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Author Topic: ✗ Whispers & Warnings || Currently hiring!  (Read 387 times)

Geryon Crowley

    (11/12/2012 at 12:36)
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  • Owner of Crow's Creatures
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Whispers & Warnings

News, rumours and misc plot opportunities

« Last Edit: 04/25/2021 at 12:52 by Geryon Crowley »

Geryon Crowley

    (04/25/2021 at 12:52)
  • *
  • Owner of Crow's Creatures
  • C22D12T26S12
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OOC: Crow is in need of help around the shop.

He will not openly advertise to hire, so you would either have heard about it through rumours or simply come looking for a job on your own account.

Anyone can apply, but to be hired one would have to be of at least 15 years of age and seem willing to stay out of Crow's way, do as they're told and be better with people than he is.

What he'd have assistants do is tend to the shop, customers and creatures.

I would like to thread out an interview to establish a bit of background for their relation.

If you're interested, please contact me on PM or through Discord (JulieWilhelmine#5720)!

There’s nothing like a trail of blood
to find your way back home
