Outside Jasper’s Jollies (pre-opening)
Diagon Alley Adjacent
He couldn’t wait till he got his wand. All the prank supplies in his families business warehouse and the fact was without a wand he couldn’t use half of them. His mother, Eliza Mallory, didn’t design her best pranks for young kids, squibs, or muggles. No Eliza Mallory expected her customers to be able to cast activation charms for the biggest pranks for reasons his father Bancroft described as being related to legal liability.
Still he knew his way around what was currently usable by him.
He also knew that there was going to be a new prank store that needed to be welcomed to the neighborhood. Well, his former neighborhood as his family now lived in Hogsmeade as he got into too much trouble pranking in the business district so his parents moved. Details he wasn’t dwelling on - especially as his mother had an errand to run and then said she’d wander by to keep him out of real trouble.
He happily carried his backpack of supplies his parents helped him pack - a fact that would be denied later by all parties.
Seeing the unopened store he smiled. It was obvious what the store was about to become, and a peak in the window meant it was empty. Perfect. He first set up a couple of smoke bombs on the outdoor window ledges, and on the ground. Then he put out his sheet of fake cement hole that looked like it went down to a lava pit. With a smile he dumped water all over it so it stuck to the ground like a chalk painting. As people walked up they’d think the ground had sunken and there was a big hole - however it was an illusion that as he lifted the sheet part off was now stuck on the ground with magical paint that would disappear after a few hours.
Then he ran across it activating the small smoke bombs letting the scene set itself.
The thing was when it came to pranks, Noel Carlisle had no problem getting caught. Which meant he stood right next to where the illusion began looking at it and pointing it out to people on the street whispering for them to not stand on it. As his prank had only one target that luckily was walking up in the form of Jasper Spellbody. He let Jasper react for a bit. However, before Jasper could step on his illusion hole in the ground he said
“ You just missed it a big monster snake just came up from the ground and wrecked everything. “ The people around looking amazed at the illusion with zero concern for anything related to safety as he'd whispered to enough of them, who'd whispered more probably made this all a lot less threatening situationally - hopefully less threatening enough no big trouble would come to his parents.