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Platform 9 3/4 and The Hogwarts Express
The begining (open)
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Topic: The begining (open) (Read 94 times)
Destimonia Blackthorn
(12/29/2024 at 20:59)
Second Year
Dessy waved a loving goodbye to her aunt. The platform was already heaving with parents waving their children off with tears, trollies full of trunks and personal belongings and the noise of a bustling train station full of people. She tried to arrive early so she could find her own space to sit and try to focus herself before the start of a new year at a completely different school where she knew no one and might be starting at a distinct disadvantage from everyone else.
She climbed aboard the train and found herself a compartment to sit in. Her cat, charm, was perched on her lap purring with content. Dessy sat nervously. Her thoughts where racing about what Hogwarts would be like, would she make any friends, what her classes would be like and many other standard worries that came with starting a new school. Her aunt had told her something about a sorting ceremony where you would be put into a house. They didn't do that at Beauxbatons. But at her old school you didn't take a train, you where flown in a carriage drawn by Abraxisin. They also played Quidditch, according to her aunt, they certainly didn't have that at Beauxbatons. But the game was known all through out the wizarding world. It was the one thing in Hogwarts that Dessy was actually excited for.
She fiddled with the pin badges attached to her jacket. The train's whistle blew as it pulled out of the station, which made her jump, as it began to move and gain speed. Dessy leant back and closed her eyes trying to calm herself, but the thoughts of doubt stilled raced in her mind. The door to her compartment was left wide open. She heard everyone talking and chattering excited for the year ahead. She sat there, charm on her lap, thinking over everything that had happened so far: going to live with her aunt, dropping out of Beauxbatons, cutting off her parents and, now, starting Hogwarts. It was a lot for a young girl to take in. But a little bit of her was excited and glad that she was starting this new chapter of her journey; one she hoped to be a happy one.
Eryon Thornley
(12/30/2024 at 20:56)
Ickle Firstie!
Eryon wandered down the train corridor, his satchel slipping precariously off his shoulder. The recent theater conversation had left him buzzing with cautious excitement, but the energy of the train was beginning to wear on him. He passed compartment after compartment filled with lively groups, the air thick with laughter, chatter, and the occasional burst of magic.
As Eryon moved past one particularly noisy compartment, something small and round flew out of the slightly ajar door, skimming past his shoulder. He blinked, startled, catching a glimpse of students inside lobbing what appeared to be potatoes at one another.
“Hogwarts is already… different,”
he muttered, quickening his pace before he became an accidental target.
Continuing down the corridor, he slowed when he noticed a compartment with its door left wide open. Inside sat a girl with a cat perched on her lap, its soft purring just audible over the distant din of the train. She sat quietly, her fingers occasionally brushing the badges pinned to her jacket. Unlike the chaos outside, this compartment seemed calm, almost inviting. Eryon hesitated, unsure if the open door was an invitation or simply left that way by chance.
he said, stepping into the doorway, his voice quiet but clear enough to be heard. He adjusted the strap of his satchel, his gaze darting between the girl and her cat.
“I was just—uh—wondering if I could sit here? It’s a bit… lively out there.”
He lingered in the doorway, not wanting to intrude uninvited. His attention shifted to the cat on her lap, its purring steady and soothing.
“That’s a lovely cat”
he added, his tone softening.
Eryon stepped closer, careful not to crowd the space.
“I’m Eryon, by the way,”
he offered, holding his notebook a little tighter.
“First year. It’s my first time on the train.”
Destimonia Blackthorn
(01/02/2025 at 20:28)
Second Year
Dessy looked up "Oh of course. It might be a very boring journey if I'm sat all by myself." She Gave a warm and welcoming smile.
"I'm Destimonia. But please call me Dessy. And this is my cat charm, don't worry she's very friendly."
She looked over at Eroyn. Dessy finally felt a wave of relief wash over her and she was glad. Glad to know that she wasn't alone in having to do this all for the first time. Her thoughts of doubt and worry slowly subsided. Having company really helped put her mind at ease.
"I'm a second year but it's my first time riding the train... or going to Hogwarts. I had to... transfere schools" She said with a tiny bit of hesitation towards the end.
Dessy look to the door and heard a massive crash and more laughter from other cabins "What is going on out there? Come in take a seat... if you want of course."
Eryon Thornley
(01/03/2025 at 07:58)
Ickle Firstie!
Eryon said as he stepped inside, carefully closing the door behind him. He took the seat across from Dessy, letting his gaze fall briefly on Charm, who seemed completely at ease in her lap.
“She’s seems to be a great travel companion,”
he said with a small smile.
“Looks like she’s already settled in.”
He glanced around the compartment, taking in the quiet compared to the bustle outside.
“I can’t imagine switching schools,”
he said after a pause.
“Starting at Hogwarts feels huge, and I’ve only ever known home. Coming in with a whole other year of experience must feel… different.”
The train gave a light jolt as it picked up speed, and Eryon’s gaze returned to Charm. He hesitated for a moment before speaking,
“It’s funny… everything about Hogwarts feels like a story I’m just starting to read. The train, the houses, even the idea of classes. It’s all a bit surreal.”
He let the words hang for a moment, then met her gaze.
“So… what’s the one thing you’re most excited about? For me, it’s probably conjuring spells. I’ve read so much about it, but I’ve never actually done one,”
he continued,
“and Quidditch too! I’m sure you’re excited about Quidditch?”
Destimonia Blackthorn
(01/03/2025 at 10:24)
Second Year
Dessy stroked charm "I know what you mean about hogwarts feeling like a story. By what I've heard, it's very different to Beauxbatons. We always used to ride in carriages drawn by flying horses. A train is far more reasonable."
"Switching schools was kinda hard" Dessy admitted "I think it's more the reason I left that really delivers a blow. But I'm excited for something different"
She looked down at the tortoise-shell cat "She's doing surprisingly well with the traveling. You can stroke her if you want. She's harmless." Dessy smiled
She looked around and her eyes settled on him "Are you the only one from your family going to Hogwarts? And if you don't mind me asking..What's your blood status? I'm a pure blood but I'm not one of those pure bloods...if you know what I mean..." She was curious because the new minister of Magic was very pure blood driven. According to her aunt, who had a job at the Ministry.
A silent tension grew between them. She looked away and then looked out of the window. "I don't know what classes I'm looking forward to. I just hope they're better than what I had to do at my old school. I love quidditch I got to go see a match in the summer with my aunt. It's so exciting and I think I'm gonna try out for the team. If they let girls play. Which I don't see why they shouldn't."
Eryon Thornley
(01/04/2025 at 12:27)
Ickle Firstie!
Eryon watched as Dessy stroked Charm, nodding at her mention of Beauxbatons.
“Flying carriages pulled by horses,”
he echoed, his tone laced with awe.
“That sounds incredible… though I guess a train is easier to manage. Less risk of falling out of the sky.”
He said with a faint chuckle.
When she mentioned the difficulty of switching schools, he hesitated, sensing the weight behind her words.
“That sounds tough,”
he said carefully.
“I guess… starting over can feel like a lot to handle. But it sounds like you’re ready for something new, and maybe that’s the most important part.”
His gaze shifted to Charm as Dessy invited him to pet her.
he said, leaning forward slowly and brushing a hand gently over the cat’s fur.
“She’s really soft,”
he noted, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“She reminds me of a stray that used to hang around my dad’s garden. I always wanted to bring it inside, but…”
He trailed off with a slight shrug, letting the memory pass.
When Dessy’s question turned to his family, he sat back slightly, considering.
“Yeah, I’m the only one going to Hogwarts. My dad’s a Muggle—he’s a botanist—and my mum went to Hogwarts, but it’s been a while since she left. I guess that makes me… half-blood?”
He paused, then added,
“I never really thought about it much. I don’t think blood status should matter. But… I guess some people don’t see it that way.”
He noticed the brief tension after her question, though he didn’t let it linger. “It’s nice to hear you’re not like the other ‘pure-bloods," he said with a light smile.
Eryon shifted his attention to the window, watching the countryside blur past as she spoke about Quidditch.
“You got to see a match this summer? That’s amazing! I’ve only ever read about it in books. The way they describe the players, the speed, the action—it sounds incredible. And yeah, Hogwarts definitely lets girls play. You should go for it,
” he added with a small nod.
"I’ve never played Quidditch before, but I'm a decent flyer!”
he said, barely containing his excitement,
"I'm gonna start practicing as soon as the term starts".
He leaned back in his seat, glancing over at her. “
As for classes… I’m curious about everything. Maybe too curious. I just hope I don’t accidentally blow something up.”
He chuckled softly, brushing a hand through his hair.
“But yeah, here’s hoping Hogwarts surprises us—in all the best ways.”
He added meekly, "I hope we get to see more of each other at Hogwarts."
Destimonia Blackthorn
(01/04/2025 at 20:23)
Second Year
Dessy gave a smile. She felt so relaxed now. Evryon was great company and was making the journey bearable. "I think I'm ready for this new part of my life but I just don't know what to expect. Which I guess most people would be feeling this way."
"Do you like cats? Charm is technically my aunts but she didn't want me to be lonely. And yeah she is very soft." She chuckled, giving the cat head scratches.
She looked back at him with a hint of guilt in her eye "Sorry if I over stepped with the question. I was only curious. Have you heard about the new Minister of Magic? He's a right old bat. The new rules he is enforcing. I'm telling you he's gonna corrupt the Wizarding World with his pureblood mania attitude." Dessy rolled her eyes and said with a hint of bitterness towards the Ministry of Magic.
"The Quididtch match I went to was unreal. It was so fast and just really cool. If you're a good flyer you might make a good chaser or even if you're good at spotting and catching things a seeker." She said more light heartedly and fun then the previous rant she had.
Eryon Thornley
(01/05/2025 at 07:02)
Ickle Firstie!
Eryon returned Dessy’s smile and nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, I think most of us are feeling the same way—excited but also a bit unsure about what’s coming. I guess that’s just part of starting something new, though.”
His gaze briefly wandered to Charm, who seemed completely at ease in Dessy’s lap.
“Your aunt is a genius for sending her along,”
he said with a light smile.
“I don’t think there’s a better way to feel at home than having someone like Charm around. Even though she’s technically your aunt’s, she feels like she’s adopted you pretty well.”
When Dessy mentioned the new Minister, Eryon frowned slightly.
“I’ve heard my mom talk about him. She doesn’t like what he’s doing either. All this focus on blood status—it just feels… wrong, doesn’t it? Hogwarts is supposed to be a place for everyone.” He hesitated, then added, “It’s good to know there are people like you who see through it all. That gives me hope.”
The conversation shifted to Quidditch, and Eryon’s expression brightened.
“The match you went to must have been incredible,”
he said, sitting up a little straighter.
“I’ve never seen one live, but I’ve practiced flying a lot at home. I’m definitely trying out for the team—probably as a seeker or chaser. I think I’d be good at it, but I guess I’ll find out soon enough.”
He tilted his head slightly, a grin tugging at his lips.
“You should try out too. I bet you’d be amazing as a chaser. And who knows? Maybe we’ll even end up playing together someday.”
Destimonia Blackthorn
(01/11/2025 at 20:52)
Second Year
After around an hour of mindless small talk about Hogwarts, quidditch and many other topics, the train came to an abrupt stop. They had made it to Hogsmeade station.
Dessy looked out of the window, it was already dark. She looked at Eryon "Well I guess this our stop. Maybe I'll see you around. At least I really hope we do bump into each other." She said with a smile putting charm into a small little carrier and gathered all of her bags.
"If I don't see you before, have a god first few weeks." she smiled and opened the compartment door.
Dessy left the train. People chattering and laughing all around her crowded the station trying to find where they where going or their friends they possibly didn't meet up with on the train. She looked up at the dark midnight blue sky, It was magical, the light almost white stars were spotted around the sky giving her a weird sense of hope and comfort.
Someone knocked into her, disturbing the peace that she had in that moment. She realised that she had no idea where she was going. She looked around for where the second years where.
Eryon Thornley
(01/13/2025 at 07:51)
Ickle Firstie!
Eryon stood as the train came to a halt, the sound of hissing brakes and the murmur of students filling the air. He glanced out the window, taking in the dark shapes of the station illuminated by warm, golden lights. The sight made his chest tighten with both excitement and nerves—it was finally real.
Turning to Dessy, he gave a small nod and returned her smile. “Yeah, I hope we do bump into each other again,” he said earnestly. “Thanks for making the trip feel less... overwhelming. And good luck settling in—though I bet you won’t need it.”
He watched as she gently placed Charm in the carrier and gathered her things, feeling a small pang of regret that the conversation was ending. “You too,” he said as she opened the compartment door. “Have a great start to the term.”
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Hogwarts School - Elsewhere
Platform 9 3/4 and The Hogwarts Express
The begining (open)