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Author Topic: for the missus || elliots  (Read 60 times)

Elliot Ridgefield

    (01/02/2025 at 18:03)
  • Gryffindor '73
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Hey wife,

What stupid thing did Ivansko decide for this term?

Wait no let me guess, everyone has to wear green now because it's her favorite color. I'll bet two galleons on that

Ruth Elliot

    (01/03/2025 at 10:53)
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Hi hubbe hubie hubby,

She's to busy crying abot Vlad bein a creem puff roll to worry abot making everyone's lives mizrable. I don't think she even remembers the rest of us exist.

I wish we could re-sort him into Huflpuff every year just to keep her like this.

When are you coming to visit? No one else wants to take me on dates.

    I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
        &#x2740&#x2740Fire Away &#x2740&#x2740

Elliot Ridgefield

    (01/08/2025 at 17:25)
  • Gryffindor '73
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Hey rae of sunshine,

He got HUFFLEPUFF?! This is the best day of my life. Vlad Ivansko, a disappointment to his own mother. Bloody fantastic. I'll tell Dienne to create a magical video camera so it works at Hogwarts and you can film Vlad's yearly sorting back into Hufflepuff and Ivansko crying.

Tell me when the first Hogsmeade weekend is, I'll be right there. Also, who's not taking you out on dates? Give me names, I'll take care of it

Ruth Elliot

    (01/13/2025 at 10:12)
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If she realy does make the kcamera, can I use it for other things, to? Then I can show you all the cool stuf I see without having to rite them all down. He doesn't cry anymore, tho. I think he's starting to like bein a creem puff even if Ivankso still hates it.

I'll ask Billie about Hogsmeed then rite to you imedeetly so you can clear your skedrule for me.

As for the people, it's all of them, but expesialy Fox Amr Ambrose. You probably saw him around. Hufflpuff, third year--he says hi, by the way--anyway he's rite there folding papers into cute shaps insted of asking me out. Aren't I better than paper?--oh, he says I am, never mind. So then, why won't he take out me? Everyone here are amtu arma amatours.

    &#x2740Mm, she the devil &#x2740
