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Author Topic: sympathy | cordelia  (Read 59 times)

* Joseph McCormick

    (01/01/2025 at 22:31)
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won’t you come around?

28 august 1973, the eatery

Still brushing a bit of soot off his shirt, Joey stepped into Pot & Pantry. He was a little late—he’d been behind with starting his lunch break and then he Floo’d to Pop N’ Palmers and the employees were excited to greet him—but not egregiously so. He should still have plenty of time to eat and catch up.

Speaking of which, there she was!

“Cordie!” Joey waved and, smiling broadly, he made his way to the table she’d chosen. He’d missed her. They didn’t exchange letters quite as regularly as he did with some, perhaps because they hadn’t been at school together very long. But he quite liked her and was happy to hear from her. Recently, she’d sent a letter asking if he’d like to catch up over lunch sometime. Of course he agreed. He didn’t talk to people from Hogwarts nearly as much as he wanted. He’d been meaning to get back to it, and this was the perfect occasion.

“You’ve grown!” he exclaimed, as if it hadn’t been some time since he’d seen her. “Gosh, I can’t believe it’s been that long. How are you?! Have you already gotten something?” He’d only bought flowers here, not eaten—she suggested the place—but the menu looked okay.

don't look over your shoulder
let's get lost in the wild

* Cordelia Von Stein

    (01/02/2025 at 07:02)
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“Joey! You’re here!” Cordelia stood up to hug him, her hair a sunny golden hue that shifted to lavender streaks as she smiled. “Wasn't sure you'd show; I’m just happy to see you. It’s been far too long!”

She motioned to the chair across from her as she sat back down. “I went ahead and ordered a tuna sandwich from the deli—classic, right?—with a side of tuna skroodle. It’s this pasta salad thing, absolutely delicious if you like tuna. You’ve got to try some!”

She took a sip of her iced tea, her eyes softening. “So, tell me, how have you and your boyfriend been? Still ridiculously adorable together, I hope? And do you still have that cat? What was his name again... ”

Her expression darkened for a moment, her hair tinting faintly red. “I’ve had a bit of drama, to say the least. My awful grandfather, Reginald, tried to set me up with this dreadful boy named Horace. Can you believe it? Horace! He actually had the audacity to talk about claiming me like some kind of trophy. And if that wasn’t enough, Grandpa put a hit out on Aunt Aggie and Aunt Janice to force me to comply.”

She rolled her eyes, her hair flashing a fiery red streak. “It was horrid. But I managed to strike a tentative deal with him. He can parade me around the pureblood families like some prized possession, but only on my terms and as long as he leaves my aunts untouched. I feel like I’ve gained some control, but it’s definitely an uneasy alliance.”

The red softened back into lavender as a dreamy smile replaced her frown. “On a brighter note, I met this girl at camp—Katherine Dankworth. Kate. Joey, I think I’m in love with her. She’s incredible.” Her hair turned a soft pink as she spoke. “She just invited me to a ball at the Dankworth estate. I want to go, but I also want to make a good impression. I’m debating whether I should ask my grandfather for advice. It’s risky, but he does know how to navigate these social events.”

She leaned in, her eyes twinkling with excitement and nerves. “What do you think? Should I risk it with him, or just wing it on my own?”
books are mirrors:

books are mirrors:

   you only see in them what you already have inside you   

* Joseph McCormick

    (01/02/2025 at 21:51)
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Joey hugged Cordelia back, grinning as her hair shifted shades before his eyes. It was so neat that she could do that, although he wasn’t sure she did it consciously. Could she? That would be awesome. But he had to focus quickly, because it seemed there was room for only one of them to get sidetracked. Before he could get some food of his own, or even explain why he was late, Cordie was off and running. He settled into his seat and just listened while she rambled, eyes widening with each new topic. Bloody hell, what a set of events! It seemed like everything was always happening while people were at Hogwarts. Drama of all kinds, beyond petty teenage spats. He wondered why that was.

“Wow, Cordie, you’ve been busy!” He couldn’t resist a light laugh at the sheer avalanche of words. It reminded him of his younger self. He supposed she’d always done that, even when they were in school. “Okay, okay. Let me get something, then we’ll unpack all of this, yeah? I’ve been running behind all day and I’ve hardly eaten anything.” He smiled sheepishly. He loved food, but he also loved his work, and occasionally one was sacrificed for the other. Fortunately, the place wasn’t busy, and he made it quick. In no time, he was back with a glass of lemonade and a turkey sandwich. (He didn’t like tuna, but he saw no need to say so.)

“Alright, we’ll start with you.” He took a few bites and settled back in. “Bloody hell, your grandfather sounds mental. A hit?! For an arranged marriage? What on…” He shook his head, bewildered. “I don’t get purebloods, Cordie. It’s your world, I know, but I’m awful at knowing what makes a good impression. Can’t an arranged marriage—or was it a marriage? Either way, thank Merlin you got out.” He had way more experience with purebloods than he’d ever expected to, and most of them made no sense. The Undergroves seemed to be the rare exception when compared with figures like the Roses and the Von Steins. Business dealings, formal balls….he’d attended several with Atlas and nobody had liked that, including both of them.

But his lips twitched up at the mention of a crush. “Look at you! Upending pureblood expectations! Just like me, isn’t that funny? Can you credit me as a bad influence?” He winked. He was pretty sure Cordie’s uptight grandfather wouldn’t like that she liked a girl any more than he liked her aunts’ relationship, and that made it all the funnier. Atlas’ immediate family was fine with their relationship, but his extended family didn’t love it, and the pureblood community around them didn’t either. Joey found it ridiculously amusing, because they couldn’t do shit about it. And here was Cordie doing the same! It was wonderful. He’d never expected to veer left of heterosexuality, but now that he thoroughly had, he delighted in meeting others who did.

“These balls and things are important to her, then? Hmmm. I never had to worry about that ‘cause Atlas hates them. We’re doing great, by the way, we’ve got a house out in the countryside now. Roo’s still there, and we might get more animals. Hopefully. I’m working on it.” Joey grinned. “I think I’ve heard the name Dankworth, but I don’t know much about them. I reckon you’ve just got to dress fancy and act polite, yeah? Tell her parents how lovely everything is, but don’t greet them for too long. Something like that.” He shrugged. “I guess your grandfather probably would know more specifics, but I don’t know…I wouldn’t like talking to him, if I were you.” After threatening to get her aunts killed? That was ridiculous! Hardly worth it, in Joey’s opinion. But this seemed important to his friend, so perhaps he ought to keep it to himself.

He sipped his lemonade thoughtfully. “If you have to talk to him, I guess make it more about the event than her. He wants you to represent the family or whatever, right? Just act like you’re doing that so he respects you and your aunts. I reckon he’ll like that, and he’ll be none the wiser.” Although Joey knew only scattered fragments about the man, and none of them good. He really couldn’t say. Why Cordie would think he was a pureblood expert, he didn’t know. But she wanted to seek him out, so he’d try his best.

« Last Edit: 01/02/2025 at 21:55 by Joseph McCormick »

and truly in my youth i suffered much extremity for

* Cordelia Von Stein

    (01/02/2025 at 22:19)
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“Joey, you’re the best, you know that?” Cordelia said with a bright smile, her hair glowing a soft pink. “Thank you so much for the advice. I really needed to hear that, and honestly, you’re like the big brother I always wished I had. I hope it is ok to say that. The point is you make me feel so much more confident about all of this.”

She tapped her fingers on the table, thoughtful. “Kate hasn’t said much about balls specifically, so I’m not sure if she likes them or just tolerates them. But the fact that she invited me was such a surprise, and I want to make a good impression for her sake. She deserves that.” Her hair shifted to a hopeful green as she added, “I think I’ll take your advice and keep the focus on the event if I talk to my grandfather. Merlin knows I’d rather not make it about her—it’s none of his business.”

Switching gears, she leaned forward, her hair turning golden with excitement. “Now, tell me more about your job and the house you’ve got with Atlas! I can’t believe you’ve got a place in the countryside. What’s it like? And what kind of animals are you thinking of getting? Oh, please tell me you’ll get something magical! I’ve always dreamed of having a phoenix, but I’ve heard they have to choose you, and, well…I doubt I’d be that lucky.” She laughed, her eyes sparkling. “But a girl can dream, right?”

She pointed at his plate. “How’s the turkey sandwich, by the way? The deli here is amazing, so I hope you’re enjoying it!”

Her hair softened back to lavender as she added, “And seriously, Joey, I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’ve always been there when I needed someone, and I appreciate it more than I can say. It's been far too long, and I need to write you more. I've just been in my own stuff.... you know.” she said before stuffing a fork full of tuna skroodle into her mouth.
« Last Edit: 01/02/2025 at 22:22 by Cordelia Von Stein »
books are mirrors:

books are mirrors:

   you only see in them what you already have inside you   

* Joseph McCormick

    (01/02/2025 at 23:09)
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“Of course that’s okay!” Joey beamed. The fact that she thought that, even though they didn’t talk the most often, was so sweet. “Did you know I’m technically the big brother of my family? Only by three minutes, but still. I’ve got four younger siblings, I can certainly take on a few more.” Between her and Lydia, he really had.

Joey took a few bites of his sandwich as she spoke. He nodded along, charmed by Cordie’s affection for this unknown girl. It was weird to think about, but…it had been a while since he’d wanted to impress a crush so badly. He was ridiculously in love with Atlas, but he had long since learned that impressing him required no extra effort. Once, that hope for something requited, so tense it both sickened and delighted him, had dominated his life. It had been something like five years since. Unbelievable. There were times in life for everything, he supposed. It was kinda nice to see that what went around came around.

“Oh, yes! I was just promoted not long ago. I’m a full Magizoologist now! I’ve got my own office and everything.” He grinned with delight. No more sharing a room with all the trainees! It was glorious. “I specialize in field research. I’m hoping to expand our knowledge on the coexistence of magical and nonmagical creatures. My mentor helped organize a trip for the end of my training where we went to North America to see how jarveys and jackalopes interact with their nonmagical counterparts, and it was so intriguing. We observed that jarveys have noticeably different language based on location. In populated areas, you know they curse like mad, and that’s where they usually live. But there are some out in forests who have barely interacted with people, and their language is closer to the wild ferrets they interact with. Just a few words associated with hunters and hikers, sometimes just sounds. They’re not like that naturally, it really is their environment. It’s fascinating.” Joey’s grin was wide with the excitement of talking about this to someone outside his department. “And they’re perfectly natural with other ferrets. Jackalopes are with other rabbits. It’s no wonder, since their anatomies are so similar. But that’s true of wizards and Muggles too, and some purebloods can’t even get along with Muggleborn wizards. Why, if creatures get along so well? Do some not? I’m really looking forward to investigating with different ones.”

Joey took a deep breath and drank some lemonade. He really believed in this idea. It was something hardly anyone had bothered to study, and it could be beneficial to know if an injured and isolated magical creature could be socialized with more common creatures to help it recover. Not only that, but like he said, perhaps it could prompt an argument about interactions among wizards. If magical animals didn’t have disdain for nonmagical ones, what on earth was the logic behind people doing it?

But Cordie hadn’t just asked about his job. This was a topic he had equal enthusiasm for. “The place is lovely! That’s the tough part of field research. It’s so interesting, but it’s awful being away from Atlas and the house. It’s this beautiful cottage out in middle of nowhere England, kind of Tudor style, lots of open green space. His mum got me into gardening with nonmagical plants, so it’s beautiful right now. Even has a few magical herbs and things mixed in.” For the sake of having and observing them more than using them. He could make potions with some, though, and on occasion he did. He still liked to entertain the academic interests he hadn’t made into a career. “I’m not sure about animals. Maybe if I come across a magical pet who needs a home ‘cause their owner can’t control them? I do tests and licenses sometimes, usually with crups and kneazles. But occasionally there’s more interesting things. Once I had to wrangle a crup and he escaped and ran wild around the Ministry atrium!” He laughed at the memory. “But phoenixes aren’t pets, and they’re hardly ever companions. They prefer the mountainous wilds, and only occasionally choose to accompany accomplished wizards who prove themselves worthy and in need of their companionship. They refuse to be less than an equal. If you remember that and end up in a situation where it’s possible…” He shrugged and smiled. “You never know, right?”

“It’s good!” He held up the sandwich and took a big bite. “And hey, don’t worry about it. You’ve got a lot going on, it seems. Everybody does these days. But it’s more interesting than doing nothing!”
« Last Edit: 01/02/2025 at 23:11 by Joseph McCormick »

i'm sure there won't
always be sunshine
but there's this momentary beam of light