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Topic: Bad Guy | Indigo (Read 187 times)
Julia Laurence
(11/21/2024 at 15:23)
Hogwarts Librarian
Saturday, July 21, 1973
8:30 PM
The Ministry's Annual Summer Soiree
Honey-brown eyes glanced around Club Lacuna with a disinterested air. As upscale hotel clubs went, it was decent, she supposed. Right in line with the uptight stuffiness the Ministry seemed hellbent on forever preserving. It wasn't anything unexpected, or even uncomfortable for Julia Laurence. Rather, it was predictable, boring, and completely proper. All the things Julia wasn't in the mood for this evening.
Every year, the Ministry held this soiree as a way of bringing together politicians, noble houses and powerful families, notably pureblood. It was a way for people to make new connections, or reconnect if need be. Secrets, deals, backstabbing and intrigues. It was the same as every other event. So very banal and monotonous.
Her father, of course, insisted that she and her brothers attend, and she was in no place, as usual to turn him down. Her brother, Edward, the next-in-line wasn't thrilled about having to attend either, but here he was, with his wife, looking as though he'd rather drink a glass of acid than speak to one more brown-nosing lobbyist. Her other brother, James was completely in his element. Casually conferring with anyone who approached him or looked as though they could be useful. She smirked. At least he knew how to play the game.
Happy to leave her brothers to their own devices, she moved casually through the crowd, making eyes at one person or another if she thought they looked semi-interesting. A conversation was not out of the question, but she was rather discriminating in who it might be. She had no time to waste with people, men namely, who weren't beneficial to her.
She approached the bar, and sat in one of the red leather stools. When the bartender acknowledged her, she gave a polite smile. "French martini." If she had to be here, at least she could make it a little more worthwhile. She smoothed the skirt of her fitted red cocktail dress, and fidgeted with her bracelet, waiting for that drink.
Last Edit: 11/21/2024 at 15:26 by Julia Laurence
you're not a human being
you're part of a machine
Indigo Amberghast
(11/25/2024 at 17:04)
Auror + Charms Professor
The Ministry had perfected the art of hollow, self-congratulatory pantomime, shamelessly filling up every calendar in Britain with fifty-two
spaced apart occasions — each with the unflattering distinction of an indistinguishably generic moniker: fundraiser, gala, solstice, soiree — that meant they would never need go more than a week without — well there was scarcely a word for it, really, or even a term, and not with a thousand Ministry drones at a thousand typewriters could any of them even begin to articulate what it was that distinguished the night’s events — or any other night, on and on they went — from a full frontal lobotomy.
“Are — aren’t you listening to me?”
she asked, too close to his ear.
“No, of course not,” he said, his withering look suggesting her brain was dribbling from her nose.
“Or I wouldn't still be standing here.”
He turned away, fluid and almost ethereal despite the size of him, strange and spectral in his grace, his boots gliding completely noiselessly along the ground towards the sanctuary of the bar.
"French martini."
One look at her warmed his blood.
The bartender, having finished questioning his life choices, set the pale pink abomination on a napkin and slid it across the bar, nearly reaching her before it was intercepted, plucked skeptically in his pale grasp, his dark eyes meeting hers as her drink met his lips.
Of course he finished it, just to be sure.
“Absolutely awful,” he said, the flatness of his tone teasing one thing while his eyes, all over her, teased another.
“Let’s hope that’s the worst decision you make tonight.”
Last Edit: 12/23/2024 at 16:43 by Indigo Amberghast
Julia Laurence
(11/25/2024 at 23:15)
Hogwarts Librarian
Her eyes followed the pale hand that snatched her drink faster than she could. From the tips of his fingers, to his wrists. Then his elbows to his shoulders. Finally to his neck and then his face, landing on his dark eyes. Her lips parted in amusement as she cocked her head slightly at Indigo Amberghast, recognizing him immediately. They'd orbited each other at these events before.
Auror. Professor. Pureblood. Powerful family. All the things that made him interesting to everyone else. But for Julia? It was the audacity that made him interesting. The knowledge that he could do what he wanted and get away with it. Charming.
She tapped her fingers on the bar as he brought
drink to
lips, watching him with suspicious fascination. His eyes never moved from her gaze, and she waited, patiently.
“Absolutely awful.”
"Like your manners," she replied softly, but a smirk played at the corner of her lips, as she watched his eyes explore her. She'd let him. She let out a little scoff, her dimples appearing in her cheeks and she sat back a little on the stool, taking him in with a quick once-over. "I could definitely make plans for a worse decision. Shall I pencil you in?" Her tease came sweetly as she caught his gaze again.
The bartender looked back and forth between the two of them, irritated. Waiting impatiently for their command.
"Humor me then, Indigo. What are you drinking? Make it two."
you're not a human being
you're part of a machine
Indigo Amberghast
(11/27/2024 at 13:52)
Auror + Charms Professor
The pale pink abomination lingered too-sweetly on his lips, set down beside her on the bar as he moved around her, from her left to her right, completely unnecessarily, so close the fabric of his coat brushed up against the back of her dress where his eyes continued to linger, too sweetly, and mercifully unencumbered. Just like his imagination, of which the dress asked very little.
“Oh, please do — I can’t wait to see where you keep your pencil.”
His eyes never blinked, never giving anything away but the suggestion, sharpening the smile that never found his lips, never gave in, even as those familiar dimples signalled how desperate she was to surrender.
It can’t have been easy — he could only
the kind of gormless riffraff she usually had knocking at her door. You know the sort.
“The Château Margaux,” he said to the bartender, pointing at the top shelf.
“Two glasses?”
“No, the bottle.”
Not as dense as he looked, the bartender obliged with two glasses, filled generously,
the bottle, then quickly disappeared into a sea of hailing hands.
“You look lonely, Julia—”
The richness and body of the wine made short work of the
French Martini
, though the deluge continued long after it was vanquished.
“But your dress makes that difficult to believe.”
Julia Laurence
(11/27/2024 at 18:01)
Hogwarts Librarian
Men could be ridiculously easy sometimes. A playful dress, a few flirtatious words, and they were utterly captivated. Julia relished the game — the thrill of the hunt, the delicate dance of evading capture. She thrived on it, and the more formidable the opponent, the more irresistible the challenge became. His coat brushed against her, as he moved to her right and she followed his movements with a small turn of her stool. He wanted her to keep her eyes on him.
This would be fun.
"Same place I keep my wand," she replied with the smallest flick of her eyebrow.
Château Margaux
, Julia mused. Either he had expensive taste, or he wanted her to believe he did. Either way, she wasn't one to turn down a good wine. She brought the glass to her lips, watching Indigo carefully as notes of florals and tobacco filled her senses.
A little earthy for her tastes, but she wouldn't hold it against him. For long.
"It seems to have done the trick," Julia said playfully, before allowing the wine to drift over her lips once again. "You should see the one I really wanted to wear."
"Where's your date?" she asked, setting her wine glass gently on the bar, her fingers lingering gracefully on the stem. With a subtle motion, she brushed her hair back, letting it fall softly over her left shoulder, exposing the curve of her right. A sly smile played on her lips. "Did you leave her for the vultures to swoop in on?"
Last Edit: 11/27/2024 at 18:08 by Julia Laurence
but daddy i love him
dutiful daughter all my plans were laid, tendrils tucked in a woven braid
Indigo Amberghast
(12/02/2024 at 17:27)
Auror + Charms Professor
"You should see the one I really wanted to wear."
“Tragic. And on what do we blame that decision?” he teased, his eyes unblinking as they watched her over another swallow of wine, giving nothing away except his attention.
“You didn’t want to waste it on the kind of scum that comes to these things?”
Besides them — harrumphing obnoxiously, perhaps in response to something Julia had said — an attractive if perhaps slightly shrewish-looking woman asked too much of her own non-verbal communication.
“Oh, not you, darling—”
Stood beside, and married to, a walrus.
“—Him, though.”
"Where's your date?"
Subtle as an anvil, Julia accelerated her peacocking, exposing her shoulder, her flawless skin, as much an invitation as that wine-stained mouth of hers, twisting its sly little grin. He let his own smile tease at her, into the silence, past her next question without hint of recognition, never letting it bloom, or flourish, never exposing itself so brazenly as hers. Instead it loomed, half-formed, ready to pounce—
A shadow of a shadow.
“Jealous already? You’re supposed to at least wait until tomorrow morning.”
Last Edit: 12/02/2024 at 18:12 by Indigo Amberghast
Julia Laurence
(12/03/2024 at 15:27)
Hogwarts Librarian
There was something about the way Indigo carried himself that captured and held her interest. It wasn't the typical 'devil-may-care' attitude that she often saw in men of his type. Rather, it was a quiet confidence, an indifference that seemed to envelop him entirely. His body language conveyed a cavalier ease, as if he was utterly unbothered by the direction this interaction might take.
Fascinating, really. Normally, she found most men all too eager for her attention and time. Indigo however, it was almost as though the roles were reversed and he thought himself gracing
, with
His gaze was unyielding, and she met it head-on, a silent challenge sparking between them. "Saving it for a more indecent occasion," she answered sweetly, but her tone held a lower octave and her eyes swept over him once more. Subtle? No, boldness was Julia's signature, unapologetic and electric. She wasn’t a sly serpent slithering in the shadows. She was a lioness, prowling with deliberate grace, her every move a tantalizing tease as she waited for the perfect moment to sink her fangs into her prey.
"I'll send you an invitation."
Why hide what she wanted? A direct approach got the point across much faster.
She gave a small laugh, not quite turning her head to the target of Indigo's insult, but her eyes following his. "Insulting your inferiors, Indigo? Surely you're better than that." Her words were loud enough for the woman and her walrus to hear. Her eyes danced for a moment, "Or maybe you're not. Either way, the dregs here wouldn't have appreciated the effort. All sniveling brown-noses trying to outdo each other." If her father hadn't forced the issue, she'd be at home now, enjoying literally anything else.
At least the night wasn't a total bust.
“Jealous already? You’re supposed to at least wait until tomorrow morning.”
Jealous? Julia Laurence? Of
, exactly? "Quite the assumption," Julia grinned and she leaned slightly closer to him, her scent of orange blossoms and bergamot filling the air as she moved. She emptied the last of her wine between her lips, and she slid the glass gently towards the bottle.
"Not many men assume they've already sealed the deal before the first glass of wine is finished," her light eyes met his again with a slow blink. His grin was subtle, yet dangerously alluring—a quiet menace wrapped in charm. What a roguishly savage creature he was. "Seems you have experience in this area."
So did she.
"Tell me then, mon loup, how do you plan to hold my attention until morning?"
*French translation: my wolf
i'll captivate, you're hypnotized
feel powerful, but it's me
Indigo Amberghast
(12/23/2024 at 17:53)
Auror + Charms Professor
"I'll send you an invitation."
“Save yourself the bother,” he said, drowning the faint curve of his lips with a rich swallow of wine.
“I already see it in your eyes.”
She flattered the ghastly couple with more attention while his dark eyes continued to flatter her, lingering precisely where they wanted to linger for precisely how long they wanted to linger there before eventually, and not reluctantly, finding her gaze, his own gaze giving very little away except for the depth of its intensity.
“You can’t insult people like that, Julia,” he insisted, shrugging gracefully, “no matter how hard you try. They’ll take any attention they can get.”
Despite the walrus’ face — bearing a striking resemblance to a freshly slapped behind — this was no word of a lie, and it had been obvious to him from the beginning that most of these people cared so desperately little what part they played in this sad pantomime so long as they had a part. Nameless, faceless, charmless, they offered as much to this cold, existential plane as a plant, quietly photosynthesising in the corner.
He mirrored her pace, swallowing the last of his wine and then pouring out the same again, the wine being just another thing it was obvious she wanted.
"Tell me then, mon loup, how do you plan to hold my attention until morning?"
“I can’t tell you,” he teased, undermining his own playful tone with his sudden closeness, tasting the scent of her as he stole the air from her lungs, measuring the shape of her against the shape of him.
“But I could probably be persuaded to show you, if you keep asking so nicely.”
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Bad Guy | Indigo