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Batterstorm Warning (Master Keller)
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Topic: Batterstorm Warning (Master Keller) (Read 94 times)
Imogen M Renard
(01/13/2025 at 20:16)
Auror - Patrol & Guard Taskforce
Start of September 1973
9:35 am
She was due to leave on a patrol in about half-hour. It was rather tedious work but someone had to do it. Besides, Imogen had helped quite a few people since her start as a patrolwoman years earlier. What was it now ... 8? She was already quite experienced at her work in the Auror Department. What she wasn't still experienced at was finding her Grams when she was in the Ministry.
The red-head had already been over to Level 10, but no sign of the family matriarch. Thankfully, Imogen was walking rather quickly, otherwise she would've wasted a lot of time to go up and down the Ministry of Magic levels. It was sort of a good exercise too. Maybe she should've gone for more exercise and had taken the stairs Actually, were there even stairs, in case the twenty-or-so lifts would all break down at once? The only stairs she did know about for sure were the ones leading to Level 10.
She was on her way at this point to Wizengamot Administration Services, the last place where she could find Grams for sure. Otherwise, she could be anywhere in the building. It was quite a bit of walking and lift riding for a quick 'good morning' and 'have an awesome day', but Imogen did not mind it. However, there was someone else in the door when she reached her destination. Some imposing gentleman, definitely older than herself. Imogen did not want to intrude too much, knowing that the people inside were most likely busy, so she just threw a quick question, after popping her head in.
"One quick moment, Sir. Sorry. Just one question."
Then towards the people in the office:
"Good morning ... Have you by any chance seen my grandmother?"
"Mornin' ... No, Miss Renard. We haven't."
Bummer. Well, tough luck then.
"That's OK. Thank you anyway. Have a good day."
Then back to the imposing older man in the door.
"Terribly sorry for the intrusion, Sir. Hope I did not disturb too much."
Keller Myles Battersea
(01/14/2025 at 02:33)
Head of Family + Wizengamot Member + Scholar
He looked as though he had stepped cleanly out of the Edwardian Era without so much as a single thread out of place. Some might have regarded it as a little odd, but on him, it looked like the most natural thing in the world. The shoes were polished to a mirror sheen and perfectly matched pants and jacket were crisp and properly fitted. The black silken puff tie was pinned properly in place and the deep blue vest he wore with its intricate patterning had a watch located in his right breast pocket. One might suppose he could have added a bit more color—his wife suggested it—but he was on business, not going to a party.
It was his Grandfather’s will that he be there. When asked of his father, the man said his duties as an Auror kept him busy. That was a confusing answer, considering Peter Finnegan Battersea had moved onto, as he understood, something akin to Private Investigation. Keller was unaware that such divisions existed, or maybe more to the point that he ignored them somewhat. Despite a few factors—namely his grandmother as a former Auror and his father still active—The Department of Magical Law Enforcement held little appeal for him. Despite thirty-five years of being put through the wringer by his grandmother—time he wouldn’t have traded doing anything else—Keller Myles Battersea was a scholar and a scholar he would always be.
However, if this was Grandfather’s wishes, then he would acquiesce. Likely the old wizard had something up his sleeve, but he would waive it aside for now. After reading over everything, Keller realized there was at least one thing off, but he’d let it pass. The records appear to indicate that Grandmother had served for eighty years. Someone neglected to add the other fifteen but was alright. Everything else had looked correct; he saw no reason to argue with one little thing.
"One quick moment, Sir. Sorry. Just one question. Good morning ... Have you by any chance seen my grandmother?"
"Mornin' ... No, Miss Renard. We haven't."
Keller had moved out of the way without issue for the young lady. She had business that needed to be attended to and that was fine. It was the last name that caused him to quirk a brow in interest. Twin orbs of deep blue turned, beholding her within his anachronistic gaze, and tilted his head.
“You did not disturb,” Came a courteous voice with lingering undertones of an Irish accent. “Forgive me, but you said you were looking for… Renard? Em… former… Professor Renard?”
If you hate something thoroughly without knowing why, you can be sure there is something of it in your own nature. -- Friedrich Hebbel
Imogen M Renard
(01/14/2025 at 20:05)
Auror - Patrol & Guard Taskforce
The gentleman seemed to be looking curious at her. Imogen wasn't sure why, but it wasn't much of a bother to her. Perhaps he would voice curiosity, perhaps not. That was not really her problem. She was actually getting ready to continue walking towards the Auror Department to gather her things and get ready to head out on patrol. Except his curiosity did get voiced ... in a rather peculiar accent too.
What was that accent? It did seem familiar, but she couldn't quite place it. Anyway, he was curious about 'former Professor Renard'. Well ... about that.
"I am guessing you are asking about Grams. Since Mom was also a professor, but my question was not about her."
Perhaps she should stop that, before things would get thoroughly confusing for both herself and the gentleman. Who was he anyway?
"Anyway, sorry ... Yeah. I am guessing you know her."
His face was not familiar whatsoever from anywhere. That was a good thing too, since that meant he was not a wanted criminal. She had a pretty good memory of faces and she had checked the Wanted list a few days earlier. Oh ... Wow. Um ... This was not her morning, was it?
"I truly am sorry, it seems I am not on my game this morning. I am Imogen Renard. And who might you be, Sir?"
Let the identity of the gentleman before her be revealed.
Hopefully she had not made a complete fool of herself in front of a very important individual.
Last Edit: 01/14/2025 at 20:07 by Imogen M Renard
Keller Myles Battersea
(01/15/2025 at 04:45)
Head of Family + Wizengamot Member + Scholar
“Of your grandmother… Chantal Renard,” Keller answered, the lilt in his voice fading entirely as he spoke her name with a respectable French accent. The fact that he had family in France definitely helped in that regard. “Though I do confess that I remember your mother, Gabrielle. I believe I may recall teaching her when Hogwarts offered Dense Against the Dark Arts.” He furrowed his brow. “Or… that may have been my own Grandmother. It’s been a couple of years.”
As she continued speaking, he nodded in kind, remaining polite and patiently quiet. After all, it would have been rude to interrupt, and he was taught much better than that. Meanwhile, he studied her mannerisms. There was something he felt that was vaguely familiar, to them, possibly relating to her line of work. She was obviously not an Unspeakable, nor worked at Saint Mungo’s, perhaps her line of work was something more militant…
"I truly am sorry, it seems I am not on my game this morning. I am Imogen Renard. And who might you be, Sir?"
“My apologies, Miss Renard, where are my manners…” The rich, subtle undertones of that Irish lilt returned. “I am Keller Myles Battersea, Member of the Wizengamot and Master Scholar of the Battersea Family.” He thought a moment. It wasn’t a title he liked using, there was nothing to be gained by it, but within his family, it was a title well-earned.
If you hate something thoroughly without knowing why, you can be sure there is something of it in your own nature. -- Friedrich Hebbel
Imogen M Renard
(01/15/2025 at 14:35)
Auror - Patrol & Guard Taskforce
Well, she was grandmother not by blood. Just by ... circumstances. But she could've just very well been actual family. This was particularly based on how Grams had helped her while being blind. But also all the other instances when the older woman had given her unconditional support to Imogen. Grams could be quite fierce when needed to be. But also the kindest person the red-head would meet the very next second.
Battersea. Yeah, she knew that family name. From various stories from either Grams or Mom. They were supposed to be quite the family. Grams had particularly spoken about the family matriarch in a very appreciative manner. Etain Battersea was supposed to be this Super Storm Witch that could cause a hurricane in the area just by sneezing. There was probably some truth to the stories, even if some seemed far-fetched. These stories were from a period far in time ... 30-40 years, maybe?
And now, a member of this esteemed family was talking to her. Wasn't he the matriarch's son or something? Imogen couldn't remember exactly.
Member of the Wizengamot.
OH ... so he was head of the family now. Wow, OK.
"Master Battersea, it's an honor. My grandmother and my mother spoke very highly of your family. Yes, I believe you taught my mother years ago."
Now she felt kinda dumb for interrupting whatever he had been doing earlier in that office.
"I'm just ... a patrolwoman. Auror, Magical Law Enforcement Department. Anything I can do to help?"
Keller Myles Battersea
(01/17/2025 at 23:04)
Head of Family + Wizengamot Member + Scholar
Master Battersea, it's an honor. My grandmother and my mother spoke very highly of your family. Yes, I believe you taught my mother years ago."
Keller had his own amusing memories of Etain Momhár Battersea lore. It was said that she kept the ashes of problem students in a jar on her desk. With as many students that came by her office weekly none dared to look for fear that they would be next. Therefore, the amount of disappointment—or relief—that there must have been when it was revealed to be a cookie must have given the woman quite a chuckle. The lore followed her to Battersea Castle with squirrel plushies that randomly appeared in her office. Grandmother made it seem as though it was the most normal thing in the world.
As he remembered there was even lore that sprang up around him. After a certain Unforgiveable has been attempted and—thankfully—stopped, there was a brief period where he had been given a wide berth. Though perhaps the more interesting lore was that some students thought he could shape change. Keller wasn’t sure how that one came about, but he suspected it was sometime after the lesson on Boggarts.
“I recall your mother doing quite well…” He scratched his chin a moment. “As a matter of fact, she was at the top of her class…”
"I'm just ... a patrolwoman. Auror, Magical Law Enforcement Department. Anything I can do to help?"
“An Auror,” A proverbial light went off in his head, explaining a few things. “My grandmother was one, though… there’s a bit of a story about that one. And my father… I think he’s doing private investigations now.” The older man scratched his chin in thought. “I think I should be fine for now, though, is there anything you might need?”
If you hate something thoroughly without knowing why, you can be sure there is something of it in your own nature. -- Friedrich Hebbel
Imogen M Renard
(01/21/2025 at 10:05)
Auror - Patrol & Guard Taskforce
“As a matter of fact, she was at the top of her class…”
Something that was not mentioned in their conversations. Then again, Imogen didn't remember asking such a question. Gabby hadn't shared it willingly either. This had more importance, coming from the man who had actually done the teaching. The red-head smiled small, before shaking her head.
"Well, I hope I didn't disappoint either. But someone else needs to say that one."
A few someone elses ... her professors.
“My grandmother was one, though… there’s a bit of a story about that one. And my father… I think he’s doing private investigations now.”
She'd heard quite a bit of stories about Madame Battersea. No doubt there were at least as many out there, if not double that. It seemed that Law Enforcement ran in the family. But not for the man standing before her. Even though he had taught Defense Against Dark Arts. Most curious. But perhaps it was a voluntary choice, for one reason or another. Not really warranting a question.
“I think I should be fine for now, though, is there anything you might need?”
Well, she had only really wanted to find Grams. But, since she wasn't here ...
"Only if you will allow me to tag along for a while longer, until I have to head out on my patrol? If I am not a bother, of course."
It was a rare thing to come across someone from Gabby's and Grams' old stories, plus he seemed like a good-natured man, like the stories described him. Maybe find a way for a reunion of sorts ... Had Grams seen Madame Battersea lately? Unknown.
Keller Myles Battersea
(02/07/2025 at 01:46)
Head of Family + Wizengamot Member + Scholar
"Well, I hope I didn't disappoint either. But someone else needs to say that one."
“We all had our moments in our formative years,” Keller answered with a soft chuckle. “I’m sure your family is highly proud of you—you went into Magical Law Enforcement and became an Auror. That is a noble venture in and of itself.” His eyes seemed to twinkle. “To stop those who would do harm, to protect the weak and innocent, to uphold the ideals and principles upon which the institution was founded—not everything has to be dark and dreary.”
Keller considered his sons Killian and Alistair who made the unexpected decision to join Magical Law Enforcement once they had completed all their studies. The old scholar found their decision quite a surprise. Highly educated—they were Battersea—and hailed from an ancient and wealthy family. He felt that they could have done anything if they really wanted. But of all the paths they could have taken, they chose this. In the end, if that was what made them happy, then he was both happy for and proud of them.
"Only if you will allow me to tag along for a while longer until I have to head out on my patrol? If I am not a bother, of course.”
“I don’t see why not,” Keller decided, scratching his chin. “I’m sure there are plenty of things we can talk about before you have to head out. It should be fun!”
If you hate something thoroughly without knowing why, you can be sure there is something of it in your own nature. -- Friedrich Hebbel
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Batterstorm Warning (Master Keller)