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Author Topic: in too deep | thieves  (Read 63 times)

* Theodora Jalson

    (01/01/2025 at 15:11)
  • Slytherin '70
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30th of July, 1973

The sound of crackling lightning emanated from her balcony, alerting her arrival after a long day of reading through dusty books. Throwing open the glass doors, Theo dropped her bag atop the coffee table, her hands pinned to either hip, as she looked down at the sight of Evangeline, best friend and roommate, laying upside down with a magazine in hand.

"Busy day?" She asked sarcastically before spinning around the low table and falling onto the couch beside her.
« Last Edit: 02/02/2025 at 19:06 by Theodora Jalson »

I'll Be

this time baby


* Evangeline Warwick

    (01/01/2025 at 20:02)
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She'd been productive, honest.

Another job rejection the prior day had just about took all desire to work out of her bones and so Evie had resigned herself to being a Trophy Roommate.

The dishes had been washed, dried and put away as well as their washing being separated and placed in their respective rooms.

It just so happened that Theo walked in on her break of reading.

"Optimistically so," Evie hummed in agreement before glancing to her roomie. "Did you know they're thinking that Bruce Lee's death is actually because of his removed sweat glands causing major heat stroke leading to brain damage rather than a reaction to that painkiller, Equa–whatever? Says so in here."

* Theodora Jalson

    (01/01/2025 at 22:25)
  • Slytherin '70
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"Bruce Lee? Bruce Lee..."

Repeating the name wasn't helping her remember who that was. To be fair, Evie had always had het finger on the pulse of society. Theo was as far removed as the ancient tomes she'd spent the entire day deciphering.

Instead, she tried to change the subject.

"I'm so exhausted," the redhead curled her knees up, sinking deeper into the couch.

"I'd draw myself a bath if I didn't think there was a good chance I'd drown."



* Evangeline Warwick

    (01/01/2025 at 23:15)
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Evie waved a hand, placing the magazine open on her chest whilst she properly looked at her friend.

“He’s this muggle actor, does fightin’ stuff. Me Da loves him, only way Mam gets him in the pictures.”

She reached up and moved a piece of hair behind Theo’s ear, a small grimace on her face. “Yeah, you look like crap.”

The ex-Ravenclaw raised an eyebrow at her confession. “Want me to sit in there with you? I’ll give you a poke if ya start sleeping.” Evie shrugged casually, though the next words had her heart pounding quicker than a landlord on an overdue renter’s door. “Or I’ll just wash your hair for you.”

* Theodora Jalson

    (01/01/2025 at 23:46)
  • Slytherin '70
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Her eyes had been closed the entire time she'd sat down and only opened upon Evie's description of her appearance, narrowed and pointedly annoyed.

Not that Theo had ever cared about her appearance. She'd always prioritized her internal attributes over her physical ones and pridefully held up her hands knowing she was a Jalson and therefore beautiful. Her held breath lasted a beat and a half, silence solidifying itself over Evie's offer which both were supposed to not take seriously.

And yet, it wasn't the first time Theo had sat in silence and let her mind wander.

"As if I'd trust you with my hair when yours..." Theo shrugged her shoulders and left it at that, smirking.



* Evangeline Warwick

    (01/02/2025 at 00:07)
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“..Just for that comment, I’m not going to run you a bath.”

Evie huffed in mock annoyance - well aware that her hair looked fine that day, due to having showered that morning and it currently being in a messy bun that had survived being upside down.

“Or make you cheesy beans on toast.”

She pushed at Theo’s shoulder, if only to ensure she was actually completely awake. The couch was quite comfy.

“Work that bad?”

* Theodora Jalson

    (01/02/2025 at 00:50)
  • Slytherin '70
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She made a face at her friend's choice of food. Another reminder that they came from far different worlds. At her touch, Theo leaned into it.

"It's very tedious. The progress to actually getting anywhere takes so long, it almost feels like its not worth the effort." That was part of it. Theo's true fear was that their work would ultimately amount to nothing. She just didn't want to admit that aloud.

Still, it beat bookkeeping for her family's properties.

"Thanks for cleaning up." She could smell the change.



* Evangeline Warwick

    (01/02/2025 at 19:35)
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"Eh, least I could do whilst you're slaving away."

Evie patted at Theo, hinting at wanting to get up and accompanying it with a feeble attempt at sitting, just to be blocked by her friend leaning on her.

"Imagine afterwards though when it will all be worth it." She tried, hoping to put a positive spin on things. "It might be double the effort you've put in."
tell me
I can't
&I'll show you
that I can

* Theodora Jalson

    (02/02/2025 at 20:42)
  • Slytherin '70
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"When did you become the optimistic one?"

She arched an eyebrow, staring towards her but not being able to get her into focus from the angle she took. Still, her cheek felt cozy brushed against Evie's shoulder. Finding a nook that held her at peace as she allowed herself to finally relax.

"I thought that was my job?"



* Evangeline Warwick

    (02/02/2025 at 21:03)
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"One of us has to do it," She teased, following it up with a short huff at the lack of movement from her housemate. It looked like she would be stuck there for the meantime. That wasn't to say that Theo's warm presence besides her was awful. Evie could practically feel the muscles in her friend's body give way, letting her sink into the couch and the pressure on her shoulder deepen.

"Nah, you're the breadwinner. You can be negative whenever you want." Evie couldn't help the guilt that fluttered in her stomach at the reminder that she was living in Theo's apartment, practically rent free and being able to give barely anything in return. The odd jobs she could scrape weren't good enough, and nobody wanted a witch with an angry resting face who struggled to socialise for most of the time.

It was a miracle she even had Theodora in her corner.

The fact was that Evie felt very useless, and right now if the only way she could be helpful was draw lazy shapes on her friend's arm to try and coax her to take a nap.. well, that's what she'd do.

Victory was hers when she heard those small snores, which she'd always adamantly insist were roaring snorts if asked by Theo.

sometime in the next few weeks

"..blow our minds, there's a starman waiting.."

She remembered the banging on the wall when she used to crank up her music at home, back when she finally stopped having to share with her brothers and instead got to have a room to herself with Easton next door. He hated her music, or at least the volume of it.

When Theo was at work, it was Evie's time. She barely ever wore pants nowadays and having just showered after a lie in, she was in a pretty good mood. The muggle radio she'd brought from home was blasting out one of her favourite songs whilst she worked on putting away the dishes she'd just dried.

Currently, a wooden spoon was being used as a microphone whilst she twirled through the chorus, singing the lyrics as loud as she could physically go, ignoring the fact that the towel on her head was beginning to slip. The original task of finding some pants, which she was pretty sure had been left on the side somewhere, had been sidestepped as soon as she'd become distracted by the dishes, leaving her in a baggy tshirt and her underwear, socks allowing her to slide across the kitchen floor with ease.
« Last Edit: 02/02/2025 at 21:57 by Evangeline Warwick »

* Theodora Jalson

    (02/05/2025 at 02:31)
  • Slytherin '70
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She probably should have alerted Evie to her presence earlier than she ended up doing.

The music was loud, so much so that she could hear it faintly the moment she exited the lift that brought her to their shared floor. It was a good thing that she owned the penthouse, dividing one half of entire floor for her large studio. If it'd been any louder, she might have had to apologize to the family that owned the other half. And she might have for the small window in which she opened the door.

The blaring hit her like a foghorn, and she shuffled in swiftly to keep the sound inside their shared space. How Evie had gotten her muggle contraption to get so loud was beyond her, and Theo was ready to tell her off. Leaving work early hadn't been the good news it might have been, as the redhead thought it might be the first steps to their work being deemed unnecessary to fund by the Ministry.

Except, her mouth hung agape at seeing Evie glistening in her undergarments, wet towel hanging over her head like a stone pillar.

Her gaze shifted, lingering for longer than anyone would deem acceptable, until a scream of vocals popped her head back into focus.

"Do you have to play it that loud?" She yelled, wondering if Evie could even hear her or if she'd literally have to shove her to let her know she wasn't alone anymore. Sighing, a wrenching at the pit of her stomach causing her discomfort, Theo ended up brandishing her wand to deafening the sound to a respectable volume.

I'll Be

this time baby

