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Author Topic: Presents | Eira/Open  (Read 80 times)

* Tigran Razi

    (12/20/2024 at 21:58)
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August 29th, Evening
Hogsmeade Children's Home Entranceway

He’d visited the orphanage a couple times over the summer.  Though his visits had been brief much like they’d been during term as he was no longer living there.  Instead, he got help renting a room in wizarding London to be closer to his internship. 

This visit he had a couple of bags of good quality toys and clothes he’d gotten at various thrift stores over the summer.  As there really was something to seeing Alyse dance around with her stuffed bunny he’d given her last year.  He only hoped he found something that good this year for her and some of the others.

Though this year would be different as he knew his friend Eira was there from Hogwarts.  Or not so different as he walked in and Alyse came running up to hug his waist with him handing her the stuffed animal bag first.  Then he said "Take a toy and an outfit.  There should be enough for everyone to get at least one.". Then all but one of the other smaller bags went towards the kids assembling.

Then he looked towards Eira and said "Sorry the toys are a bit more geared towards the younger ones, but I think you might like one of the fall jackets in here."  With him handing her the only other bag he hadn't handed to the general group of them.

OOC: Please let Eira post before joining the thread...

Eira North

    (12/21/2024 at 22:31)
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Eira felt unusually calm these last days before start of term. Her mind had quieted to a peaceful hum, contrast to the familiar racket ruling over her brain on every other day of the year. Mostly Eira credited this welcome break to the fact that she had just lived through the best summer of her entire life. Cardiff was history, summer camp had been amazing and the new term was starting soon. Her life had completely flipped from one extreme to an acceptable middle. It wasn't perfect; she still was without a family. But anything was better than what she had escaped only a few short weeks ago.

Just now she was lounging in an armchair close to the fireplace with a steaming mug of tea, when a small excitement erupted. Twisting in her chair to see what was happening, Eira spotted Tigran in the room, holding bags and getting surrounded by a drove of children, delighted to see the older boy coming in for a visit.

Those had gotten quite rare, from what she'd heard, with Tigran living in London now and only occasionally stopping by, always with goods to give for the children. Eira set down her mug and made her way over to the boy, shooting him a quick smile and an awkward wave. "Thank you", she said, a little surprised at the special treatment, grabbing the bag Tigran offered and rummaging through until she pulled out a brown, boxy suede jacket.

With a smile that reached her eyes this time, Eira looked at Tigran again. "How is London? Anything interesting?"

so sure of yourself

~baby don't get greedy~

Ren Al-Sayeed

    (12/24/2024 at 10:37)
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Ren hated being at the orphanage. To him, it was never a home, just a stopover. He avoided it whenever he could, lingering only long enough to fulfill his obligations before returning to school or wherever else he could be. Tonight was no exception, though the usual irritation melted slightly when he spotted familiar faces.

Tigran was here, standing tall with his bags of gifts, already surrounded by the younger children. Ren couldn’t help but smile at the older boy’s generosity. The toys and jackets he handed out brought instant joy to the little ones, and for a brief moment, the place felt lighter.

Eira also caught him off guard. She stood near the fireplace, a mug of tea forgotten on the table beside her, wearing a brown suede jacket Tigran had given her. The sight of her made Ren’s face warm, a soft blush creeping across his cheeks.

He stepped further into the room, hoping his awkwardness wasn’t obvious. “Tigran! Eira!” Ren greeted them with a genuine grin, his hazel eyes flicking between the two. “Didn’t expect to see either of you here.”

He turned to Tigran first, grateful for a distraction from his nerves. “Tigran, you’re gonna be even more popular with this,” he said, nodding towards the toys.

Then, he glanced at Eira, the red returning as he scratched the back of his neck. “And you… uh, that jacket suits you.” His voice trailed off awkwardly, and he quickly added, “It’s good to see you both. I... can’t wait to see you back at school.”

* Tigran Razi

    (12/24/2024 at 20:10)
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"How is London? Anything interesting?”

With a smile he said “ London has been good.  I’ve really been enjoying my internship at St. Mungos. “  He also enjoyed the stability of a rented room and the fact he was able to pay the rent with what he was earning over the summer.  Naturally, he had some help from Tim, and likely by extension the Ministry, in getting his rented room but it was one he could make enough to pay off.  He also enjoyed the fact he was able to earn a bit of extra money on the side working as a bartender in the Snake Pit that he was confident he’d gotten at least a couple weeks rent saved up. 

Then he saw Ren which made him blink in surprise as he hadn’t expected to see the other boy.  With the mention of him being popular due to this he shook his head and said “ Nah.  I’ve been here, and trust me when I recommend leaving it unmentioned to all but your closest friends. “  There were enough people at Hogwarts, with his pureblood prat-ish cousins coming first to mind, that would take advantage of any ammo to use to demonstrate they were superior.  In his younger years, before Luca’s family let him down, he’d of suggested mentioning if the boy thought he had a friend who might let him stay over on breaks but he knew that was a situation that wouldn’t last from experience.  Now, he didn’t mention it to his closest friends unless it came up or they found out like Eira had.  Though he was oddly thankful for that as somehow it was better for Eira than where she’d been.

Then looked around and said “ Chester give that bag you got to Ren next. “  As he figured that one was most likely to have something Ren would like in it as he’d purposefully handed it off to Chester who was one of his favorites - and thankfully Chester was smaller at seven so there wasn’t much competition for things where Ren was concerned.

Then he said “ I’m oddly excited for next year. “ As it was the first time since his third year he’d be getting on the train knowing for sure he not only get to enjoy the opening feast but get to stay the whole term.  He continued “ One thing I haven’t found in London is as good of a library that Hogwarts has.   You guys excited for anything? “

Eira North

    (01/05/2025 at 10:08)
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Eira greeted Ren with an awkward wave and smile. She didn't like it much that so many of her classmates were also residents at the orphanage, she would have much more preferred to not know anyone here. But from the very start Eira had known that to be most likely impossible. She was in Hogsmeade after all. At least some of these children were bound to be school age and therefore faces she'd see up at the castle. This knowledge had been the one and only concern when she had made the decision to transfer, the only reason why she had considered not doing it. But the advantages had outweighed the disadvantages, so now here she was.

"Erm...Thank you", she said awkwardly with a look down her front and the new jacket she was wearing now. Eira only briefly wondered what had Ren get so red in the face. Probably the heat in here.

"Nah. I’ve been here, and trust me when I recommend leaving it unmentioned to all but your closest friends."

"If that were so easy", Eira scoffed, folding her arms across her chest. "Benji has likely told everyone already that we're all here." She rolled her eyes at the thought. Maybe if she had known that Benji lived here, she really would have reconsidered her transfer. But too late now. She would simply have to accept that the whole school would know her to be an orphan now. A fact she had spend three years actively hiding from everyone.

"I doubt that there's many places with a library like Hogwarts'", Eira commented. "But maybe you'll find a way to sneak in for a late night read." Something told that was exactly what Tigran might do. "I'm just glad to go back to classes. I haven't practiced or studied much this summer."

so sure of yourself

~baby don't get greedy~
