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Empty Glasses of Opportunity | Open
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Topic: Empty Glasses of Opportunity | Open (Read 72 times)
Tigran Razi
(12/01/2024 at 02:04)
Seventh Year
Late July 1973
11:30pm Wednesday Night
Leaning against the back of the bar looking over the club during a moment of calm a yawn surprised him as it escaped his mouth. The mix of his summer spent between working an internship at St. Mungos, a bartender at the Snake Pit, and general hanging out with friends in London was starting to catch up with him. Though as he blinked looking through the smoke and neon lights of the bar he shook off the tiredness as he noticed a hand signal from a burly man at one of the tables that indicated he should send another round of drinks.
Moving back towards the bar area he floated the containers of freshly cut mint and other garnishes he’d just prepared to the other bartender’s station then went to his own station. He started pouring simple cups of beer as was indicated by the hand signal he’d saw. The burly man at the table liked to talk loudly, yet didn’t want to be heard and had a rubbish silencing charm. With him easily learning in his first week an extra tip could be earned by him enhancing it with an actual imperterbable charm - which he’d done earlier more as a public service than for the extra tip. Once the drinks were prepared he casted kamiflage on them, then discretely floated over to the table removing the kamiflage as the drinks arrived to the customers.
Then he looked along the bar noticing an empty glass and smiled as he approached the patron. A smile that without any conscious thought of his own was slightly flirty, but meaningless, as he said
“ Please tell me you aren't going to make me guess what you want next. Last time I tried psychometry on one of the glasses here I ended up adding a cleansing potion to the dish soap. "
It was a lie as he'd never actually tried psychometry, but looking as young as he was at seventeen he wanted to project he was older than he was - bonus points if people thought him more skilled. Though considering all the dealings he worked to ignore at the bar perhaps the cleansing potion idea was a good one. He wondered if there was already one there to help cover things up.
OOC: Permission granted to say he’s a part-time bartender…
Dylan Duckheart
(12/01/2024 at 02:21)
Healer - Spell Damage
This kid was doing a good job managing the bar. Dylan had been watching for a while to see if he would mess up. Or that he was in need of protection. It was slightly horrifying to Dylan that he was now wondering why young adults were looking so
. Or that he was feeling protective of the new crop of young adults that he thought shouldn't have been allowed to be adults.
He was in a weepy mood. Well, to be honest he had been weepy for a rather long time. He wasn't there to drink booze for now. Instead, he was just there at the bar, adsorbing the whole energy of the place. And hoping that Tawnie would show up so he could hang out with his friend. She always knew how to put him in a good mood. Or Jeremiah, so Dylan could touch the basilisk skull again.
"Can I get an I Spy-napple?" Dylan said to the kid at the bar as he came up. He then remembered the whole thing about psychometry. "Psychometry is pretty cool, innit?"
tell me:
what is it you plan to do with your
one wild
precious life?
Tigran Razi
(12/01/2024 at 03:14)
Seventh Year
He didn’t even blink as he recognized the man ordering a drink was Dylan, a healer he saw when he’d been in St. Mungos one of the nights he’d been there when he was younger. Hopefully, he could get through this without making a mess as he was aware the man still worked there, and he very much valued any decent reputation he was hopefully gaining as an intern. The catch was there was no way he was going to settle for just being an intern as he wanted a job with a bit less traceable funds - a just incase emergency fund of sorts. Which is exactly what the Snake Pit provided in the term of tips.
With a smile he tucked the glass Dylan had behind the bar and fetched a clean one and started making the Spy-napple that was ordered. Then as his hands were mixing the drink he said “ Definitely cool. While I’ve seen it make some obsessive tendencies worse like the guy who checks every glass for curses. “ An actual true customer he’s had at the bar.
Then when he finished brewing the drink he added the fizzing whizbees as the last ingredient as he pulled his wand out of its holster on the side. After all, this was one of the drinks he could have fun with as he made an illusion of the little fairy but much simpler and more bee-like flying in the air over the drink.
With a smile he handed the drink over to Dylan with the little bee-fairy hybrid he made an illusion of flying around the drink in a lap before sitting on the table. Then he continued “ Though, I think it is neat that somehow our essence can end up on objects like object associated with good memories have a bit of us overlayed on them. “
Dylan Duckheart
(12/14/2024 at 01:31)
Healer - Spell Damage
Dylan watched as Tigran worked. The young man was very diligent it seemed.
The former Ravenclaw couldn't help but chuckle at Tigran's description of a client checking all the glasses for curses. Dylan wondered why, when surely a simple Finite Incantaum would do the trick.
The illusion Tigran made was wicked. Even though he was very skilled himself at Illusions and whatnot, they still seemed so
. His boy-like wonder never had really faded.
"I tried it one time on m'old stuffed toy Bagel." He then took a sip on his drink. It had warm memories of Tawnie. She had been a dear friend to him. Even when Ed was being insufferable, she had been there. There had been a lot of fun things he had done with Tawnie. Plus, they had both snogged Robbie.
"Yeah, it is wicked. I kinda wished I had paid more attention in Divination. But this bloke named Altair who gave me some stuff. I wonder if the essence of good memories make it stronger than bad memories."
tell me:
what is it you plan to do with your
one wild
precious life?
Tigran Razi
(12/14/2024 at 02:59)
Seventh Year
He was pleased he managed to succeed with his illusion at least entertaining Dylan. Though considering he was delivering drinks it was a job in which the customer was usually pleased - unless they were crazy.
Who named their stuffed toy Bagel? Or had a bagel instead of a teddy bear. His time in the Hogsmeade Children’s Home made him realize that a teddy bear, bunny, or similar stuffed animal seemed to accompany each new little kid on arrival. Thankfully, he’d been working at the Snake Pit long enough to keep his face relatively blank when customers said strange things. Though an eyebrow did raise.
Curiously he asked
“ Did Bagel tell you anything enlightening about yourself? “
As he could only assume if it was Dylan’s stuffed toy it was mostly Dylan who interacted with it. A much less confusing thing to try to read than a glass in a bar - not that he actually knew as he’d never actually tried psychometry himself. He also didn’t really have anything of his that was old due to losing pretty much everything he owned three years back.
Then he blinked at the mention of Altair reacting slightly as that was a man he’d not call bloke. Nor would he take anything given from him lightly. His curiosity was peaked and he was thankful that all he’d seen was a signal for a drink which he quickly moved to the side to pour and slide down the bar to the gentleman who’d sat six seats down.
Returning to focusing on Dylan he said
“ It’s never too late to study something of interest even if one isn’t in school. “
A statement mostly formed from the fact that even though he’d been in school at Hogwarts he never had the commitment to it beyond entertainment once his parents dipped. He continued
“ I think it has to do with the person. I've found people tend to dwell on memories that re-enforce what they are feeling, or what their goals are. “
It was a trap he'd fallen into to many times with bad memories spiraling his own doubts of things making him feel more uncertain in the rough situations he'd been in these past few years. Not that he'd admit that as a bartender serving drinks at a bar and supposed to be consoling the customers. Though this was more an intellectual conversation than consoling thankfully.
Dylan Duckheart
(12/15/2024 at 21:41)
Healer - Spell Damage
Dylan was not necessarily planning on sharing the insights that he had learned from reading Bagel. He had no intention of revealing something quite that personal with somebody in a bar. "Not really. Just that he had been very, very loved." He especially did not want to share his post-duel confrontation with Lily McCormick that had been thanks to an immensely upsetting illusion of Bagel.
"Were you a Ravenclaw by any chance?" He asked with a chuckle at Tigran's response to him wishing that he had paid more attention. This is why he so deeply appreciated his house. There was the reminder that he could keep learning for his whole life. "Altair seems good at Divination. So maybe I'll ask em."
Dylan nodded along as Tigran mentioned that it would probably depend on the intent of the person. That was why Divination had been so bloody annoying. Intent and all that imprecise gobbledygook. "That's something I could see m'ex boyfriend would have said. Brilliant healer. But he also could analyze ya during a fight which was super annoyin' or expect ya to be perfect."
Oh Dylan, get the verbal rant to stop!
"You're a good listener, just so ya know."
tell me:
what is it you plan to do with your
one wild
precious life?
Tigran Razi
(12/16/2024 at 00:37)
Seventh Year
He said
“ An object that close to you giving the aura of being loved likely means you have a sense of inner peace and confidence which can say a lot about you.”
. Though that wasn't the sort of emotion that brought one alone to a bar like Dylan appeared to be.
With a chuckle he said
“ While I must admit my surprise at that sorting, everyone else seems to guess correctly Ravenclaw within minutes of meeting me.”
The wording purposely to avoid the minor detail of the was he or wasn’t he still a Ravenclaw. While Tim be able to go back next year, but until he didn’t get kicked out of the opening feast he wasn’t going to get his hopes up of going back for his seventh year.
He blinked again at the mention of Altair whom he looked up to greatly which made him lean over the counter and whisper
“ He’s more than good at divination the control over the ghosts in his shop proves that. “
. As Knockturn Alley was an interesting place and something made him look at Dylan and feel the man was slightly out of place in it.
Then he returned to his normal stance behind the bar as Dylan compared his statement to something his ex-boyfriend would have said. A point he was going to let drop especially with the word healer in the sentence. He worked at St. Mungos and he had zero intention of ruining that consoling anyone at this job which was so much less than the potential opportunity that St. Mungos held for his future.
The second part he could only nod to. He was a Razi and being a good listener was something that was expected of him since he was a child. It also helped he had a good memory. With a smile he said
“ Thanks “
unsure of anything else that could be said to that statement.
Dylan Duckheart
(01/27/2025 at 00:08)
Healer - Spell Damage
Dylan went a little bit pink at the compliment. Well, he thought it was a compliment.
He hadn't been even the slightest bit surprised when he had been placed in Ravenclaw. But he nodded. He remembered some people becoming so upset. "I don't think that hat has ever made a mistake."
He wasn't sure what to say to keep this conversation going after his comment about being a good listener. And he wanted to keep this conversation going. Especially with someone that "I bet that'll make you very respected as a bartender. People do like to chat."
He then remembered what Tigran had mentioned about the ghosts in Muspell. Altair was certainly brilliant. And the shop creepy. So he wasn't surprised.
"Did you say that Altair had ghosts in the shop? Did he, you know,
them ghosts? Or does he just manage them? If it's the second, that's really wicked."
tell me:
what is it you plan to do with your
one wild
precious life?
Tigran Razi
(01/27/2025 at 01:30)
Seventh Year
He noticed the pink cheeks, but considering what Dylan was drinking he hadn’t expected them. Like many things he noticed it would go unmentioned.
He said curiously “ Really? Now, I’m older I think the hat made the right choice, and when it happened I was happy to be wrong. However, I know plenty that would disagree. “ For example any Razi besides himself who didn’t get sorted in Slytherin definitely disagreed. He’d predicted Hufflepuff for himself, though considering Brutus was in that house he wasn’t upset he was wrong.
He nodded. Though with being a bartender it wasn’t just about knowing when to chat it was about knowing when to walk away or not hear things. He wasn’t sure if there was anything that one legitimately did that made one a respected bartender as it just wasn’t one of those jobs, though he accepted the complement as it was with a smile.
He said “ I’ve only heard rumors. “ Thankfully, for about any business in Knockturn there were at least a dozen rumors whirling at any time. As he didn’t want to admit that he had no idea what sort of business relationship Marcus had with the Altair guy who was rumored to run the shop. Thought he’d been in it plenty reading books. He said “ When I walked by it felt like the ghosts had a depth to them. So I’d say just controlled as I suspect some of those ghosts are older than anyone living even a wizard. What was your impression of them? “
The reality was he had no clue of the ghosts in Musspell. The catch was he was certainly curious about others perspective as it had the best books he’d ever found outside of Hogwarts.
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Empty Glasses of Opportunity | Open