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Author Topic: Welcome! | Jasper  (Read 60 times)

Noel Carlisle

    (11/28/2024 at 03:04)
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Outside Jasper’s Jollies (pre-opening)
Diagon Alley Adjacent

He couldn’t wait till he got his wand.  All the prank supplies in his families business warehouse and the fact was without a wand he couldn’t use half of them.  His mother, Eliza Mallory, didn’t design her best pranks for young kids, squibs, or muggles.  No Eliza Mallory expected her customers to be able to cast activation charms for the biggest pranks for reasons his father Bancroft described as being related to legal liability.

Still he knew his way around what was currently usable by him. 

He also knew that there was going to be a new prank store that needed to be welcomed to the neighborhood.  Well, his former neighborhood as his family now lived in Hogsmeade as he got into too much trouble pranking in the business district so his parents moved.  Details he wasn’t dwelling on - especially as his mother had an errand to run and then said she’d wander by to keep him out of real trouble.

He happily carried his backpack of supplies his parents helped him pack - a fact that would be denied later by all parties.

Seeing the unopened store he smiled.  It was obvious what the store was about to become, and a peak in the window meant it was empty.  Perfect.  He first set up a couple of smoke bombs on the outdoor window ledges, and on the ground.  Then he put out his sheet of fake cement hole that looked like it went down to a lava pit.  With a smile he dumped water all over it so it stuck to the ground like a chalk painting.  As people walked up they’d think the ground had sunken and there was a big hole - however it was an illusion that as he lifted the sheet part off was now stuck on the ground with magical paint that would disappear after a few hours.

Then he ran across it activating the small smoke bombs letting the scene set itself.

The thing was when it came to pranks, Noel Carlisle had no problem getting caught.  Which meant he stood right next to where the illusion began looking at it and pointing it out to people on the street whispering for them to not stand on it.  As his prank had only one target that luckily was walking up in the form of Jasper Spellbody.  He let Jasper react for a bit.  However, before Jasper could step on his illusion hole in the ground he said “ You just missed it a big monster snake just came up from the ground and wrecked everything. “ 

The people around looking amazed at the illusion with zero concern for anything related to safety as he'd whispered to enough of them, who'd whispered more probably made this all a lot less threatening situationally - hopefully less threatening enough no big trouble would come to his parents.

* Jasper Spellbody

    (11/28/2024 at 05:15)
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Jasper was getting nervous and excited all at once. The shop was really going to happen and it would be opening in just a few short days so when he got the news that his shipment of the secret ingredient to several of his star products needed to be picked up at the postal office the hasty decision was made.

Jasper decided to lock up the shop he had been getting ready to make his way there himself and retrieve the ingredient. He wanted to make sure he was fully stocked for opening day. He was disgruntled to find out when he got there that the problem was not the ingredient itself, but the wizard who had sent it had forgotten to use a shrinking charm so the owls could deliver it.

With a quick wave of his wand, Jasper shrunk the parcel down to fit into his coat pocket before making his way back toward the store. Item secure he was in a much better mood and made a note to give clearer instructions to Jacobson when he ordered the ingredient next time.

As Jasper approached the store his mind swirling with disgruntled insults for Jacobson's incompetence when he saw the smoke. He stopped mid-grunt and his eyes went wide. He rushed toward the store only to be stopped by a small boy who informed him that a giant "big monster snake" had accosted his storefront.

"Is that so?" he began before his nostrils picked up the all too familiar scent of the smoke. It was from a smoke bomb any good prankster would know that easily. The smoke had a peculiar scent to it that other smoke didn't...

It seemed perhaps this boy was a blossoming prankster himself.  Jasper's mind reeled as he decided to play along with the young boy while also possibly getting a bit of revenge on him. He put on a concerned face, "Oh yes I have heard about a great many Ashwinders roaming the streets lately.,,, You're a brave young lad to be standing here with no parents...." he said while casting a summoning charm under his breath, masked by a smoke-induced cough, to create an illusion of a giant Ashwinder behind the boy. "Oh dear boy look behind you!!" Jasper said waiting for the boy to look before allowing the illusion to detonate and cover both him and the boy in green glittering slime.
« Last Edit: 11/28/2024 at 05:18 by Jasper Spellbody »
a prank
keeps the dullness

Noel Carlisle

    (11/28/2024 at 18:18)
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"Is that so?"

With a smile he nodded and added “ Yes.  It was big and slithered about making a big hiss before going back underground. “  Fueling the story he was making up as he debated more about the snake he was claiming. 

"Oh yes I have heard about a great many Ashwinders roaming the streets lately.,,, You're a brave young lad to be standing here with no parents….”

The fact that he should have had parents with him completely ignored as he often went on his own adventures as his height made him look older than he was - a fact his mother was more than pleased to use as an excuse to set him loose on the world.  He blinked trying to remember which snake an Ashwinder was.  The word ash should have given him a clue with the combination of smoke that he’d used, but it hadn’t.  For the life of him he had no idea what an Ashwinder looked like but thankfully the man had coughed and was telling him to look behind him before he could truly think about it.

"Oh dear boy look behind you!!”

His eyes widened as he saw the snake and with a jump he said “ That one.  See.  It came back. “  He had no idea who cast it and just assumed it was his mother hidden somewhere in the crowd helping him.  As there was no way it could be his father as his father was over two feet taller than most tall people due to being a half giant.  Thankfully, while tall and nearing five foot he was still within the range of height of a child - just one that was typically older than his ten years.

Then he came near them and he didn’t even hesitate or move back as it approached.  As the glitter and slime landed on him as it exploded he was more than a bit surprised as his mother never allowed glitter - even fake glitter.  Making this different than anything he’d seen in his life.

With a nod he said “Wicked” rather happy to be covered in glittery slime.  Then he said “ Looks like you store might be saved as someone slayed the giant snake for you.  Wicked slime blood. “

Then he started actually looking at the crowd and didn’t see anyone that looked like his mom.  With height being the main characteristic he was looking for as things like hair color, and clothes could easily be changed.  He’d even seen his mother change her eye color and nose shape once.

He said “ You’ll probably have to make a bridge to get to your entrance still “ pointing out his painted illusion of hole in the ground that the snake had come from.  Yes, he'd been showed up by the snake.  However, he still felt the need to point out the other part just incase all that was seen was the smoke before in the excitement.
