped my long brown hair out of my eyes and looked in the cracked mirror across the room. I didn’t notice it until just now. I looked at myself, sitting on the edge of a strange bed. My hair was a curly mess and my clothes were plain simple and a bit smudgy from a day’s travel. I was skinny and tall, and people referred to me as a pretty girl. That wasn’t exactly what I thought about myself.
I got up, and turned the mirror around so I would no longer see my reflection.


Option I:

Blimey, the Great Hall was packed. It seemed like everywhere a guy looked there was some clown waving around a House banner or yelling about the game.

'Can you believe it?' 'No way!' 'This must be the biggest upset in Hogwarts Quidditch history...'

Stupid Quidditch.

James flopped into an empty seat at the end of the table, shoved an empty plate out of the way, and let his head sink onto his crossed arms, squishing his freckled nose down flat against the tabletop. He wasn't sure why he'd even bothered to come here, since he definitely wasn't hungry. He'd probably never eat again, in fact. He didn't deserve to eat. He hadn't stopped in the locker room to change out of his muddy, sweaty uniform after the game either, because he was pretty sure he probably didn't deserve to be clean too; and anyway he couldn't stand to see the looks on his team mates' faces after he blew their chance at winning one of the biggest games they had ever played.

Just one lousy shot. That's all it would have taken. If he could have just got that one stupid foul shot to go through that one stupid hoop, they could have won and he wouldn't have been the biggest blockhead in the entire school.

As if to prove the point, half the people at the next table suddenly broke into a loud victory chant. James pressed his face further into his arms to hide the bright red blotches he could feel creeping up his cheeks. That was it. He was just going to have to run away and move to Nova Scotia. He'd just cost the three-year-in-a-row Champions the Quidditch Cup! How do you ever live that one down for crying out loud? He was only a second year and he was going to spend the rest of his life as 'that dumb cry-baby kid who dropped the Quaffle!'

It felt like every set of eyes in the room was boring into him, and James couldn't stand it anymore. He jerked himself back up from the table and stomped right back out of the Hall the same way he had come in. As he stormed into the quieter hallway outside, he could hear footsteps somewhere behind him. James rounded on the sound and began to shout, his brown eyes shining with tears. "WHAT! Haven't you ever seen a loser before? Why don't you just take a picture!"

Sample Roleplay Response: I was shocked at what he yelled at me, but I wasn’t a person who would give up so easily.
I had seen him playing the game and I thought that his action was the only thing that actually was interesting about the whole game. I found Quidditch a stupid game. But as he had sat there, I saw that he probably didn’t think the same about it.
‘Do you want me to take a picture of you?’ I asked him, a bit to snappy. It made him turn around to walk away from me, but I grasped his arm. ‘Sorry, didn’t mean it that way. I just wanted to say I thought you were the guy that made the game interesting. You have to take it lightly, fellow. It’s not the end of the world.’ I smiled as he smiled back.

Optional: some social media I use was talking about it, so I thought: ‘why not take a look? Sounds fun,’

Phineas Malthus

    (01/04/2012 at 13:33)
  • Gryffindor House Ghost
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Hi Ignis! Thank you for your application. You have a great start here, but we need a few things from you:

  • Submit a Help Ticket (found in the navigation links at the top of the page) to change your user name to your character's full name. Got this. -Esme
  • Right now, your role play response is in first person. We use third person past tense on our site, so posts should read like this: "Ignis was in the Great Hall," "Ignis walked to her table," etc.
  • You cannot control the actions of James or other characters, as they may belong to other players.

Please make these edits to your application for further consideration. Let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you!

- Phin
« Last Edit: 01/04/2012 at 14:28 by Esme Faracy »

Ignis Fides Rivers

    (01/04/2012 at 19:01)
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Oops, I'm sorry. I've changed it right away;

Sample Roleplay Response: Ignis was shocked at what he yelled at her, but she wasn’t a person who would give up so easily.
She had seen him playing the game and she thought that his action was the only thing that actually was interesting about the whole game. She found Quidditch a stupid game. But as he had sat there, she saw that he probably didn’t think the same about it.
‘Do you want me to take a picture of you?’ Ignis asked him, a bit to snappy. She had come to cheer him up, not to be yelled at. But soon, she felt regret that she had been so snappy.
Ignis thought he looked pretty miserable and eager to be alone and so she said: ‘I’m sorry, I can see you have enough to think about. I’ll go. But hey, if you need someone to talk to, I’m here.’ As she walked off to leave him in peace.

Hope this is ok.

Phineas Malthus

    (01/04/2012 at 19:06)
  • Gryffindor House Ghost
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Congratulations! Your application to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has been accepted.

Term begins 01 May. Currently, students have gathered at the Summer Campus. Your admission is joint for both the school and the summer campus, and we encourage you to spend your summer there. Should you choose, you may also visit our Elsewhere board via the Floo Network to visit or purchase school supplies. We look forward to seeing you at the Castle.


Gryffindor House Ghost
