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A Frolic in The Meadows || Julia
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Topic: A Frolic in The Meadows || Julia (Read 139 times)
Maddox Barlowe
(11/04/2024 at 08:30)
Dragonologist and Care of Magical Creatures Professor
Friday, June 8, 1973
An open field
Partly cloudy skies with a gentle breeze
When the word wouldn't come no matter how hard he tried, the man swore in resignation.
Children were exhausting. His sister's children were particularly so. The pair stood before him, arms clasped behind their backs while they tried to convince him of their remorse. Maddox scowled between the two, Avery already 5 and Luka taking entirely too long to no longer be 2. Neither knew peace and felt it only right that their uncle knew none either.
His rules had been simple. No hitting, no biting, no running where he could no longer see them, no pulling Atlas's tail--looking at you Luka--and the simplest but perhaps, in his mind, the easiest to follow...n
o bothering Uncle Maddox unless either of them was bleeding
. Even then, how much blood were they talking? A scratch that would scab over before they got home...or a gushing fountain that would have his sister kill him long before they ever had the chance to bleed out?
"The next time I have to talk to either of you--the very next time, we're ...going..."
His sentence tapered off at the glass-eyed look of the brother and sister. It was, perhaps, his sister's most
idea. Steal the children in the dead of night and take them to a country that used a language neither of them understood--one she'd never seen the sense in teaching
because life was meant for living and there would be enough time for learning someday
Cassidy had been off in France living what she'd considered her best life. Enjoying the flickering embers of her youth that no one in the family was willing to admit would soon be snuffed out. It was her get-out-of-condemnation-free card. The one she flashed both times she turned up home pregnant before disappearing again; the same card she used after a rushed wedding to a distasteful Frenchman she swore she loved.
Big, innocent eyes bore into him, searching for the meaning of his threat. Even Atlas joined them. The black and white bordie collie sat by Avery's feet, his head cocked to the side, feigning his poor understanding.
A brick wall would've been easier.
He brought his index finger up to point at his chest.
"You--you both,"
He pointed to each of them in turn.
"Home. Maison, maman. Trouble,"
How did he say trouble again? Ah, nevermind.
"Trouble, you two, no play, maison"
He lifted both hands now to make an X, only marginally certain any of it had gotten through to them.
The mention of their mother had little Avery perking up. She bounced in place, rattling off such swift French it made his head spin. He had no idea she was saying she would pick flowers for her mother. It was her turn to be frustrated at the blank look he helplessly gave her. Why did he think this would be a good idea?
Maddox ran a hand through his dark hard, inhaling deeply before trying again.
Maman - mommy
maison - house
Last Edit: 11/04/2024 at 08:34 by Maddox Barlowe
Julia Laurence
(11/04/2024 at 20:06)
Hogwarts Librarian
"She's saying she wants to take some flowers back home to her mummy."
Julia glanced over her shoulder at the man who seemed completely fed up and at a loss with the two children he was attempting to wrangle. She gave him a small smile, and picked at a few of the wildflowers and dandelions she was kneeled beside. Interestingly, the man was saddled with childcare responsibilities and seemed to have no idea how to convey his scolding. She tossed the flowers into the little satchel she'd brought with her and pulled at a few more.
It had been a long morning already. Normally, it would take a trip to Edinburgh for Julia to be able to get this particular flora, but a meeting at Hogwarts had come up rather suddenly and unexpectedly. The meeting had gone well, and left her with a few things to mull over, but had also allowed her the opportunity to collect some additional ingredients for her apothecary.
"And the word you're looking for is 'arrêt'." She stood and stretched her legs, placing the last bit of her flowers into her bag. She looked at the two children who seemed just as fed up with the man, as he was with them. "Maman aime-t-elle le rose ? Il y en a ici." Her words came clear and soft, indicating to the little ones that there were pink flowers near her, if they thought their mummy might like those. The older one, a little girl, lit up and hurried over. "Oui, maman aime le rose!" Her little voice was like bubbles in the air, and Julia smiled, before looking back at the man.
"Sorry, hope you don't mind. Just seemed a little...hopeless." Her eyebrows raised at 'hopeless', and she shrugged. "You don't speak any French?" she asked. She bent down and picked up a few small pebbles. There was spear thistle blooming nearby as well. Julia drew her wand, swishing it quickly, and the plant rose from the ground and found its way into her bag. "Bit prickly. Easier this way," she explained. The man, aside from being obviously fed up with the children, also seemed fed up with his dog. Must have been a rough day at the daycare.
"If you don't mind my asking, how is it that you're in charge of two little ones that you have no way of communicating with? Seems a recipe a for disaster."
*Does Mummy like pink? There's some here.
*Yes, Mummy likes pink!
Last Edit: 11/04/2024 at 20:11 by Julia Laurence
i'll captivate, you're hypnotized
feel powerful, but it's me
Maddox Barlowe
(11/05/2024 at 00:24)
Dragonologist and Care of Magical Creatures Professor
"She's saying she wants to take some flowers back home to her mummy."
Maddox turned at the intrusion of the woman kneeling nearby. There were a few people scattered throughout the countryside that day, each lost in their own world and spread so far apart it made it easy to forget they were not truly alone. She had certainly been easy to ignore. The man had been so engrossed in ensuring the children didn't kill each other that the woman who'd been minding her own business had become inconsequential.
Had he known she spoke French, he may have been less inclined to leave her be. That she all but volunteered her services by intruding on
a hopeless exploit
a family matter, he supposed she was signalling that she didn't mind sticking her nose where others belonged.
Arrêt. Yes. That did sound like the word he'd been looking for.
He was quick, perhaps a little too quick to be possible. The moment his niece sprang into action, Maddox's pupils widened. Before the little girl could get too far, he reached for the back of her shirt in one swift motion, tugging her back so she wouldn't try crowding the woman with her newly found enthusiasm. All the good that did. The little girl paid him no mind as she and the woman went on conspiring things he dared not hope to understand. Avery swatted against his hand with all the force of a paper fan, her smile never dimming. Outside of her mother, this perfect stranger had been the first to speak to her in the only language she knew since their unceremonious arrival.
Even Luka took notice despite his more reserved nature that kept him in place.
Atlas, not one to be outdone, sprang to his feet to begin his detective work. He walked up to the woman, large brown eyes trying to decide if she was friend or foe. The dog sniffed at her before turning his attention to the flowers in her possession.
Was this how mutinies started?
"By all means,"
He said with a wave of his hand in response to her concern over whether he minded.
"Do let me know if she plans to off me in my sleep. Merlin only knows what goes through her mind."
"If you don't mind my asking, how is it that you're in charge of two little ones that you have no way of communicating with? Seems a recipe a for disaster."
A dry and wry smile danced across his lips, fleeting in its reminiscence. It hadn't taken her more than a moment to realise the problem his sister still hadn't been able to piece together.
"Call me the doting uncle."
The words rolled off his lips with no particular urgency or conviction; languid and unconcerned. He finally released the girl, allowing her to skip forward with more questions about the whereabouts of pink flowers.
Sinking to the ground, Maddox welcomed Luka into his lap when the boy began his relentless clawing against him. His nephew would need a moment to collect himself in the presence of yet another stranger. The pair had no doubt met many of those in the last week alone, though Avery remained largely unaffected.
"They needed someone to watch them and my days happen to be the least occupied of late. It doesn't get any more exciting than that, I'm afraid."
Circumstances, nothing more.
"And what brings you out to the countryside on such a fine day? Has fate finally decided I'm the one in need of saving?"
Julia Laurence
(11/05/2024 at 17:29)
Hogwarts Librarian
"Well that shouldn't come as a surprise," Julia said, amusement and sarcasm mixed in her tone. She kneeled down at the dog that also approached her; an admirable guardian, putting her to the test. "It's what all women do. Plot your demise when you least expect it." She gave the dog a little pat and scratch behind the ear before it returned to the lap of its owner. "So far she seems perfectly happy to just pick flowers, but if I overhear anything untoward I'll make sure
to tell you." She grinned at the man, and reached down for a little patch of primrose.
"Call me the doting uncle."
"Ah, the uncle," she said as the little girl helped herself to the pink flowers. Julia swished her wand gently, and a mix of wildflowers plucked themselves from the Earth and encircled the child, dancing and bobbing, enticing her to laugh. "My brother's wife will be having their first child in a few months. I guess I'll see what all the fuss is about." She wasn't at all enthused about the idea of the new addition to the family, but perhaps that would change once the baby arrived.
She smiled at the smaller boy; seemingly less willing to come out of his shell. She pointed her wand in his direction and whispered a small encantation. Green and blue bubbles poured out the tip of her wand and floated gently in his direction. "I don't think I'm the savior you're hoping for," she gave a small laugh at the man. "Despite all evidence to the contrary, children aren't my forte. I spend most of my time locked in museums behind books."
"And what brings you out to the countryside on such a fine day? Has fate finally decided I'm the one in need of saving?"
She looked back at the man before she sat down in the grass, still keeping a respectful distance and shrugged, "I was just coming from a meeting at Hogwarts. I approached them about a possible collaboration with the British Museum. Figured I'd gather a few things to take back to Sussex." It wasn't
the truth, but she wasn't willing to count her chickens before they hatched.
"Are you from around here? Hogsmeade that is?"
Last Edit: 11/05/2024 at 19:05 by Julia Laurence
i'll captivate, you're hypnotized
feel powerful, but it's me
Maddox Barlowe
(11/06/2024 at 06:59)
Dragonologist and Care of Magical Creatures Professor
Truer words had likely never been spoken. Maddox wasn't taken aback by the woman's light teasing, his expression remaining neutral save for his dancing blue eyes. She wasn't the first woman to make such declarations and he was certain she wouldn't be the last. His upbringing alongside his sisters had, in many ways, prepared him for such 'deep' revelations and time had tempered his reaction to them.
"...but if I overhear anything untoward I'll make sure not to tell you."
"An angel and a fiend,"
he quipped.
"Almost enough for me to pay attention."
Almost. Though he did pay attention. Every sound that carried on the wind, the crunch of dried twigs beneath sauntering feet, her breathing relaxed and uninterrupted, his ears caught them all. The space that existed between himself and his niece, the space that existed between her and the lovely stranger. That gap was easily bridged if needed though every muscle in him hoped it wouldn't come to that.
His joints prematurely offered up their protest, insisting he find a way to avoid such an outcome.
"I don't know about fuss."
His eyes fell to Luka. The boy was enthralled by the bubbles that floated from her wand, so much so that the woman received for herself a coy little smile seldom seen on the disciplined lips of the 2-year-old. Maddox reached a hand out, poking and popping a few in demonstration for his nephew. It seemed to delight him more, the boy reaching out to pop a few of his own.
"You spend a lot of time thinking you'll never be invested in children you didn't bring here. When they get here, the exasperating little buggers have a way of making you think you want t do things you'd never otherwise have considered."
The impromptu dance recital in his parents' living room the night before was proof enough of that.
"The museum?"
Maddox made a small show of peering around them. He couldn't think of a place further from the one she'd mentioned. She likely preferred the quiet of such a venue to the racket that typically followed the youth.
"She'd begged to differ."
He nodded toward his niece who had a distinct lack of stranger danger. He would have to speak to his sister about it. Despite Cassidy's beliefs, the world was not a place of sunshine and glitter so long as you believed it so. Having her daughter believe the same was nothing short of the reckless behaviour he'd come to expect from the sister he loved so dearly.
Atlas came to settle at his side when the woman sank into the grass to continue their light conversation. It was pleasant enough and kept the children occupied leaving him no reason to complain. The talk of Hogwarts had him perking up, if only a little.
"No kidding? I was by the old castle myself not long ago. Hasn't changed much; as exhausting as I remember it. If all goes well, they might be seeing more of me."
It was still a work in progress but the man had never been one to be burdened by superstition. If a plan worked out, good. If it didn't, he would simply pivot to the next. The unnecessary worry only drained his already limited resources.
"Manchester, actually. Needed a place to take them for a few hours but thought a park might be a bit...much."
For him.
"Remembered how peaceful it is out here. This hasn't changed either."
Maddox cast his gaze out to the meadow that stretched around them in all directions. He was grateful for the relative silence and the way his ears weren't currently ringing.
"Not to be nosy but what sort of collaboration were you looking into? Finally whisking Proud away to take her rightful place among the other displays?"
Blue eyes settled on her once more.
"Maddox, by the way."
Last Edit: 11/06/2024 at 07:40 by Maddox Barlowe
Julia Laurence
(11/06/2024 at 23:09)
Hogwarts Librarian
Julia laughed and shrugged her shoulders. It wouldn't be the first time someone had called her an angel and the devil at the same time. It was the first, however, in reference to her behavior around children. She had never spent a great deal of time around kids. She had cousins and such, but until her brother's baby was born, no immediate children in the vicinity.
"It seems that way for you at least," she agreed, and shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know if I'll feel the same. My sister-in-law and I don't see eye to eye on a lot, so I doubt I'll be as involved as you seem to be." She doubted Edith would be the type of mother to hand off her baby to a sister-in-law who had already insulted it before it was born. In Julia's defense, Edith had stormed into her room uninvited and began choosing new wallpaper for her infant before Julia could even ask what was happening.
If she hadn't wanted to be insulted with the option of a barn stall, perhaps she shouldn't have been so vagrantly rude.
"Mmm," Julia answered to his question about the museum, "I'm a curator there for History of Magic. Mostly focused on ancient civilizations, but some heavy work in the royal and aristocracy areas as well." It was interesting, she thought, how little the majority of the world knew about the influence of magic and how it had steered the outcomes of so many historical events.
Julia smiled as the man reminisced about his time at Hogwarts. "It was my first time there. Quite something to see in person after hearing about it my entire life." They might see more of him? Interesting. "Are you considering a job there?" she asked. If so, this could be quite a fortuitous meeting. So far, Julia only knew of one other professor she was acquainted with there, so coming across a potential second would allow her to gauge her options. "I'm assuming you know Ivansko," she said casually and opened her satchel to rummage through it and take a quick inventory.
Mugwort. She needed mugwort. "Have you heard anything about her? Working for her anyway?"
He was from Manchester. That was a bit away from the Hogsmeade countryside, but then again, so was Sussex. "Lovely," she quipped and her eyes searched the fields for a moment for any signs of the leafy weed. "I've been to Manchester a few times. One of my brothers is rather obsessed with muggle football. I tend to shop the bookstores and apothecaries instead." Ah! There was some! "The countryside is wonderful though. Have you ever been to West Sussex? You might enjoy the beaches down there, or South Downs if you haven't visited already."
Julia omitted the area she lived in. What did it matter, really? It wasn't like he was going to come calling for tea if he knew. She got to her feet and crossed the field a bit to gather up the Mugwort. The fresh stuff was always better than the dried bits she could get at the shops. She was interested to see how the plant performed in one of her potions with the fresh weed, and she was keen to get it home as soon as possible before it wilted.
She smiled at the man and returned to her spot in the grass, adding the Mugwort to her satchel before she answered. She wasn't sure who Proud was, but the description of the woman made her chuckle. She must have been ancient if he was still feeling some sourness about the woman. "Well, initially it was to discuss how to bring history to life within the school walls. But there were other conversations," she shrugged and give a little smirk. "We'll see how things pan out, I suppose."
Maddox. A nice name. One she hadn't heard before. "Julia," she smiled at him. "So when you're not wrangling French children, what do you usually do?"
i'll captivate, you're hypnotized
feel powerful, but it's me
Maddox Barlowe
(11/07/2024 at 09:56)
Dragonologist and Care of Magical Creatures Professor
"Ah, sister-in-law. Can't say I've ever dealt with that sort."
And at the rate his sisters were going, it was unlikely he'd be dealing with brothers-in-law either. It was a shame, really. One of those would have reduced the strain of taking care of women who didn't think they needed protection while lighting little fires everywhere they went.
"It's just as well. I don't suspect you'll be losing sleep over it."
Her explanation brought her comment of the museum into perspective. Her area of study, history of magic, already hinted at mind-numbing hours of reading and research. Ancient civilisations and aristocracy earned her a slight raise of his brow.
"Intense. I'm surprised you've found the time to be away from the museum."
It didn't seem like the kind of forgiving subject matter that would lend itself to adequate free time.
"What made you decide that was what you wanted to spend your life doing?"
Her first time time at Hogwarts?
"Beauxbatons then?"
If not his old hunting grounds and fluent in French, it was the only option left.
"A mate of mine once told me all the pretty girls went there. Any truth to that?"
Once his school years had ended, so did any ambitions of meeting the elusive creatures with their posh uniforms and distant smiles. Maddox harboured no hope of running into them in the wild especially when his travels had never taken him to France.
"Are you considering a job there?"
Her question pulled him from his musings.
"I am, actually. Heard they're looking for a creature professor and I happen to be available."
Circumstances and whatnot. His shoulders shrugged with little effort.
"I know all I need to about her."
Which, admittedly, wasn't much.
"She's got an open position and is willing to pay someone for it. Anything else..."
An easy, almost resigned smile spread across his features.
"I can't imagine it mattering too much."
Unless she was an exhausting piece of work. Even then, Maddox had every plan to remain out by the menagerie as often as he could. It wasn't likely that their paths would cross outside of mandated meetings.
Books and apothecaries; the man was building quite the file for the woman he may never see again. He would store the information so long as the interaction lasted but was unlikely to dwell on it once they went their separate ways.
"I can't remember the last time I visited a beach. There never seems to be enough time,"
or inclination.
"Crowded? Hidden spots only few stumble on? Might be worth having a look while I've still got some free time."
Regardless of how the next few months panned out, he didn't think he would have many more days trying to fall asleep in a meadow while his niece and nephew ran him half-mad.
Maddox's lazy gaze followed her when she rose to gather more flowers but Avery chose to go a step further. She skipped along after her, curious about her flower picking before skipping behind her again.
"Keep your secrets,"
he said lightly, the corners of his lips curving upward as his blue eyes shimmered with amusement. She asked a lot of questions for someone who didn't like answering them herself. Another man may have drawn attention to it, intrigued and wanting to know what she held hidden behind delicate movements and lovely eyes. Perhaps in another mood he may have as well. As it stood, he would let her keep to herself the words she preferred not to utter. There were certainly other uses for her in their little exchange.
"So when you're not wrangling French children, what do you usually do?"
What had started as little more than the faintest hints of a smile turned into a full grin that revealed canines sharper and longer than they had any business being.
"I wrangle dragons. I'm transitioning over from the reserve at the moment--Romania"
in case she was wondering.
"Hoping to keep contact there; you never know what the future will hold. Thinking of taking some of my expertise over to the ministry while I'm at it."
Their program wasn't nearly so comprehensive and a large part of the work their resident dragonologists did involved dragons they didn't own anyway. It wouldn't require him there too often in any day.
Bored of the talk she couldn't understand, Avery hopped over to her brother and tugged him from his lap. There she went...saying more incomprehensible things (about an adventure they would be going on).
"Don't go far. Only where I can see you."
Right on cue, the blank stares returned, reminding him of the earlier roadblock they'd stumbled on. How long did children take to acquire languages? This was starting to feel like a long road ahead. Maddox's head lolled to the side as he looked to his French-speaking
"Be a dear, will you?"
he drawled, not knowing where he would even begin with this one.
"You'd be doing me another favour."
Julia Laurence
(11/09/2024 at 20:48)
Hogwarts Librarian
“Consider yourself lucky.” She leaned back on her hands in the grass and looked out across the hillside. “I find the smaller the family, the less amount of people likely to give you an aneurysm.” Family was a funny thing for Julia. She was loyal to them, unquestionably, but there was also no group of people that she found herself continuously exasperated by more.
“My father always encouraged my love of reading and learning. Any book I wanted, he’d make sure I’d get it. I’d spend hours just combing through them.” Her father was a great enabler of education, ensuring all three of his children were provided every tool they needed to succeed in their world. He knew intelligence and knowing how to be a step ahead of everyone else was what not only won status and power, but what kept it. “I guess it just came natural to want to continue that in my career. It’s intense, but it keeps me busy.”
She grinned and raised an eyebrow at him. It was true that Beauxbatons did carry a reputation for housing beautiful girls. “Am I not evidence enough of that?” It was a light tease, a joke to make him smile. “My family has this weird tradition of sending their English children to Beauxbatons. Something about Hogwarts not being good enough?” She shrugged her shoulders. If she had children, she’d probably make sure they ended up at the closest school to her so she could see them as often as possible.
“Interesting,” she said and pursed her lips, “I’d heard they were looking to hire several new professors this year. Seems Britain’s children will be in good hands.” She brushed the grass off clothes but smiled as the little girl skipped over to her, and attempted to inspect her satchel where she’d stored the flowers. Julia smiled but clasped her hand over the opening. She had a few dangerous potions in there and didn’t want a little one accidentally getting a bit on her hands. “J'ai mieux,” she said to the girl, and held open her palm. A little wave of her wand and a shiny, white stone with purple flecks in it appeared. A crystal, from her own collection back home. She moved her palm back and forth, letting the sun’s rays catch the smooth edges, making the stone sparkle and dance.
“I’ve not heard much about Ivansko myself,” Julia said, “only that she’s supposed to be running a tight ship in there. I guess you’ll find out soon enough if all goes well.”
She shrugged a little, sure there were spots she knew of that she could share. Little out of the way areas where not many tourists went. But why spoil them? “Well, I suppose Maddox, if you ever come out that way I’ll have to show you myself.” It was a genuine offer, not hidden behind a tease or game. “They’re hard to find if you don’t have a local with you.” She faintly heard his little quip and she smirked in return, but didn’t look at him. Oh, if only he knew the depth of secrets Julia held and the lengths she could go to keep them.
“A dragonologist,” she said, her admiration apparent on her face and in her voice. “That’s a pretty impressive job title. I imagine it comes with all the perks of travel and adventure.” It begged the question of course, why this man who seemed utterly unimpressed with babysitting wanted to give that up to teach hormonal teenagers? “Won’t you be sad to give it all up?” It was a question she was struggling with herself. Whether it would be worth giving up a career she loved and poured her heart into, to take on something completely foreign to her.
The girl was now bored and yanking her brother right out of Maddox’s lap and was trying to convince the toddler to go rolling down the grassy embankment just ahead. “Be a dear?” she laughed, “How lucky for you to have found your own personal translator for the day.” She shook her head and asked the children not to go far, and when they came back, to bring some dandelions with them to blow in their uncle’s face.
She smiled back at Maddox. “They’re just going rolling.”
Translation: ”Ive got something better.”
i'll captivate, you're hypnotized
feel powerful, but it's me
Maddox Barlowe
(11/10/2024 at 06:02)
Dragonologist and Care of Magical Creatures Professor
"I don't know how convinced I am about that,"
Maddox mused aloud.
"We're pretty small, close-knit. Doesn't prevent either of my sisters, though I suspect you mean a different sort of aneurysm."
His sisters were a handful--had been all his life--but he did love them and his exasperation only ever ran skin deep. Their father had done his best to instill a sense of loyalty and family that saw them through even the most tumultuous times. Not being involved with each other and the next generation simply wasn't an option.
the typical story of a bookworm who'd had all their whims indulged.
"You'd have made a fine Ravenclaw,"
he said, not expecting it to mean much to her. There hadn't been any shortage of those during his time in the castle and Maddox had always wondered how they would fair when they hit the big world and all the answers they sought could no longer be found in a book. Julia was the closest he would come to finding out. It had been a long time since he left England and he'd lost touch with nearly everyone.
“Am I not evidence enough of that?”
The spark of amusement that exploded in his blue eyes betrayed the feigned stoicism the man tried to pull for at her question.
"Hard to say, let me get a better look at you."
He leaned in her direction, maintaining a respectable distance while he sized her up. Did she meet the standards of Beauxbatons? He couldn't say, he'd never met anyone who went there. Was her father right in sending his children there among the elite? Also difficult to say and not worth consideration. Instead, the man made a show of looking her over, a few 'hmms' and 'ahhhs' muttered in show of his
"I see."
he said, in the end providing no answer at all.
Helpful, he was.
Rather than provide a more comprehensive assessment of the rigorous analysis he'd just carried out, Maddox took to giving Atlas scratches behind his ear, casting his gaze out to the meadow again.
"Guess we're all hearing the same rumours then."
He'd also heard of the replacements that would need to be made and had thought it as good a reason as any to throw his hat into the ring now that he was moving closer to home.
Being 'home', it made equal sense that he acquiesced to her offer of playing the guide.
"I may have to take you up on that. Careful. Any friendlier and we may have to start braiding each other's hair; get ourselves a pair of friendship bracelets. A deep red would suit you. I'd have to get mine in emerald unless you'd rather we match."
Pride stirred in his chest at the level of admiration she expressed. There was no need to be coy; even he'd been positively gobsmacked when he'd first been allowed in the sanctuary. It had been the culmination of all his globe-trotting and if you'd asked him then, nothing would have pulled him away from it.
How things changed...
"I imagine it comes with all the perks of travel and adventure.”
"Like you wouldn't believe."
He sighed heavily. No one had forced him to scale back and return home. It was important to remember that. It was what needed to be done and who was he without his irksome sense of duty?
"I reckon I'll be a little sad. I'm looking into some consulting over at the ministry. They've got an opening for a dragonologist that's not too intensive and I haven't entirely said goodbye to the blokes back in Romania. This will just be..."
he shrugged, seeming much less sure of these words than any of the others he'd spoken,
"...another sort of adventure."
“How lucky for you to have found your own personal translator for the day.”
Her words brought him back to the more carefree mood of the earlier conversation, returning the easy grin that spread across his lips. Luck. They could call it that. He certainly wouldn't complain.
"I'd never subject you to them for that long."
An entire day? Merlin.
" But you'll have to let me buy you a coffee sometime as a thank you."
Maddox waved the pair of children off, trusting that rolling would really be all they did. Ever the willing guardian, Atlas hopped up to join them.
He nodded toward her satchel.
"Found everything you needed?"
Julia Laurence
(11/10/2024 at 23:21)
Hogwarts Librarian
It was interesting what family looked like and meant for different people. For some, perhaps it was the sense of love and togetherness that built their foundations. For Julia’s family it was loyalty, dedication and devotion to one another. A willingness to set self aside for the better of all. It didn’t mean that they all got along all the time or even saw eye to eye. But it was the common goal that kept them united.
While she wasn’t familiar with the Hogwarts houses, she suspected ‘Ravenclaw’ meant the more studious teens, which would have been fair. Beauxbatons had similar houses; she’d been chosen for Ombrelune in her first year. Perhaps that was something similar? He looked her over, pretending to decide if she fit the bill. She rolled her eyes in amusement and waved her hand at him dismissively.
Julia laughed, “I don’t think you have enough hair to braid, but I’ll give it a shot. Certainly not a French braid, but maybe some smaller ones. Also green is more my color, so match we shall. We’ll go shopping next week for all the supplies.” Her eyes danced as they always did when she found something or someone entertaining. “We’ll grab lunch, make a real girl’s day of it.”
It had been awhile since she’d been able to just relax and talk casually with someone about anything that wasn’t work or family-related. Even though Maddox was essentially a perfect stranger to her, there was a familiarity about him in a way. He reminded her of her brother, James, though less serious. He had a fun sense of humor like her brother, an almost devil-may-care attitude. She wondered if he carried this same attitude into his career, or if she would see a more serious side of him at the castle.
“It’s a good way to look at it, at least,” Julia agreed, “it’s never an easy decision, walking away from something you love.” She knew well how hard this decision would be for her, and how much she’d miss her position at the museum. Certainly, it would be hard to leave something like what Maddox was doing behind. She knew from experience, Ministry work could be rather dull. Even if it did involve dragons.
“Well, I’ll certainly take you up on a coffee sometime, if we meet again.” She smiled and stood up. “Fortunately I do have everything I need, but time is against me. I’m afraid have to get back.” She looked past him at the two children rolling down the grassy embankment, the dog chasing after them. She gave him a little smile. “Libraries have ‘French for Beginners’ in case you find yourself without a translator next time.”
thought we built a dynasty
that heaven couldn't shake
Maddox Barlowe
(11/11/2024 at 04:41)
Dragonologist and Care of Magical Creatures Professor
“I don’t think you have enough hair to braid, but I’ll give it a shot. Certainly not a French braid, but maybe some smaller ones."
Maddox tutted lightly, doing very little to hide his taunting half-smirk.
"You're too widely read for a sentiment like that."
The man fell back into the soft grass, his hands moving behind his head to create a cushion. With the children out of his hair, it became much easier to relax. He could still hear them and when the wind picked up, their scent still carried.
"Wouldn't take more than one competent swish of your wand to turn me into Rapunzel."
He closed his eyes, allowing the gentle breeze to tickle his cheeks.
"But I'm afraid I'll have to decline any offers of a 'girl's day'. Lovely creatures, most of you, but exhausting."
It was turning into a better trip than he'd dared hope for when he took Thing 1 and Thing 2 out of the house. For a while, the situation looked perilous. They were
things and he didn't have the language tools to make them stop. Magic would've been a fine alternative but as fear wasn't the objective of the outing, it would've had to be the very last resort.
Julia had been indispensable in that regard. Her French skills had been a saving grace but her company played its own part.
“it’s never an easy decision, walking away from something you love.”
His chest rose from the effort of the next sigh, though he managed to remove the larger sum of his exasperation.
"Tell me about it."
The shuffling next to him caused his eyes to open reluctantly.
"Don't let us keep you,"
he encouraged, the words lazily rolling off his tongue.
"You've already done more than enough. Do let me know where to send the owl and I'll have that coffee set up."
Maddox forced himself back into a sitting position, wiping tiredly at his face. If she was leaving, he supposed it would be better for him to remain awake. Children had an unfortunate habit of disappearing when no one was watching and he didn't fancy having to explain any of
to his sister.
"Thank you, again."
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A Frolic in The Meadows || Julia