Staff Duties & Responsibilities
Trainees are staff who are training to become fully-qualified in their role. They work primarily in the department they are placed in, assisting with various tasks and projects within their teams, and are assigned a mentor from within their team upon arrival. The level of independence that a trainee has throughout their three-year training period depends on the nature of their department and the nature of the work they are involved in, as well as the length of time they have been a trainee.
Your IC duties as a trainee will vary depending on your department, but will likely include:
- Gaining an understanding of the Ministry of Magic as a whole, with a focus on increasing your knowledge of matters relevant to your department.
- Administrative work, such as arranging meetings, taking minutes, filing reports, etc.
- Being a point of contact for general enquiries from other departments and external partners.
- Shadowing fully-qualified staff within your team and assisting them with more complex cases and project work (e.g. researching specific subjects for their projects).
- Taking on your own project work and further responsibilities -- this is likely to happen at a later stage in your training programme, such as in your second or third year.
- Meeting regularly with your assigned mentor. Mentor/mentee pairings are trainees/fully-qualified staff from within the same department. Pairings are assigned by the Department Head IC, but OOC it is your responsibility to find a mentor within your department if you wish to roleplay this; alternatively, you can choose an NPC mentor instead.
Your OOC duties as a trainee include:
- Participating in at least 3 threads per term to pass the Ministry of Magic.
here for more details on the Ministry of Magic passing criteria.
Fully-Qualified Staff
Fully-qualified staff are professionals in their chosen department, leading on various tasks and projects within their teams. They are often mentors to trainees and work with their mentees to help them progress through professional development plans.
Your IC duties as a fully-qualified staff member include:
- Managing and completing your work responsibilities. This will be dependent on your department and role, but will likely include regular administrative tasks, project work, liaising with other departments, and running meetings to achieve your work goals.
- Identifying potential new projects or areas for improvement where relevant within your team.
- Assigning work-related tasks to trainees within your team, such as taking minutes within meetings, helping you to file paperwork, researching relevant material for your projects, etc. You should not assign non-work-related tasks (e.g. coffee runs) to trainees; treating them as personal assistants is likely to result in a warning from your Department Head.
- Meeting regularly with your assigned mentee. Mentor/mentee pairings are trainees/fully-qualified staff from within the same department. Pairings are assigned by the Department Head IC, but OOC it is your responsibility to find a mentee within your department if you wish to roleplay this; alternatively, you can choose an NPC mentee instead.
- Allowing trainees to shadow you, especially with complex cases.
Your OOC duties as a fully-qualified staff member include:
- Participating in at least 3 threads per term to pass the Ministry of Magic.
- Threading with Junior Healers within your department.
here for more details on the Ministry of Magic passing criteria.
Department Heads
Department Heads are responsible for overseeing their entire department. They do not mentor specific staff (trainees or fully-qualified) but are expected to maintain a good working relationship with and ensure the wellbeing of all employees within their department.
For OOC purposes, the term 'Department Head' also includes heads of smaller offices within bigger departments (e.g. the Head of the Auror Office counts as a Department Head, even though the Auror Office is a sub-department of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement). Please see the
directory for further information on departments and recognised offices.
Your IC duties as a Department Head include:
- Managing and overseeing your department. This includes retaining oversight of the general workflow in your department, submitting financial and budgeting reports at the start and end of each financial year, promoting department-wide and institution-wide initiatives, and ensuring the wellbeing of your staff.
- Assigning mentor/mentee pairings for trainees/fully-qualified staff within your department. Please note that this is IC only -- you should not be assigning pairings OOC, this is for players to decide amongst themselves.
- Providing guidance, support, and advice for staff members handling complex cases, particularly where they have asked for further assistance.
- Maintaining a good working relationship with all employees within your department (and employees from other departments!).
Your OOC duties as a Department Head include:
- Participating in at least 3 threads per term to pass the Ministry of Magic. Failure to pass the Ministry of Magic will result in demotion from Department Head.
- Planning and running at least one open departmental activity/plot per term and completing at least two threads relating to a departmental activity/plot per term. Please PM activity/plot outlines to Tomas Bellestorm for approval first.
- Threading with trainees and fully-qualified staff within your department. You must be willing to thread with any staff member within your department who would like to thread with you.
here for more details on the Ministry of Magic and Department Head passing criteria.
Wizengamot Members
The Wizengamot is wizarding Britain's high court of law and parliament, serving as both the main legislative body of the Ministry of Magic and as its highest tribunal. All Wizengamot members are representatives from the Pureblood wizarding families in Great Britain and are typically the head of the relevant family.
Please note that you should
not make detailed reference to the creation of or amendment of laws or high-profile/controversial trials and convictions when threading, as these have the potential to impact wider site canon. If you would like to submit an idea for a new/revised law or a high-profile/controversial trial plot, please submit an
unusual plot request.
Your IC duties as a Wizengamot member include:
- Creating new laws and revising or revoking old laws. Decisions are usually only made after lengthy debates and discussions between Wizengamot members.
- Attending trials and voting on cases heard to determine convictions.
Your OOC duties as a Wizengamot member include:
- Participating in at least 3 threads per term to pass the Ministry of Magic.
- Participating in legislative or tribunal threads where relevant. These will only be run by the Ministry admins when necessary and will typically be related to wider site plots.
here for more details on the Ministry of Magic passing criteria.
Other Staff
Although office workers make up a huge percentage of the Ministry of Magic workforce, there are many other jobs available for those who don't want to sit at a desk all day: Welcome Witches and Wizards work in reception, kitchen staff run the cafeteria, cleaning staff ensure all those cobwebs in the archives get swept away, administrative employees handle things like payslips... The list goes on!
These staff span a wide range of roles, so IC duties will be specific and relevant to individual roles. If you are looking for further guidance or examples for what your Ministry of Magic employee's daily role might look like, please contact Tomas Bellestorm for advice.
Your OOC duties as a Ministry of Magic employee include:
- Participating in at least 3 threads per term to pass the Ministry of Magic.
here for more details on the Ministry of Magic passing criteria.