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Author Topic: Reunited (again) | Hell  (Read 132 times)

Henri Scott

    (09/18/2024 at 02:58)
  • Falmouth Falcons Rookie
  • C2D2T1S2
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Harvest Moon Gala.
Fri October 13th, 1972.
Crisp Early Evening Fall Weather.

"EUGENE!" Many heads turned at the shouting outburst amongst the growing crowd, people of all ages walking around enjoying the festivities. The weather beckoned most to get cozy inside warm knit sweaters and long pants, families and teenagers chatting with nothing but joy as they buzzed by.

But the barreling figure of Henri Scott was locked onto a certain curly head in the crowd. With the sound of his middle name and familiar voice, Elliot's gaze almost turned before the irish lad was already in his vicinity.

Seconds later, the two boys were mushed in one big hug with arms squeezing tight.

"Damn, I've missed you brother." He could almost see a slight cloud of breath as the sun seemed to ascend beyond the horizon, blue eyes lit up with nothing but warmth and excitement.

With his high end quidditch camp and abroad scholarship, the dynamic duo had been split apart yet another year. Henri had long gotten over the sadness he once had with having to leave Hogwarts and most of what he knew, but the only thing that he truly never stopped missing more than anything was living with his best friend.

The long months besides holidays were a drag, with only letters back and forth to keep both best friends in the loop of their lives.

In other words, Henri was ready for the two to finally be adults.

"Did you get shorter?" There was no mistaking that the seventeen year old had grown with his trainings, both in height and muscle. Every time he came home, he swore his Ma added more portions to his plate.

That and he just enjoyed teasing his best friend who, truthfully didn't look too bad himself, but still was a couple inches shorter than the looming auburn brute.

Elliot Ridgefield

    (09/21/2024 at 04:00)
  • Gryffindor '73
  • C23D14T19S19
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There were exactly three people who knew his middle name: Dienne, Tim and—


His name was barely out of his mouth when Henri crashed into him. Elliot tossed his arms around his best mate and squeezed hard.

It had been harder than he thought being away from Henri. His friend had always been more expressive about the distance between them while Elliot mainly rolled his eyes and assured him they’d be fine—which they were. They corresponded regularly via owl and he probably knew about every single drama going on in his studies abroad (he had no clue who Patrick was, but he would probably end up with a broken nose if they ever met). But writing and seeing were two different things, something he’d realized even more with Dienne not being at the castle.

Elliot realized he hadn’t felt this happy since he’d started school.

“Oi piss off,” he grumbled, putting his hand in Henri’s face and shoving him away. Henri just loved reminding him about the fact he’d always been taller. But unlike in their younger years, they were much closer in height now and it didn’t feel awkward throwing his arm around the redhead’s shoulders to drag him through the crowd.

“So how’ve you been, Hen? Got any more news about your Quidditch gig yet?” he asked as he dragged Henri towards the nearest food vendors, knowing his friend would have led him there first if he hadn’t.

Henri Scott

    (09/25/2024 at 03:04)
  • Falmouth Falcons Rookie
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-how’ve you been, Hen?

It was a simple question but even thinking about it, Henri wasn't sure what exact emotion to distribute in reaction. There had been so much good and bad all jammed in the last year that he almost could be overwhelmed with emotions.

Then his best mate asked him about Quidditch.

The ginger brute couldn't contain the large grin on his face as he let his blue eyes wander the menu hanging above the food vendor, mulling over his decision before casually side-glancing the brunette beside him.

"'re looking at the Falmouth Falcon's upcoming rookie." He finally let the truth out and the heat on his face was proof of the long kept secret.

Henri wanted to wait and announce the news to his best friend in person rather than over letter in anticipation about what his reaction could be. There was no doubt Elliot wasn't one hell of a player himself.

The bloody beauty had been Quidditch captain for Gryffindor. Numerous times. A small part of Henri always grew sad at the thought that the two hardly really got to play Quidditch together on a proper team, but the boys often got together to toss around the quaffle every once in a while over holidays.

"Got signed on just a couple weeks ago. Pops lost his head and Mum naturally started fretting over how my injuries could lead to permanent damage if i'm not careful going professional." His eyes rolled in affection as his memory played out the moment he told his parents, the way their jaws hung on the floor.

At least all the good spent money for Quidditch camp was finally going to pay off.

"I wont be doing anything big, probably if anything I'll be warming the bench this season but I have an official spot in the locker room and everything." One hand signaled the vendor's attendant, placing a quick order of kettlecorn to snack on.

Turning to properly face his best friend, Henri placed a hand on his shoulder.

"'s it been with you and the missus?"

Elliot Ridgefield

    (10/01/2024 at 22:16)
  • Gryffindor '73
  • C23D14T19S19
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“You bloody wanker!”

Elliot threw himself on his best mate’s back, the people waiting in line for the vendor stepping back from the spontaneous outburst. “Plenty of owls exchanged and you didn’t feel like saying anything?!” he chastised, vigorously ruffling Henri’s hair while caging his head with his arm around his neck. “Imagine if there wasn’t this festival! You were going to make me wait until Christmas?!

After the shock wore off, Elliot jumped off his friend’s back and again, thrusted his hand right in his face to shove him away. “You arse, don’t ever keep news that big from me!” He still wasn’t fully used to being away from Henri for so long. Had they been closer, his best friend probably would have run right to him when he’d gotten the news.

“Seriously though, I’m really happy for you, mate. You’ve been working really hard for it,” Elliot said, finally opting for a more affectionate touch and squeezing his friend’s shoulder. He might be a damn good Seeker, but he knew Henri had a natural knack for Quidditch and it showed in his talent. “Now you’ll have the whole world cheering for you when you block Quaffles with your head. And I’ll have to handle your poor mum tallying all your concussions.”

When they reached their turn, the Gryffindor ordered a cup of hot cider. “Me and Didi are fine,” he said, stepping aside to let others order. At the realization of what he’d just said (I’m fine, always a complicated sentiment with Elliot Ridgefield), he corrected himself, “We’re alright. We’ve both been busy; me with everything at Hogwarts and her with her business.” Plenty of owls half-written and forgotten on both end, both still trying to work around the distance they’d never had to face.

“But we’ll be alright; we just need to get used to it,” he added with a shrug, thanking the vendor when he received his drink. His mind suddenly returned to Henri’s big news and he suddenly asked, “Does that mean you met Monty?”

Henri Scott

    (11/05/2024 at 03:31)
  • Falmouth Falcons Rookie
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"Eh. Sort of?" Henri grabbed at the square red sack of kettlecorn as the attendant handed his order off, popping a couple kernels into his mouth. "I spotted her briefly, we chatted a little as someone was showing me around but she's been busy with practice and whatnot. Besides, being a rookie I sort of don't interact that much with the seasoned players."

A chilled breezed brushed along his cheek, the young male adjusting his jacket for warmer comfort. The weather was chillier back home and he was aware that the season was moving much faster every time he returned. In many ways, he missed everything that came with autumn. He missed tossing a couple of his mates into leaf piles, or the hot apple cider that the great hall would serve.

Mostly, he missed being around his best friend.

"Well i'm glad things are working out with you and Didi. Relationships can be something, right?" He chuckled, moving to sit at a nearby table before picking out a couple more popcorn bits to toss into his mouth.

There was a moment of silence before a small smile crept onto his face.

"Speaking of relationships...I uh met someone." The more he admitted it, the more his face lit up.

Isla Richmond had been on the young man's mind ever since he got on his flight back home. The pair had met at quidditch camp and there was no one else more talented than Isla in Henri's eyes. She was mostly there for journalism, working with a couple other students to write and document the process of Quidditch Camp. But every once in a while she'd participate in practice and her speed almost could give his best mate a run for his money.

"You'd really like her mate. She's funny and smart and I swear she has a smile that lights up everything for miles."
« Last Edit: 11/05/2024 at 03:33 by Henri Scott »
