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Author Topic: Nowhere to go | Julia  (Read 186 times)

* Nael Al-Azma

    (11/11/2024 at 13:48)
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Monday, last week of summer break

"I don't need the bloody elf to come with me. I'm fourteen years old and can do my shopping alone." Nael glared at he elf that stood in the same room with him and Nabih. A freaking chaperone to accompany him to Diagon Alley and back. "Floki will go with you and help you carry everything. No discussion, Nael." The boy's face became hard and his glare moved from the elf to the man standing in front of him. He had told him, he would not run again. Ever. Why could he not just give him a break and trust him again? "If you want to spend the last few days back at camp, you better get going now. Otherwise you will spend them here, in your room. Alone." Nael knew he had lost. Like he ever had a chance to begin with. "Ugh. Fine!"

The elf had come along with him to Diagon Alley, and Nael had roamed around for a little while before actually starting to go through the list of things he needed. The good thing about elves was, that you could ignore them perfectly and they didn't mind it one bit. Floki just followed him around in silence, stopping and walking when he did. A perfect little shadow.

"We could split up? I'll get the books and you the new cauldron." Nael suggested, hoping to get rid of the pesky thing for at least a little bit. All he wanted was some sort freedom, if only for an hour or so. While he had been at camp for a few weeks, it still had felt like he was trapped. Trapped in a place Nabih wanted him to be in. And with term coming up, he would be trapped in the castle as well, with strange and crazy Professors and his new father. ""Master said not to let you go alone." Floki's answer was as frustrating as Nael had expected it to be. Of course he had said that.

Even if he had grown closer with Nabih, accepting that the man would be his father figure from now on, there was still a part of Nael that longed for something else. After his trip to Syria and the experiences he had made there, life here seemed very comfortable. Normal. Something he desperately needed. The nightmares that plagued him every single night, that numbness inside of him and his disgust for being so weak all the time - it all consumed him. It was why he wanted to go shopping alone - it was normal. It was why he wanted to go to camp despite not wanting to see over half of the faces that roamed the place - it was normal.

"Alright let's go get the books." The 14 year old entered the store, the elf following on his heels. Nael went through his list, picking all the books he needed for next term. At a display on Quidditch books on the second floor, Nael stopped. They were not on his list, but he had enough money to get at least two of them.

The moment they landed in his shopping basket, Floki came and tried to fish them out again. "Master said only what's on the list!" Nael rolled his eyes and yanked the basket away from the elf. "I don't care what he said! He's not here! I can buy whatever I freaking want." Floki shook his head vehemently and tried to get to the basket. People started to look and Nael had enough. "Stop it!" he hissed and started walking between the shelves to get to the stairs that would bring him to the ground floor and the counter where he could pay. "But Master will...," Floki continued his protest. ""What? It's not like he's going to punish you for it, is he?" Nael snapped as quietly as he could and then saw a display with comics - muggle ones even. Oh, this was even better than Quidditch books!

« Last Edit: 11/11/2024 at 13:58 by Nael Laith Antony »
Don't hold me up now
I can stand my own ground

I don't need your help now

You will let me down, down, down!

* Julia Laurence

    (11/11/2024 at 15:11)
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"I really don't understand why this is even a discussion." Julia's words were bored and unimpressed. Her normally tidy room had exploded into a mess of boxes, crates and trunks, and clothes strewn everywhere. She was busy wrapping up a few of the odds and ends she planned to take with her to Hogwarts. Little touches from home to decorate her rooms and office with. Her baubles of course, several stones, glass bottles full of her dried herbs and flora and her books. She stopped momentarily and flicked her wand, allowing her knick-knacks to wrap themselves as she turned to Edith, wearing an exasperated expression. "I have too much to do today to babysit a pregnant woman around London." Edith's lips pursed in annoyance, and she crossed her arms, "He doesn't trust you, Julia. After that display at the wedding..."

"Oh come off it," Julia muttered and she crossed the room, stepping over a few boxes to gather a few more items. A few scented candles she hadn't finished off yet, and her orange blossom and bergamot perfume off the vanity. "It's not me," Edith protested, beckoning towards herself with both hands, "I don't want to go any more than you want me to." Julia shook her head and set the items down on her desk along with the other items waiting on wrapping. "So what, now I can't leave the house without someone tailing me all the time? Over a kiss, Edith?" Julia turned back to her and crossed her arms over herself. "What am I, twelve years old?"

Edith sighed and leaned her head back, obviously as fed up with this charade as Julia was. She tossed her hands up in the air. "You know I can't convince him of anything. Just...take me with you, and I'll sit at the Leaky Cauldron while you do your shopping." Edith had attended Hogwarts and had spent plenty of time in Diagon Alley herself. Julia contemplated this for a moment and turned back to her wrapping. "Fine." Her voice was strained, annoyed, but if its what it took to get the shopping she needed done, she'd do it.

She'd be free of all this in a week anyway.

The women apparated into Diagon Alley, Julia holding tightly to Edith to steady her on her feet. The last thing she needed was Edith stumbling or hurting herself while here. She'd never hear the bloody end of it from her brother. As soon as she had her sister-in-law settled at the inn, she excused herself and hurried down the streets, eager to escape her chaperone and have some time to herself. She needed a new log book, some floo powder and a few new quills. Easy enough, and she could be out of here in no time.

She turned first into the book store. A log book should be easy enough to find, but finding one that was large enough to last her the entire year would be the bigger challenge. The smell of parchment, leather and sage hit her nose, and she breathed deeply as she climbed the old wooden stairs to the second floor. She loved bookstores.

She wandered over to the journals and stationary section, just around the corner from the sports and and history sections. She'd peruse a bit, see if she could find a book she didn't already own. Unlikely, she smiled a little. Her collection of magical history books filled her own library at home. And if she was asked, she could answer yes. She had read every single one. Her fingers brushed the spines, as she admired the various colors and textures of each one. Some dark and rigid. Some lighter, smooth and delicate. Every book had its own personality, she'd found. Some even seemed alive at times.

She stopped at a rather large tome, and she pulled it from the shelf, feeling its weight in her arms. It was white leather, stitched in a soft cream thread with delicate rose embossing. Before she could open it to inspect the parchment, she overheard a rather loud commotion from a few shelves over.

"I don't care what he said! He's not here! I can buy whatever I freaking want."

Julia's eyes peered through the stacks of books and she saw a little house elf attempting to wrestle a book out of a basket. Seemed someone was trying to add things to their school supply list that they weren't supposed to. She gave a little laugh and went back to her own book, finally opening it to blank pages. Perfect, she could customize it exactly the way she wanted. And ensure that certain people were logging their comings and goings into the Restricted Section appropriately.

"Stop it!"

The voice hissed right past her, with the house elf chasing right behind. Her eyes followed a mop of dark hair as it marched straight towards the comic books. The elf wasn't giving up, as they normally didn't. They could be the most persistent of creatures.

"But Master will...,"

The boy turned to his elf and Julia realized it was Nael, Nabih's boy. So he wanted a few extras but it seemed there was a strict, unyielding list. According to the elf anyway. Julia didn't necessarily want to intervene, especially when there was usually no hope if a house elf was involved. She hadn't really had the chance to talk to the boy outside of introductions, so it wasn't as though he'd be expecting her to do so for him. No, she could go back to her shopping completely unbothered if she wished.

"What? It's not like he's going to punish you for it, is he?"

She closed the book with a thud, loud enough to get the boy and elf's attention, and she looked up, pretending to just notice Nael for the first time. "Oh, Nael," she said politely and looked at the elf with a cool expression. "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you." She tucked the tome under her arm and walked casually to the comic book display, and fingered through them with disinterest.

"Nabih asked me to meet with you after all. I guess he decided it'd be much more fun to shop with me than an elf." She turned her eyes to Floki and give him a little wave of her hand. "That's all, I have him."

Julia didn't appreciate being babysat anymore than Nael did. And if Nabih heard and got upset, he could get upset with her.
« Last Edit: 12/18/2024 at 22:25 by Julia Laurence »
but daddy i love him
dutiful daughter all my plans were laid, tendrils tucked in a woven braid

* Nael Al-Azma

    (11/11/2024 at 16:29)
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Nael looked at the comics, with Floki still tugging at him after his last words. A book shut audibly nearby and both Nael and Floki looked in the direction that had come from. A woman approached them and Nael was a bit surprised she knew his name. It took him a moment to recognize her. She was dressed casual, nothing like she had looked on Saturday.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you."

Wait...she had? Nael gave her a puzzled look and Floki came and stood in front of him. Did the elf really think he could protect Nael? "Lady Laurence." Nael remembered his manners and just gave her the smallest of forced smiles. She had danced with and kissed Nabih at the wedding. If she told him that Nael had not greeted her properly, he would never hear the end of it. And if she had heard how he had talked to Floki and tattled on him.


"Nabih asked me to meet with you after all. I guess he decided it'd be much more fun to shop with me than an elf."

Nael's eyes narrowed at her, still trying to figure out what she was trying to do here. Not in a million years had the man sent this woman after him so he could have more fun shopping. Like he cared about Nael having any fun. That would be news. He had given him pretty free reign at the wedding once the official part had been over, but that had only been because Nabih had been busy with Miss Laurence.

Floki was in doubt as well. "Master has said none of this to Floki. His instructions were clear." The small elf made no move to leave the boy alone and he even glared at the woman in front of them.

"That's all, I have him."

Oh she was good. The dismissive wave with her hand and everything. Nael glanced down at Floki, who still wasn’t sure. "You heard the lady, Floki. See you at home." The elf looked up at him once more and then finally shrugged and snapped his fingers. The next second he was gone and Nael exhaled as if someone had taken a heavy backpack off his shoulders.

A moment later he straightened his shoulder again. Miss Laurence was still there after all. "Thank you, I guess. You did not have to do that, though." Nael wasn't sure what to say to her really. He didn't trust her one bit, and he wasn't going to actual shop with her. "He hates lies, you know." No doubt, Nabih would find out. Not right this instant, because Nael knew he was currently at the ministry, but Floki would report back to him as soon as he could. Would he be angry with the woman he kissed? Or just with him?
Don't hold me up now
I can stand my own ground

I don't need your help now

You will let me down, down, down!

* Julia Laurence

    (11/11/2024 at 16:58)
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Julia's poker face held steady, though inwardly she laughed at Nael's narrowing of his eyes. So suspicious the Al-Azmas were. One would think with how they viewed everyone through this skeptical lens that horrific things happened to them on a regular basis. She certainly hoped that wasn't the case, but how would she know?

Certainly not through Nabih.

"Master has said none of this to Floki. His instructions were clear."

This was a spry little house elf, wasn't he? Defiant too. Oh, she was sure he was perfectly obedient to Nabih. To her though, well if he wasn't he'd soon find what happened to elves who disobeyed their betters. She stood a little taller and looked down her nose at the elf, piercing him coldly with her eyes. It was a challenge for him to contradict her again. There would be no further words wasted on the creature. Nael's order came next, and eventually, Floki relented with a shrug and snap of his fingers.

"Thank you, I guess. You did not have to do that, though."

Her face relaxed to its normal state and she gave Nael a small smile. "Oh, I know," she said, "Just saw a kindred spirit and thought I'd help." She turned from Nael to leave him in peace and moved back toward the shelf she had been inspecting. There was no need to bother the boy further. He could tell Nabih that Julia had been with him the whole time, and she would cover for him if asked.

The corners of her mouth turned upwards into a smirk at Nael's proclamation that Nabih hated lies. "Does he?" she asked, as she pulled a second book into her hands and she glanced back at Nael. "Hmm. I would have never guessed." She was amused at the thought of a man who would willingly sneak around with her, detesting little white lies. He'd write it off of course, as it was simply no one else's business. "Well it's none of his business," she grinned and shrugged her shoulder, "Julia by the way. No formalities needed."

She placed the second book back on the shelf and looked at him curiously. "It doesn't seem like Nabih to deny you extra books. Why would he punish you for wanting to read?" 
i'll captivate, you're hypnotized
feel powerful, but it's me

* Nael Al-Azma

    (11/11/2024 at 18:13)
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It was the look that she gave the elf before it disappeared that told Nael to be careful around her. It was enough she was happily spending time with Nabih, but that cold look Nael knew just too well. Maybe he was judging her too quickly, but he definitely did not buy her friendly smile at him.

Kindred spirit? Nael did not see anyone with her and he doubted she had any idea what his life actually looked like. Nabih was not known to share after all. He shrugged slightly and turned his attention back to the comic books after she had retreated a little from him. Good. She did not expect him to shop with her.

Nael did not know how well this woman actually knew Nabih. If she didn't know about his dislike of lies, what else didn't she know? Maybe they had just shared that dance and that kiss on Saturday. A casual fling, as grown ups sometimes tended to do. That moment of tension on the dancefloor had looked like it was more than a fling though. He'd asked Rosie about it, but she had only shrugged, clueless like him.

It was none of his business? Nael stared at the Spiderman Edition in his hand and just shook his head a little. "You don't know him very well, do you?" The question escaped him before he could stop himself. Everything was that man's business, especially if it concerned Nael.

"It doesn't seem like Nabih to deny you extra books. Why would he punish you for wanting to read?"

Nael raised his eyes to her and showed her the book currently in his hand. "That's an easy one. Comics and Quidditch. Not the kind of books he wants me to read. A waste of time..." Nael lowered the Amazing Spiderman comic again and put it back on the shelf. The two Quidditch books he would get away with somehow. The comics would disappear the moment Nabih found them. "At school a lot of the other boys have some though, so I do read them  anyway. If I have the time."

"Anyway...what are you looking for, Miss Laurence?" He would not be caught dead calling her Julia. It was polite to make a little small talk now though, that much he had learned. Cautious, innocent small talk until she got bored of him.
I am machine
It wasn't supposed to be this way

We were meant to feel the pain

I don't like what I am becoming

Wish I could just feel something

* Julia Laurence

    (11/11/2024 at 19:35)
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Julia gave her own little shrug as she moved down the rows of journals and empty tomes. This one seemed good enough, but there was no harm in looking for a second. If the first year went well, maybe she'd return for another. It was always good to be prepared in any case. "Still have a ways to go, I suppose," she quipped nonchalantly, in response to whether she knew Nabih well. Kids, especially moody teenagers were hard little nuts to crack. They'd give you tiny glimpses but hold firm until you found the flexible point of the shell.

"That's an easy one. Comics and Quidditch. Not the kind of books he wants me to read. A waste of time..."

Like that!

"At school a lot of the other boys have some though, so I do read them  anyway. If I have the time."

"I never played Quidditch," Julia hummed and she walked to the opposite side of the display Nael was standing at, and sorted through a small collection of quills. Some various colors and materials. Different breeds of bird feathers. "Beauxbatons has it, but I was never very good. My father wanted me to read more than anything else too." This was true of course. Omitting the part where it was also what she wanted to do didn't matter. "You play at Hogwarts? What position?" She noticed the comic book he put back, more than a little reluctant about it. She might mention it to Nabih on their date. Something gentle, a little push about comics being normal for boys.

Surely, Nabih Al-Azma had been a fourteen-year-old boy once? Even if he was a gloomy broody one.

"I find value in all books," she said, and she selected a few of the quills. One raven's feather with a gold tip, and a blush goose feather with a white tip. Unique enough that if anyone thought they'd steal the librarian's pen, she'd be able to track down the culprit quickly. "There's always something to learn, even from comics." She moved to stand beside Nael again and picked up the Amazing Spiderman. "Perhaps not overly educational. But we learn about empathy, the need to put others before ourselves. We learn to relate to other human experiences that way." She flipped the comic book over to skim the back.

She placed the book back down, and gave a little shrug. "Nabih's the same as most men I know and grew up with. They've seen the worst in humanity, so they armor themselves in knowledge and observance." It was maybe a heavy conversation for their first, but her voice remained casual as she perused the other items nearby. Some bookmarks, a few quirky toys for smaller children. "But not everything important in life revolves around the mechanics of things."

She gave Nael a small smile. "Just some food for thought." She picked up a little brown stuffed bear that sent up little sparkly hearts when hugged, and tucked it in with her book and quills. A little gift for Edith's baby. A thank you, for letting her have her space.

"Anyway...what are you looking for, Miss Laurence?"

"Well, Mister Al-Azma," she said with a smirk and she raised her eyebrow at him. If he was insistent on not using her name, then she could give him a little dose of his own medicine, "I think I've actually found it. I was looking for a large tome sort of thing. For logging comings and goings. Check outs..." She held the large book out to him so he could see it if he'd like. "Some new quills, and I need to grab some floo powder." She shrugged her shoulders at him.

"You're welcome to come if you'd like. I promise I won't stop you from buying what you want. I'm not quite the stickler for rules as others might be." She stopped and thought for a moment. "Unless it's a library. Then the rules stand."
« Last Edit: 11/11/2024 at 19:40 by Julia Laurence »
but daddy i love him
dutiful daughter all my plans were laid, tendrils tucked in a woven braid

* Nael Al-Azma

    (11/11/2024 at 22:48)
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"Still have a ways to go, I suppose,"

Why would she even want to? Nael wondered that briefly, but didn't dare to ask her. It was beyond him why someone would willing want to know Nabih. It boogled his mind already that Benji thought that man was good to him. And now Julia, Miss Laurence, apparently thought the same. True, he had that deep voice going for him. Nael had heard that some women liked that kind of stuff. Still, his voice was so harsh at times, how could anyone like it? Like it enough to kiss the man. Gross.

Nael's eyes followed her as she walked to the quills and looked through them. "Yes, I played the last two terms. Beater and Chaser mostly. Maybe I can make captain next term. If...well..if I can play, that is." He shrugged a little at that and fell silent again. They had not really talked about it yet, but Nabih had been rather clear after Ridgefield had put Nael on the team anyway. He could finish the term and that was it. No more Quidditch. But Nael hoped, that he still could. He'd been good and trying out for captain would be good for him, too. Maybe that counted for something.

"Why did you go to the French school? Did you have to learn French just to go there?" It seemed odd to him, especially because she came from sort of royalty bloodline or something. At least that's what Nabih had tried to make him study before the wedding. Nael had forgotten most of it already, if he was honest.

She went to talk about her love for books, and now Nael had found at least one connection between her and Nabih. Books. As she stood besides him and looked over the comic he had just put back, he nodded at her words at first, but then froze. Empathy. A picture flashed before his eyes and Nael took a step back from her as if he had touched something hot. Put other before yourself. Another pictures danced in front of his vision and he noticed his hand starting to shake. Nael closed his eyes tightly for a moment and tried to calm himself. Everything was fine. Normal.

It took only a few seconds and he was back in reality. She had put the book back and she said something about Nabih. So she knew about their family, about...grandfather? Or was she talking about her own family? Did all of them have monsters in their families too? "He might disagree with you on that last part." Nael muttered and watched her go over to the toys. "I won't tell him you said it, though."

"Well, Mister Al-Azma,"

Nael cringed at her called him that. It still sounded so strange to his ears and he always expected Nabih to come into the room or appear behind him when someone called him that. She smirked and he knew she was doing it on purpose. She'd offered him Julia and he had refused. Benji had told him once some women apparently felt old when you adressed them respectfully. Julia - Miss Laurence didn't look that old to him.

"You're welcome to come if you'd like. I promise I won't stop you from buying what you want. I'm not quite the stickler for rules as others might be."

So she was keeping an eye on him after all. He could not blame her, and because he thought her nice enough, it probably was better to tag along. What if she got in trouble because of him? Nope, not happening. "Uhm..sure. I have a few more stops. I need a new cauldron, some new cloaks," Yes, he had actually grown a bit over the summer, "and...uh..potion ingredients. I don't want to hold you up, Miss Laurence." If she only had the floo powder to get, she would be done quite quickly.

They went down the stairs and Nael went to the counter first to pay for all his books. He glanced at Julia again, not sure if he could ask her what he really wanted to know. "So, you are a librarian?" That was not the question, but it was a question. "Is that why you like him? Because of...books?" That was it. Why on earth did she like Nabih. It did not make sense. Not at all.
Not acid nor alkaline
Caught between black and white
Not quite either day or night
Perfectly misaligned

* Julia Laurence

    (11/12/2024 at 02:58)
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“Why wouldn’t you be able to play?” Julia asked. It seemed a strange thing to keep a child away from the things that brought him joy. If the boy was only allowed schoolwork, how would he grow into the best version of himself? Kids were dynamic. They needed to be allowed to explore who they were through their interests. Julia’s father had always supported this wholeheartedly for her, and it had worked beautifully. “If you’re good enough to be a captain, then you must have some natural talent for it.”

She knew she’d have some questions for Nabih after this. He’d probably dodge all of them or tell her it wasn’t her place. It didn’t mean she wasn’t going to ask them anyway.

His question about Beauxbatons made her smile. “Sort of a tradition. My family has always sent their children to France for their education. But I actually started learning French when I was five.” She had loved her time at Beauxbatons, but she was interested to see the differences and similarities when she got to Hogwarts. “How do you like Hogwarts? Are you looking forward to going back?”

But suddenly Nael seemed to freeze and then his hands began to shake. Julia watched quietly with concern. He squeezed his eyes shut and she narrowed her own trying to figure out what had just happened. When he finally seemed to calm himself and come back to reality, she decided against asking right at that moment. Something strange had just happened, and he seemed like he needed a moment. She’d circle back to this later when she’d brought him out of that shell a little more.

"I won't tell him you said it, though."

“Not to worry, I’ll tell him myself,” she grinned at Nael. She wasn’t afraid of Nabih, never had been. He was an intimidating man, and probably scared the daylights out of his students as much as he did other ministry employees. But she saw through it. It was a little strange though that Nael seemed so hostile towards him. “He must have really upset you sending that elf with you,” she said gently. She briefly considered telling him about Edith, but decided against it. Adult troubles weren’t children’s burdens.

She smiled as he agreed to join forces for the shopping day. “You’re not holding anyone up, Mister Al-Azma. I’m happy to have you along.” She smiled at him again and as he walked ahead of her towards the stairs, she picked up the comic book and slipped it between the cover of her book. She’d buy it and give it to him when they parted ways.

“So you are a librarian?”

“Not a librarian yet,” she said, her voice carrying a bit of a sing-song quality to it. “Next week I will be.” She gave a little shrug as they headed down the stairs, “I’ll be coming to Hogwarts. So you’re welcome to stop by and say hello whenever you’d like.” His next question caught her a bit off guard as he went to pay for his items. It wasn’t often she was asked about romantic partners by a teenager.

”Is that why you like him? Because of...books?"

“We have that in common,” she said with some amusement. “But no, we’re not in a book club or anything.” Her lips tightened with the laugh she suppressed as he busied himself with the cashier. Once he was done, it was her turn. She chose to wait until they were out of the bookstore, bags in tow before answering the rest of it.

As they stepped onto the street and headed towards the robes store, she gave a him a small smile, “Sometimes you just meet someone, and you know they’re special.” She didn’t expect Nael to understand. He seemed upset, and adult relationships were hard enough for adults to understand, without having to explain them to kids.

“Alright, robes. Here we are. After you.” She nodded him in, ready for his next line of questioning.
« Last Edit: 11/12/2024 at 03:08 by Julia Laurence »
i'll captivate, you're hypnotized
feel powerful, but it's me

* Nael Al-Azma

    (11/12/2024 at 09:49)
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"I'm not saying I'm good enough. Just thought I'd give it a try, you know. It would just take a lot more of my time away from studying..and," Nael looked at her a bit confused. Why was he telling her this? She wouldn't understand. "It's complicated." There that was better.

My family has always sent their children to France for their education.

Oh, he did not know that. Maybe it did make sense after all. The French were known to have a lot of high society pureblood families and surely the Laurences wanted to mingle with people like them. There were enough in England too of course, but it also paid off to know more than one language. "So, uhm. Rosie also goes there?" he asked, finally some color spreading into his cheeks. He had forgot to ask the girl that back on Saturday. Well he had not done much talking at all. She probably found him boring and was glad she would never have to see him again.

“How do you like Hogwarts? Are you looking forward to going back?”

Another trick question to which he just shrugged his shoulders. "It's school." What more explanation did she need? She was not going to get it from him. Unhinged Professors, crazy students, a Headmistress that was biased toward one house. Yeah, nothing she would appreciate him telling her. She was a grown up after all.

A grown up who was not afraid of Nabih apparently, or telling him her opinion. That was something, Nael thought. Fine with him really, as long as she kept the details of this conversation to herself. Nael felt like he had already said too much to her anyway. About Quidditch and comic books and..lies. Nabih would not like this, especially if he had an interest in this woman. 

“He must have really upset you sending that elf with you,”

This made him just stare at her for a moment. Her voice was gentle and it looked like she was a bit concerned for him, but Nael didn't trust this. It sounded like she was trying to draw him out. To say something he should absolutely not. "It's annoying, is all," he muttered in response and waited for her to pay as well.

“You’re not holding anyone up, Mister Al-Azma. I’m happy to have you along.”

Ugh, there it was again. She just enjoyed this, didn't she? If they were shopping together, she had to stop this though. He couldn't cringe every time she said that name. "Can you go back to calling me Nael, please? I'm just..trying to be respectful to you. Please don't make me call you by your first name?" Did she not understand how confusing this could potentially get? Besides, she was not someone close to him, but close to Nabih. Miss Laurence it was and would stay.

“I’ll be coming to Hogwarts. So you’re welcome to stop by and say hello whenever you’d like.”

Nael's dark eyes widened a little at this, but he swallowed whatever comment wanted to escape his mouth. He had known there was something off about her and now there it was. No one in their right mind became employed in that castle. So that look back in there - the one she had given the houseelf - that was her unhinged side most likely. And the library of all places. He really liked it in there most days. "Even more reason to keep calling you Miss Laurence, no?" Careful now, Nael. It was better if she kept liking him.

“Sometimes you just meet someone, and you know they’re special.”

As they walked along the street, Nael did regret his question. It was true, he didn't understand her words at all. Maybe she knew Nabih differently. Maybe he was different with women. Nael would not know this. He'd seen him with his mother only. That didn’t count, did it? Nael decided not to comment or ask further. It was awkward and none of his business, as long as she wasn't going to come and play his mother at some point. No one could do that.

Nael entered the clothing store when she held the door open for him and right away a man came and asked if they needed assistance. Nael told him briefly what he needed and the man ushered him to a little stool to stand on. Nael had expected a enchanted measuring tape, like the one he'd seen last time he was here. But this particular tailor did not use that one. Instead he was walking around him measuring his arms and chest and his size from shoulder to his feet. The moment he came up behind Nael to measure something on his back, goosebumps ran all over his body, color drained from his face and something short circuited inside of him.

Nael jumped down from the stool as soon as the man touched his shoulderblade. Quickly Nael turned around to him and shook his head, his tone a lot sharper than it needed to be. "My back is the same size as my front. Just take that number!" For a moment he'd forgotten that he had company even. The tailor frowned at him and protested. "I need them all for it to be accurate. It just takes a second, boy." Nael’s face grew even colder, and he just shook his head again.

The tailor sighed and looked at Julia. "Aren't you going to reprimand your son? He's being difficult for no reason. I pride myself in my cloaks fitting perfectly and that can only be done with the correct measurements. Excuse me." The tailor muttered something else and went to greet another customer.

Nael stood there for a moment, considering if he should yell after the man to inform him that this wasn't his bloody mother even, but then his eyes just looked back up at Julia’s instead. "Cauldron next?" Nael had no desire to buy robes anymore and he hated that she had seen him be a sissy about it. The day was getting worse.
« Last Edit: 11/12/2024 at 11:23 by Nael Laith Antony »
Every wound will shape me
Every scar will build my

* Julia Laurence

    (11/12/2024 at 13:00)
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Something strange was going on. Julia didn’t let on that she noticed, but this seemed slightly more intense than normal teenage angst. Granted, she wasn’t the ‘teenager whisperer’ or anything of the sort, but she found kids usually liked to talk about their interests, friends and school with whomever would listen. Nael seemed to be more like Nabih. The more you tried to get him to open up, the harder he resisted.

Sweet Rosie. Julia’s eyes smiled before her mouth did and she shook her head, “No, actually. She lives here in West Sussex with her parents, near my family home. They homeschool her.” Seemed her little cousin had made at least somewhat of an impression on the boy. She hadn’t had a chance to rendezvous with the girl to see if she’d enjoyed her time with Nael, but given the smiles and laughs while they were dancing, it was safe to say she did. “You could send her an owl sometime,” she said casually. “I know she gets lonely during the weeks when she’s stuck at home.” If anything, the two might be able to become good friends and have someone to confide in, without the prying eyes and ears of adults.

“It's annoying, is all."

“Adults can be that way,” Julia sighed and shook her head, “even towards other adults. You’ll probably see as you get older. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always stop.” Nael would likely experience this less as he got older, strictly by the privilege of being male. If Nabih raised him to fit into their world, and why wouldn’t he, considering their own powerful family, then Nael would likely be similar to her brothers or Nabih. Rosie, unless she somehow escaped all of this and made her own way in the world, would be more likely to have this continuation of other people dictating her life.

It was a choice all of them made. No one was a victim.

"Can you go back to calling me Nael, please? I'm just..trying to be respectful to you. Please don't make me call you by your first name?"

Julia gave Nael a soft smile and she shrugged. “Is it respectful to call someone by a name they don’t like?” Her eyes sparkled at him with laughter, but she relented, letting him have this one. “Fine, Miss Laurence and Nael it is. But don’t say I never let you win one.” He was a moody one, this kid, but there was a sweetness to him. Maybe with time she’d get him to let some of those walls down.

Maybe he’d enjoy some quiet library work. She laughed inwardly. Aside from her, she couldn’t imagine one kid who would take any joy in being a library assistant. She could tell Nael was uncomfortable when she answered his question about Nabih, but it was more amusing to her. That would teach him to ask questions he didn’t want the answers to. It was the same reason she didn’t ask him about girls at school or if he had a girlfriend. None of her business and she didn’t really want to know what hormonal teenagers were doing these days.

In the clothing store, things seemed to take a wild turn. Julia sat in a nearby chair, fidgeting with her new tome, deciding the layout she would use, as Nael was getting measured. Things seemed fine, until the man began measuring the boy’s back and Nael nearly jumped out of his skin. Julia watched for a moment, confused as Nael nearly shouted at the man, not wanting the rest of his measurements taken. She wasn’t sure what to do until the man turned to her.

"Aren't you going to reprimand your son? He's being difficult for no reason.”

“That’s enough,” Julia said sharply to the man, getting to her feet quickly. Her voice took on the cold even tone it always did when she had to put someone in their place. It was a skill Julia had learned early in life, and it served her well when she needed it to. “He doesn’t want it measured. You heard him. You have what you need. Make the robes and have them sent to the Hogwarts library. No later than Saturday.” She made no comment about not being Nael’s mother, as it was stupid and didn’t deserve a response.

She turned her attention back to Nael and nodded. “Cauldrons then.” She led the way, opening the door for him again, her mind racing. Nabih had jumped like that yesterday when she’d touched his arm.

What the hell was going on?

« Last Edit: 12/19/2024 at 01:05 by Julia Laurence »
let the sky fall
hold your breath and count to ten

* Nael Al-Azma

    (11/12/2024 at 16:00)
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"Homeschool?" Nael wondered out loud and tried to ignore Julia's smile. Maybe he should not have asked about Rosie. It was a bit embarrassing, but he would not mind seeing her again. She had been fun, despite them being at the most boring event ever. Slow dancing definitely wasn't his thing, but the faster songs, they did have fun on the dance floor. And the way she had laughed and giggled. It had been cute.

"Why do they homeschool her? If she's lonely, they should send her to school. She would like Hogwarts for sure." Nael almost shuddered at the homeschooling thought. Nabih had told him that this was an option for him as well, but Nael knew it to be a threat and not an option. Maybe things would be different now, if Miss Laurence also come to the castle. If he liked her, he would not want to leave his teaching position, right? "Ok, I'll send her an owl some time. Being lonely sucks."

“Adults can be that way,”

"Hmm, I guess. Did your parents decide everything for you when you were my age?" She came from an old pureblood family and the family dynamics in those were strange to Nael. Everyone had a role to play, as Nabih explained, and if a person did not, then it would be bad for the family. It was different for boys and girls, although Nael did not really know what the girls all had to do. In Syria he had not seen that many of the wives and girls. They were there, and some aunts had come to tell him how cute he looked and how much he resembled Nabih, but that was about it.

Thankfully she agreed to call him Nael again now. At least a small win. "Thank you," he said with a small smile of his own. "I'll try to remember."

“He doesn’t want it measured. You heard him. You have what you need. Make the robes and have them sent to the Hogwarts library. No later than Saturday.”

The whole affair was rather embarrassing now. Nael just wanted to leave, because he felt so uncomfortable in his own skin and because of how the man had talked to him after. He gave Julia a weird look as she reprimanded the tailor instead of him. That was unexpected, if he was honest. Instead of asking him why he was being difficult or just telling him to hold still, she accepted that he didn't want to. And not just that, she ordered his robes to be send to Hogwarts. To her.

It meant, he would have to go and pick them up. Or maybe Nabih would do that for him once he found out about it. "Uhm, thank you..again. I'm sorry you had to see that. Please don't tell A..I mean..please don't tell him this happened. I should not lose my temper like this." It was the embarrassment and the panicked feelings that were still lingering that made him talk. Nael wanted to bite his tongue, but the words were already out and he almost slipped up calling him Ammo too.

They had agreed, or rather, he had accepted that Nabih would be known as his father. Aside from his grandfather and Ammo Bilal and Ummi no one in Syria actually knew he was not his. And here? Well, Nael did not know what Nabih had told Julia about him.

Nael exited the store and they went two doors down into the apothecary. He would get the rest of his things here. The cauldron and the ingredients. Nael searched for his list in his pocket and once he had it, went through it. "You can give it to me. I'll collect all the ingredients for you," the shop assistant told him and held his hand out for the list. "Okay, I also need a cauldron. My last one kind of melted." The assistant gave him a stern look. "They can't melt. What did you do?" Nael shrugged and ran a hand through his hair while he looked at Julia again for help. "It just did."

It's a different kind of pain
when your heart cries but your eyes don't.

* Julia Laurence

    (11/12/2024 at 16:53)
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"I'm not sure, really," Julia answered honestly. She had never really asked her cousins why they didn't send Rosalie off to Beauxbatons or Hogwarts. She knew the girl was their only child, and they were incredibly overprotective of her. She hardly went anywhere without them and vice versa. She agreed that an athletic girl like Rosie would probably love Hogwarts, and even more so getting out from under her parents' thumbs. "I'm sure she'd like to hear from you."

"Hmm, I guess. Did your parents decide everything for you when you were my age?"

She nodded her head back and forth as she thought, "Yes and no. It was just my father, and he had certain values and priorities for us. I didn't have much of a choice at your age, but I did when I got older. Noble families are different in a way than others. There's more rigid expectations for their children. Less freedom in exchange for what they'll inherit." It was hard for a teenager to accept, and she knew this as well as anyone. When she was Nael's age she had rebelled in ways. She'd had a serious boyfriend, one her father didn't approve of, as he was muggleborn and from a less-fortunate background. She'd almost run off with the boy when they'd graduated, but her sense of duty and obedience had kicked in, and off to Edinburgh she'd gone with her brothers.

Nael would see eventually that he did have choices. He could do as she and Nabih and so many others had. He could fall in line, and accept who he needed to be in order to be successful in this sort of life. He could have the power. Or he could rebel and refuse all of it and be who he wanted to be. Everyone had a choice. The choice was never promised to be easy. Life was never promised to be easy. Even for people like them.

As they left the robes shop, Julia gave one last cold glance to the very offended tailor. Honestly, if some of the adults around here didn't act just as petulant as the children, snapping and barking at them all the time. There was a time and a place for discipline and sharp words, but when a boy was obviously frightened at being touched? Shame on him. She closed the shop door behind her with a little more gusto than she normally would have.

"Uhm, thank you..again. I'm sorry you had to see that. Please don't tell A..I mean..please don't tell him this happened. I should not lose my temper like this."

Concern still lingered on her face, but she gave him a genuine smile, "Don't think another thing about it. My lips are sealed. Let's go get you that cauldron." Nael had almost called Nabih something else, but again, she decided not to press. This wasn't the time. These were all questions she could eventually put to Nabih, when Nael wouldn't feel the heat from it. She also had half a mind to ask him why Nael was so afraid of getting in trouble with him.

Questions, questions. And guaranteed that none would be met with straight answers.

As they entered the apothecary, Julia's eyes lit up and she began perusing the shelves as Nael handed off his list to the shopkeep. Cowbane, Aphosdel, Wormwood... didn't this place have any Mugwort? She was always running out, and it wasn't an easy plant to source recently. She didn't have the soil back home to grow it herself. Seemed everyone was in a pinch for it.

She looked back at Nael, amused at the back and forth. "Melted it huh?" she stifled a little laugh and said, "We can work on that. I'm rather good with potions." She leaned down a little and said lowly, "All kinds." She gave him a little nod and raised her eyebrows as she went back to looking at the dried herbs. "Sir?" she called politely over her shoulder to the shopkeep. "What's going on with all the Mugwort lately? I can't find any anywhere."

"Soil conditions," the gruff reply came. "Something about it being too acidic this year. But Hogwarts shouldn't be faring too bad. They've had enough rain up there this year." Julia nodded in thanks. Maybe she'd be able to find some around the castle grounds. She turned back to Nael, "Alright. Anything else after this? Have you eaten yet?"
« Last Edit: 11/12/2024 at 16:58 by Julia Laurence »
let the sky fall
hold your breath and count to ten

* Nael Al-Azma

    (11/15/2024 at 12:18)
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Nael listened, and his thoughts started going. She'd only had a father, and that must have been difficult for her sometimes. Nael still had trouble accepting that his mother was not there anymore. She'd been the most important person in his life and now she was somewhere, not knowing how he was, or what he did and he still felt betrayed and abandoned by her. Of course, he knew others had it worse. Benji's parents had been horrible to him, and others didn't have parents at all, but what did that change how he felt? Nothing.

Julia didn't sound sad though, so maybe she was okay with how she had grown up. She had learned to live with not having choices, just like Nael was still learning this. He was not as careless with himself as he had been at the end of last term, but his visit to Syria had not improved how he saw things. On the contrary, it was even worse now, knowing there was a monster pulling all the strings. Even Nabih's. "My...father told me that women from our kind of families get married young most of the time. How come you're not married yet? Was that a choice you got to make?" It was maybe a very straight forward question, but she had mentioned inheritance, and girls usually drew the short stick when it came to that unless they married early.

Nael was glad, Julia promised not to say anything to Nabih about this. He would wonder why the robes were send to Julia of course, but he would figure something out for that. Nabih actually knew that he had trouble with this, being touched on his back, and the man had tried to be accommodating about it. In fact, it seemed that his Ammo father was concerned for him a lot more than Nael had thought he could be. While still strict and commanding with him, making sure Nael knew to fall in line at all times, there was something else about him since Syria. The Hufflepuff could not really place it, and his mind was too jumbled already to figure it out properly.

The apothecary assistant stared at him, that strict look not leaving his eyes. "Cauldrons don't just melt. I hope you are not trying out things unsupervised, young man." Nael shook his head quickly and turned back to Julia, before the assistant could reprimand him further. Everyone seemed to be in a rotten mood today. Except for his company. She was offering him help with his potions already, even though he hadn't asked for any. Nael shrugged and had a feeling, that she was really trying here. "I only really know how to make a pepperup potion and calming and sleeping draughts. All the others don't turn out so well." His voice was a bit low, so the assistant would hear him, but the man still heard and shook his head in disapproval and muttered something along the lines of kids these days.

At least his potions didn't explode anymore most of the time. Now, something else happened, and the last time, his cauldron had just given up and melted down with whatever acid Nael had mixed up inside of it. Nabih had not been amused at all, and the smell had lingered in the house for days. "A few tricks from you couldn't hurt probably."

Receiving his cauldron with all the ingredients on his list, Nael muttered a thank you, listened to the brief exchange between Julia and the man. Once she was done, and asked him about food, Nael looked at her a bit hesitantly. Should he? Did he want to face more questions, more potential slip ups on his part?

A quick glance at his watch told him, he still had time before Nabih would return from the ministry and hear from Floki what happened. "I think I have everything I need." Nael opened the door of the shop and held it open for her to walk through back out onto the street. His stomach was making noise, now that he thought about food, and the answer became quite obvious. "No, I haven't. I can eat!" His face was a bit more happy now as he walked next to Julia. His appetite had gotten better, despite everything. Nabih said it was because he was growing, but Nael just liked that food actually tasted good again. It hadn't in a long time. "What do you want to eat?"
It's a different kind of pain
when your heart cries but your eyes don't.

* Julia Laurence

    (11/15/2024 at 16:01)
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It was better than broody silence. Julia's lips tightened in a smile and she tried not to show her amusement at his question. It was a question she'd been asked probably a hundred times over the last ten years, and it didn't bother her. It was unusual for a woman of her age and background to not be married. "He's not wrong," she answered casually, "most girls from our background grow up understanding that's the way of things. But it was different for me."

She hadn't ever given too much thought as to why her father hadn't pressed the issue of marriage, outside of the fact that it didn't benefit him or their family to do so. "My family is very, very old," she said as they strolled. "We're one of the most ancient pureblood families in England. Which means that we stand well on our own without the usual need to secure power through marriage."

This may all be a bit over a fourteen-year-old's head, but it seemed Nabih had educated the boy fairly well on how things worked in their culture. "If I hadn't had two older brothers, then I'm sure it would have been a different story for me. But my father was happy to let me pursue my own interests, as long as I still helped out the family when it was needed. I never found anyone I wanted to marry." It was a softer version of the truth. Maybe when he was older, if he was still interested, she'd expand on it and help him understand women's places in their small part of society.

The apothecary assistant was less harsh than the tailor had been. He seemed more concerned that Nael wasn't doing things he 'wasn't supposed to do'. Wasn't supposed to do, according to who, Julia thought. The Ministry? A bunch of buttoned-up soft-spined men, most afraid of their own shadow. None of them that she had met had the wherewithal to understand that education was better than eradication. Teach the students how to use all spells and potions correctly and responsibly, and there was less likelihood they'd get rebellious and hurt themselves.

Still, she couldn't very well voice this in front of Nabih's boy. Instead, she gave the man a polite smile, and turned her attention back to Nael. "We'll talk about the ones you're having trouble with. I'll be glad to help." He was starting to warm up now and relax a little, and she was glad to see a little more of his personality. If anything, he could perhaps head home and say he had a good day, sans a strict immovable house elf. Kids needed to be able to relax and be themselves.

Otherwise, they eventually turned out like her eldest brother.

He had everything he needed, it seemed and surprisingly, seemed interested in eating. "How about The Three Broomsticks? My brother tells me they have really good pasties. We can eat and you can tell me about your friends, or I can tell you anything you'd ever want to possibly know about Magical History. Riveting stuff for a kid, I'll tell you." She offered to take one of his bags off his shoulder, as she ushered him out of the shop, and looked at her own watch. She had about thirty minutes before she was sure Edith would come looking for her. It would have to be a quick little lunch.
let the sky fall
hold your breath and count to ten

* Nael Al-Azma

    (11/16/2024 at 22:27)
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It made sense. Nabih had told him that most arranged marriages were done to secure power one way or the other. Girls were getting married off to guys to bind the families together in an alliance, or simply as a transaction for something either one wanted. Nael found it all very confusing and morally wrong. Where was the love? Was there even love? After what he'd seen, Ummi did not seem to love grandfather at all, and yet she'd given him three sons and was still there, doing his bidding. She was a powerful woman, that Nael had understood, but what kind of life was that even?

"Your father sounds nice, if he let you do all those things you like." Unlike other men Nael knew. If she never found anyone to marry, then that was good for her. Nael just hoped she didn't think that Nabih was the right kind of guy to marry. She should run now that she still had the chance. No way, Nabih was going to let her do the things she liked once they were married. Unfortunately, Nael could not tell her that. She would not appreciate it for one, and grown ups did not tend to listen to children anyway. Nael was sure she would figure it out soon enough though.

"Thank you. I have trouble with them all. I guess." He was in the library quite often anyway, so spending some time with her to go over potions wasn't going to hurt. If it helped him get better, then it was worth it. And right now, she seemed pleasant to talk to, so he could actually see himself going to her for help willingly. Unlike most of the other Professors at the castle. Hopefully she did not let out that other side with him.

Nael nodded at her suggestion, but did not let her take one of his bags and they made their way over to the place. Once inside, they found seats, ordered and the food came rather quickly. "Magical History. Uhm," he stammered a little, but she had sounded a bit amused. So it was safe to assume she would not talk about this to him. "I'm sure it's interesting. For you." A small smile finally appeared on his face, but then he quickly looked down at this food.

He was so hungry.

After putting at least three forks of food in his mouth, chewing in between, he looked back up at her. "I have one really good friend. He's a Hufflepuff like me. A little younger. His name is Benji. You'll meet him soon. Although he doesn't like books, so you might not see him very often. But I'm in the library a lot." The food had given him energy and this was making him talk more now. It did also help that he was relaxed in this moment, not so much worried about what would happen later, or if he was going to be in trouble. "I also volunteer in the hospital wing, because my mother, she's a nurse and she wanted me to do this." It was out before, he thought about it, and Nael fell silent right away. His mother was not supposed to come up. Ever.
Every wound will shape me
Every scar will build my

* Julia Laurence

    (11/17/2024 at 14:16)
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Julia gave a small, tight smile. Her father would sound nice to a boy like Nael, and in some ways, he was. William Laurence undeniably loved his daughter as he loved all his children. But it wasn't out of the kindness of his heart that he hadn't forced a marriage on Julia. She was certain that if it had been in the family's best interest, Julia would have been married off, likely in her very early twenties. She was just lucky that it wasn't a necessity and that her father recognized her worth beyond such arrangements. "He is," she said finally. "He's a decent man."

She didn't know what constituted a 'good man'. Was it a man that did the bare minimum of not raising his hand to a woman? Was it a man that 'loved' a woman and still wielded her to his whim, but just enough to not make her feel like a prisoner? Her father did both of these things, but somehow she still didn't think it made him 'good'. If she thought deeply enough about it, she didn't know a single man she would classify as such.

"Most kids your age do. I did. Potions aren't an easy skill to grasp without a lot of practice." She reassured Nael, wanting him to know that continuing to try was really the only way forward. Nobody started out good at anything. Some had natural talents for one thing or another, but even they had to practice consistently to hone that skill. They sat down at a table and ordered their food. Nael's eyes seemed to take on a different light once he had his meal in front of him.

"I'm sure it's interesting. For you."

A small laugh left her lips and she nodded in agreement as she watched him eat. "Yes, for me." History of Magic was one of those subjects someone either loved and was fascinated by, or they found it as interesting as paint drying on a wall. Seemed Nael was of the latter group. Fair enough, most teenage boys were much more interested in other things. She may have been alarmed if he'd actually wanted to discuss it.

"Benji," Julia said thoughtfully, as she finally joined the boy in eating. She'd keep an eye out for this kid. See what sort he was. From a simple sentence, he didn't seem the scholarly type. Strike one. "An interesting name. So if he doesn't like books, and you're in the library often, what do you two do together?" Nael was relaxing as he ate, and she was glad to see him a little more himself.

"I also volunteer in the hospital wing, because my mother, she's a nurse and she wanted me to do this."

Julia didn't know anything about Nael's mother. Nabih had never mentioned her, though maybe he would on their date. She noticed he went silent right away, and it made her eyebrows come together in confusion. Why would he not want to talk about his mother? She smiled softly as she reached for her goblet of pumpkin juice. "I'm sure your mother's a wonderful nurse if you want to follow in her footsteps. Tell me about the hospital wing. What part do you play there?"

let the sky fall
hold your breath and count to ten

* Nael Al-Azma

    (11/17/2024 at 16:09)
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Decent. Whatever that meant, Nael thought. Nice meant something different, that he knew. Nice meant, he did not force his children to do things they didn't want to do. It meant, letting them make their own decisions and explore the things they liked. And it meant, that he certainly didn't torture them for the fun of it. Not everyone was a sick and twisted as Nael's own grandfather, and that was good to know. It also meant, that Julia really needed to stay away from the Al-Azma family.

Nael nodded at her potions comment. It seemed a lot of students were doing fine with them at school. Maybe they practised more, or they just had that natural talent that he seemed to lack when it came to this. It was strange, because Nael could cook quite well, if he wanted to. Just not potions, it seemed.

Nael chewed and watched her laugh. It sounded genuine and he relaxed a little more even. She would not bore him with history - even though some of it was probably interesting. He'd read a lot of stuff and with the old arabic spells came a lot of magical history as well. Some boring and some quite interesting. But school didn't start for another week, and so Nael wasn't that eager at the moment.

"Lots of things. We hang out in the common room, kitchen, at the lake, swim in the pool, play Quidditch. Sometimes I help him with his spells. Sometimes we just sit together and draw. He's so good at it, you wouldn't believe." Spending time with his little brother was never boring, really. "I'll drag him to the library sometimes, so he does some of his homework at least." The more detention Benji got for not doing the work, the less time they got to spend after all. So Julia would meet him eventually. Nael wasn't sure she was going to like his tendency to send his parchment flying in little balls though. He omitted this now. She would find out soon enough.

For a moment, Nael busied himself with his food again. Mentioning his mother had made him a bit nervous again, although he tried to hide it as best as he could. Once more he wondered what this woman knew about Nabih. "She is. Was. It doesn't matter. She's gone." Nael shrugged, trying to sound like it really didn't matter to him. "I worked in the apothecary last term. That's why I know those potions I mentioned. We needed so many of them. Not sure what I'll do coming term. I don't think I'll be a nurse. It depends who is going to replace Nurse Foxglove as Head Nurse, I guess. He said he would not come back."

When Nael took his own cup to drink, a loud pop next to him made him jump. Floki had appeared next to him out of nowhere and the elf had a very sour expression on his face. "Master wants you to come home. Right now!" The elf did not even spare a look at Julia, but ushered Nael to get up, getting more impatient with every passing second. "Ok. ok. Can I finish at least?" The elf shook his head vehemently and tugged on Nael's sleeve some more.

"I better go with him. Sounds like he's quite angry. Thank you again for all your help today, Miss Laurence." The elf was tugging harder now, while loading himself with Nael's shopping bags. Nael's relaxed demeanor was gone completely as he looked at Julia, replaced by the guarded and closed off one she had encountered him with in the bookstore and extended his hand to say goodbye properly.
« Last Edit: 11/17/2024 at 16:15 by Nael Al-Azma »
Don't hold me up now
I can stand my own ground

I don't need your help now

You will let me down, down, down!

* Julia Laurence

    (11/17/2024 at 18:41)
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"Sounds like a good friend to have," Julia said, drinking from her goblet and watching him casually. The poor boy was eating as though he hadn't had food in weeks. "If he has as big an appetite as you, I'm sure the two of you keep the house elves busy." She looked at him curiously. "An artist? I've been thinking of little events to do in the library, outside of reorganization and assistant duties. Maybe you and your friend would be interested in helping out with an art day?" She could set it up so each student interested would have their own drawing pad, and sketch or paint from an example. She'd have to see this Benji kid's work first of course.

Or, she could do sort of a museum exhibit. Displaying different students' works of art. She'd have to think about this a little more.

Nael was getting nervous again at the mention of his mother, and she went back to her own plate, not wanting to make him upset. "My mum died when I was born," she said gently, "It's a loss that doesn't get easier I'm afraid. I'm sorry, Nael." She didn't know if Nael's mother had passed, or if she had just left, but either way, it was a horrible thing for a child to go through. It was obvious he didn't want to talk about it, so she let him change the subject quickly and her voice picked back up. "Sounds like you've learned some useful information though. That can never be a bad thing. Whatever you decide to do, if you need help with any of it, you know where you'll be able to find me."

She couldn't say much more because Floki was back. She resisted rolling her eyes at the bloody elf. Seemed their luck had run out, and he was immediately tugging on the boy, demanding he come home. 

"Master wants you to come home. Right now!"

She wanted to intervene, let Nael finish eating, but the damn creature was beside himself at this point. Nabih must be irritated. Hopefully he wouldn't take it out on Nael too badly, considering it was Julia that had dismissed Floki. "I hope I haven't gotten you in any trouble, but I hope you had fun. Also," she smiled at him and reached into her bag, pulling out the Spiderman comic he had been looking at earlier. She slid it over to him. "For you." She smiled genuinely at Nael and took his hand in hers and gave it a light squeeze.

"I'll see you soon. Hurry now, don't keep him waiting." As soon as the boy and elf had disappeared, Julia got to her feet, leaving a few coins on the table. She grabbed her bag, more questions than ever spinning through her head, and she hurried out and back towards the other end of Diagon Alley.

Edith was likely becoming impatient.

« Last Edit: 12/19/2024 at 01:56 by Julia Laurence »
i'll captivate, you're hypnotized
feel powerful, but it's me
