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Author Topic: Vicarious // Tomas  (Read 60 times)

* Eugene Prothero

    (12/23/2024 at 17:08)
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  • Head of family + Wizengamot member + Healer - Spell Damage
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December 1972
In the expensive restaurant
located at the top of the Tower

He was already there when Tomas arrived.

On the table was a tray of appetisers, a bottle of expensive champagne. Two stemmed glasses, empty, awaited his arrival.

Eugene got up from his seat then, stepped forward to take the other's hand in his and giving it a proper squeeze, approvingly, locked Tomas in his blue gaze.

"I heard your speech," he said. The triumph in his voice was mild, but it was there.
« Last Edit: 12/23/2024 at 17:20 by Eugene Prothero »
Ashes to ashes.
Dust to dust.

* Tomas Bellestorm

    (02/03/2025 at 13:32)
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  • Minister for Magic
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When he arrived, he noted the display of wealth before him, like a veritable red carpet. Appetizers had been meticulously arranged, a bottle of champagne waited to be poured. A show of influence and power. He spared it only the momentary acknowledgement that decorum required of them. It was to be expected here, meeting with Eugene Prothero.

His attention remained where it mattered—on Eugene. Studying, assessing, calculating.

Tomas accepted the handshake with a practiced ease, his grip firm but not forceful. He believed in striking a balance; control was best wielded without excess.

“I imagine you did.” The faintest twitch at the corners of his mouth, just shy of amusement, betrayed his recognition of the quiet triumph in Eugene’s tone. “And I imagine you approve?”

With an easy, deliberate motion, Tomas gestured for them to sit, lowering himself into his chair.
