First Floor
Central Administration Services
Department Head: Petronella Partridge (NPC)
Every institution has one and they would be nothing without it. Here's where all the people who make the whole place run day in and day out sit and work. They've got filing cabinets full of archived documents and one day they'll run out of space to put everything...but that day hasn't come yet. Come and chat to these guys if it looks like you've been taxed twice as much on your payslip this month. They'll sort it out in no time.
Example Roles: administrative assistants; archivists; clerks; secretaries; HR officers.
Minister's Offices
Minister for Magic: Tomas Bellestorm
The Minister's offices are the personal offices reserved for the Minister for Magic and their immediate staff. They oversee every department within the Ministry and provide approval for major projects and any significant changes.
Example Roles: please contact Tomas Bellestorm directly if you wish to apply for a role in the Minister's Offices. Applications via the check-in/sign-up thread will not be accepted.
Second Floor
Department of Magical Law Enforcement
Department Head: Edward Amberghast
The Department of Magical Law Enforcement is the largest department at the Ministry of Magic and functions as a combination of police and justice facilities, upholding Wizarding Britain's laws. All other Ministry departments are answerable to this one, with the exception of the Department of Mysteries. The following offices sit within this department:
Auror Office. Head: Jack Greenberg.This office is Wizarding Britain's primary defence against crime. They identify, investigate, pursue, and apprehend criminals, protecting and serving the public against dark and dangerous witches and wizards. Aurors are the eyes, the ears, and the arms of the law.
Example Roles: please see here for more information about the Auror Office and available divisions.
Domestic Magical Law Office. Head: Alden Boulstridge (NPC).This office is responsible for representing parties in municipal disputes justly through its team of lawyers. Another key element to this office are the policymakers, who work behind the scenes to bring new laws to the Wizengamot for review (and hopefully approval!). The office also provides legal advice to all other offices and departments within the Ministry of Magic on a variety of matters.
Example Roles: lawyers; policymakers.
Improper Use of Magic Office. Head: William Jefferson (NPC).This office detects, investigates, and punishes those who violate the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. In the event that an offence is denied by the accused, the Wizengamot will consider the case and rule upon a final outcome. The office is also responsible for monitoring and investigating underage magic and for the administering the Trace. It also maintains the Animagus Registry to prevent any misuse of the skill.
Example Roles: Improper Use of Magic Investigator; Trace Officer; Animagi Officer.
Magical Equipment Control Office. Head: Bobby Oakley (NPC).A relatively small office which oversees and regulates trading practices to keep substandard merchandise out of circulation, such as faulty wands and loose-bottomed cauldrons. This offices tracks all magical items within Wizarding Britain and logs them in a database. In the event that equipment has been deemed faulty, a representative is sent to the place of residence to collect the equipment, but only after a letter of notice has been sent.
Example Roles: Cauldron Quality Assurance Officer; Wand Quality Assurance Officer.
Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Head: Thomas Smiles (NPC).This office regulates the use of magic on Muggle objects and confiscates those which have been illegally bewitched. Storage of procured objects also falls under the responsibility of the department, so they have interesting artefacts lying around.
Example Roles: Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Officer.
Wizengamot Administration Services. Head: Harriet Grundy.This office undertakes administrative and clerical duties for the Wizengamot, including: maintenance of court documents, hearing dates and Wizengamot members' schedules; administration of legal proceedings; processing of appeals; notification of convictions; central management of prisoners in Azkaban.
Roles: administrative assistants; clerks; secretaries.
Third Floor
Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes
Department Head: William Thresher (NPC)
The Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes is responsible for repairing accidental magical damage within the borders of Wizarding Britain. TThe following offices sit within this department:
Accidental Magic Reversal Squad. Head: Nathan Hughes (NPC).This office is responsible for reversing the effects of magical mishaps caused by inexperienced witches and wizards, those who have not learned to control their magic, or those who are not particularly skilled. There are a few dedicated trained Healers and Obliviators within the squad but for larger-scale mishaps, they work closely with St. Mungo's and the Obliviator Office.
Example Roles: Magic Reversal Officer; Healer; Obliviator.
Invisibility Task Force. Head: Septimus Argyle (NPC).This office is responsible for keeping magical creatures and places in the wizarding world out of sight of Muggles. It works closely with the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Unplottable locations are approved and managed by this office.
Example Roles: Creature Invisibility Officer; Location Invisibility Officer; Unplottables Maintenance Officer.
Muggle Liaison Office. Head: Clarissa Templeton (NPC).This office is responsible for wizard-Muggle relations. Given the lack of Muggle awareness of the wizarding world, in accordance with the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy of 1692, the Muggle Liaison Office fulfils its duties in a very one-sided manner. The Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee, responsible for creating plausible explanations of magical happenings that have been witnessed by Muggles, sits under this office.
Example Roles: Muggle Relations Officer; Muggle-Worthy Excuse Officer.
Obliviator Headquarters. Head: Lucy Pepperworth (NPC).This office is responsible for modifying the memories of Muggles who have, either unintentionally or otherwise, witnessed magic, the existence of the wizarding world, or magical beasts, beings, or spirits.
Example Roles: Obliviator.
Fourth Floor
Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
Department Head: Lorraine Litesworth (NPC)
The Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures is responsible for the care, control and concealment of all magical beasts, beings and spirits dwelling within the borders of Wizarding Britain. The following offices sit within this department:
Beast Division. Head: Gordon Gravey (NPC).This office deals with all duties and problems concerning those magical creatures classified as a beast by the Ministry of Magic. It is split further into the following teams: Centaur Liaison Office; Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures; Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau; Merpeople Liaison Office; Troll Patrol; Werewolf Capture Unit; Werewolf Registry.
Example Roles: Centaur Liaison Officer; Dragonologist / Dragon Keeper; Executioner; Magizoologist; Merpeople Liaison Officer; Troll Officer; Werewolf Hunter; Werewolf Registration Officer.
Being Division. Head: Penelope Fringle (NPC).This office deals with all duties and problems concerning those magical creatures classified as a being by the Ministry of Magic. It is split further into the following teams: Giant Liaison Office; Goblin Liaison Office; Office for House-Elf Relocation; Vampire Liaison Office.
Example Roles: Giant Liaison Officer; Goblin Liaison Officer; House-Elf Relocation Officer; Vampire Liaison Officer.
Spirit Division. Head: Vikram Kumar (NPC).This office deals with all duties and problems concerning those magical creatures classified as a spirit by the Ministry of Magic. The team has a dedicated Dementor Unit which manages the Dementor population in Azkaban.
Example Roles: Spirit Liaison Officer; Dementor Unit Officer.
Pest Advisory Board. Head: Patrick Moore (NPC).This office provides pest control services to Wizarding Britain. The Ghoul Task Force also sits within this team. The Pest Advisory Board maintains a pack of a dozen albino bloodhounds to use in dealing with Nogtails.
Example Roles: Bloodhound Manager; Bundimun Pest Control Officer; Chizpurfle Control Officer; Ghoul Task Force Officer.
Fifth Floor
Department of International Magical Cooperation
Department Head: Dorian Bramble (NPC)
The Department of International Magical Cooperation is responsible for liaising with other wizarding countries on a variety of matters. The goal is cooperation, both politically and publicly. International standards of trade involving everything from cauldron thicknesses to broom weights are developed, maintained, and regulated here. The following offices sit within this department:
International Confederation of Wizards Office. Head: Archibald Tranton (NPC).This office houses the British delegates of the International Confederation of Wizards, a wizarding intergovernmental organisation whose purposes are to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, and achieve international cooperation.
Example Roles: British Delegate.
International Magical Law Office. Head: Celine Thoreau (NPC).This office is responsible for all matters pertaining to international wizarding law. It works closely with the International Magical Trading Standards Body to provide legal advice on international legisation, as well as with any other departments who require legal advice on an international angle. The office also has specialists and subject matter experts for a large number of other countries.
Example Roles: lawyers; Foreign Liaison Officer (e.g. French Liaison Officer).
International Magical Trading Standards Body. Head: Stephen Rutherford (NPC).This office oversees and assesses trading practices within the wizarding world, as well as passing international legislation regarding trading standards.
Example Roles: Trading Standards Officer; Foreign Liaison Officer (e.g. French Liaison Officer).
Sixth Floor
Department of Magical Transportation
Department Head: Maximilian Grayshire (NPC)
The Department of Magical Transportation is responsible for various aspects of magical transportm including the four main types of wizarding travel: Apparition, broomsticks, Floo, and Portkeys. The following offices sit within this department:
Apparition Test Centre. Head: Landon Maltrose (NPC).This office tests Apparition students and issues Apparition licences to those who successfully pass the final test, giving them the right to Apparate and Disapparate legally. It is also responsible for deploying an instructor to Hogwarts to tutor the eligible students in the method of Apparition and Disapparation.
Example Roles: Apparition Instructor; Apparition Licence Officer.
Broom Regulatory Control Office. Head: Iain Rowles (NPC).This office manages the usage and maintenance of magical broomsticks and regulates the manufacturers of magical broomsticks to ensure that they are made to appropriate standards.
Example Roles: Broom Maintenance Officer; Broom Regulatory Officer.
Floo Network Authority Office. Head: Harpreet Nagarajan (NPC).This office maintains, monitors, and regulates the Floo Network, creating new connections where appropriate and removing those that are no longer in use. Employees of the authority have the power to observe and monitor Floo Network connections, and can eavesdrop on conversations held through the Floo Network where necessary.
Example Roles: Floo Network Regulator.
Portkey Office. Head: Lawrence Armitage (NPC).This office manages the creation, usage, maintenance, and decommissioning of Portkeys. Please see
here for more information about Portkeys.
Example Roles: Portkey Creation Officer; Portkey Maintenance Officer.
Seventh Floor
Department of Magical Games and Sports
Department Head: Gregory Matheson (NPC)
The Department of Magical Games and Sports is responsible for regulating and organising all wizarding sporting events, from preparing a site with detection spells and camouflaging charms to ordering safety signs and liaising with the Portkey Office to set up Portkeys. The following offices sit within this department:
British and Irish Quidditch League Office. Head: Archibald Tranton (NPC).This office organises the annual British and Irish Quidditch League the annual competition, arranging the matches and participating teams. Every four years, it is also responsible for making any necessary arrangements for the English National Quidditch Team in the Quidditch World Cup.
Example Roles: Quidditch League Officer.
Official Gobstones Club Office. Head: Tilly Gargoyle (NPC).This office oversees the Official Gobstones Club, the national organisation in charge of Gobstones. It organises tournaments and also aims to promote the creation of Gobstones clubs across Wizarding Britain.
Example Roles: Gobstones Officer.
Ludicrous Patents Office. Head: Ludwik Vandersloot (NPC).This office deals with the licensing of all patents within games and sports. Nobody really knows where the Ludicrous part comes in. Better not to ask.
Example Roles: Ludicrous Patents Officer; Not-So-Ludicrous Patents Officer.
Eighth Floor
The Atrium is a large hall with fireplaces up and down both long walls. The left wall is used for arrivals, the right wall is used for departures. Security staff stand at a set of golden gates past the Fountain of Magical Brethren. All visitors are required to register their wands with the security guards upon arrival. Through the gates, a set of lifts provide access to all other floors except the tenth floor, which is only accessible via stairs; further down the corridor is the cafeteria and the visitors' lounge.
Cafeteria.The cafeteria is open to all staff and visitors. Breakfast is served from 7:00am to 11:00am. Lunch is served from 12:00pm to 2:00pm. Dinner is served from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. The hot menu for both lunch and dinner rotates daily with one main meat and one main vegetarian option, a 'Soup of the Day' option, and one hot pudding option. A daily selection of sandwiches, snacks, and cold desserts are also available to buy from the counter from 7:00am to 10:00pm. Vending machines located within the cafeteria are stocked with a similar selection and are accessible 24/7 for those who are working at the Ministry of Magic at odd hours.
Visitors' Lounge.The Visitors' Lounge is a designated space for visitors to wait for collection by staff members. There is a reception desk within the room which is permanently staffed, so please direct any questions at the Welcome Witch or Wizard on duty.
Ninth Floor
Department of Mysteries
Department Head: Aaron Hayes (NPC)
The Department of Mysteries carries out confidential research regarding particular enigmas (death, time, space, thought, and love) and stores copies of prophecies. Most of its operations are carried out in total secrecy from the general wizard populace and few Ministry employees actually know what is located within this department. Due to its highly classified nature, it is granted a great deal of independence and is the only department that does not answer to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. The Department of Mysteries contains the following chambers in which various mysteries of life are studied:
Brain Room.The concept of thought and all related subjects are studied in this chamber.
Example Roles: Unspeakable.
Death Chamber.The concept of death and all related subjects are studied in this chamber.
Example Roles: Unspeakable.
Love Room.The concept of love and all related subjects are studied in this chamber.
Example Roles: Unspeakable.
Hall of Prophecy.Whenever a prophecy is made, it is recorded in the Hall of Prophecy.
Example Roles: Keeper of the Hall of Prophecy (role currently unavailable).
Space Chamber.The concept of space and all related subjects are studied in this chamber.
Example Roles: Unspeakable.
Time Room.The concept of time and all related subjects are studied in this chamber.
Example Roles: Unspeakable.
Tenth Floor
Wizengamot Courtrooms
The courtrooms are only accessible via stairs and remain locked when court is not in session. The courtrooms are managed and maintained by the Wizengamot Adminstration Services, an office which sits within the Department of Magical Law Enforcement on the second floor.
Eleventh Floor
Department of Magical Education
Department Head: Thomas Newbridge (NPC)
The Department of Magical Education is responsible for the regulation, accreditation, and quality assurance of the various institutions of magical education in Britain. The following offices sit within this department:
Magical Education Regulation Office. Head: Quentin Zabaar (NPC). This office is responsible for ensuring that all educational institutions in Wizarding Britain meet certain standards. It works closely with Hogwarts and other educational institutions to ensure that syllabi are appropriate and that staff are qualified to teach.
Example Roles: Education Regulation Officer.
Wizarding Examinations Authority. Head: Felix Featherbottom (NPC).This office is responsible for managing O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. examinations, as well as verifying and translating results from other nations' examinations into British terms.
Example Roles: O.W.L. examiner, N.E.W.T. examiner, Examinations Grading Officer.
Department of Magical Social Affairs
Department Head: Henry Hecklesworth (NPC)
The Department of Magical Social Affairs focuses on those members of our society that cannot always help themselves due to unforeseen societal changes, physical ailments and age. The department works closely with St. Mungo's and various charities which aim to support children, the sick, the elderly, and the vulnerable. It is also responsible for organising aid and relief endeavours for the public during disasters. The following offices sit within this department:
Magical Social Services Office. Head: Jenny Redbird (NPC).This office manages most cases of individual hardship, whether they derive from a decline in health or wealth. Their objective is to lend aid to an individual by recommending the right services for their condition or situation, to provide temporary assistance, or to endorse an individual for employment to better ease their transition back into the workforce.
Example Roles: Social Worker.
Magical Youth Welfare Office. Head: Grace Weatherfield (NPC).This office is responsible for caring for underage witches and wizard who have lost their parents or guardians, are deemed to be neglected, vulnerable, or otherwise in need, and cannot yet make signfiicant decisions on their own behalf.
Example Roles: Youth Social Worker.
Multicultural Opportunities Office. Head: Norman Ashe (NPC).This office provides training and travel opportunities to those interested in cooperation between all cultures. They have been known to organize relief efforts to magical communities hit by disasters, have sent youth to tribes in order to learn of and document ancient magical ways threatened by progress, and are a vital workforce to the Department of International Magical Cooperation when their expertise is needed.
Example Roles: Multicultural Opportunities Officer; Relief and Aid Officer; Exchange Programme Officer.