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Game Two: Crimson Claws vs. Vicious Venom
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Topic: Game Two: Crimson Claws vs. Vicious Venom (Read 1047 times)
Cassian McCormick
(04/02/2025 at 02:57)
Fourth Year
Vicious Venom
luring in, ripping out, ready for the kill
Captain. Benched
and already over it
. Cassian McCormick
That...was a good question. Cass pondered it now that he had gotten Kate to sit.
the boy nibbled thoughtfully at the end of his jelly slug, taking a moment to enjoy the pineapple-y flavour that spread through his mouth. It was one of the better-tasting ones in the pack in his humble opinion.
"Both, I guess? The ref's usually barking at us when he wants us swapping people out. Don't reckon that'll change because of some fog."
While they might not be able to properly
Orellana, Cassian was damn sure they'd still be able to
"If all else fails, there's a chance they'll just fall out of the sky."
Like some of them did in the prior game. It was worth another silent prayer from the boy who just wanted a relatively uneventu--
Where was Ephraim going?
Cassian leaned forward in his seat, elbows resting on his knees as he squinted to get a better look at the uninjured boy. They were in the middle of a game and no subs had been made--
. Cass inhaled deeply, trying to remember the calm he'd practiced so diligently. He shot a side-eye at Kate, doing very little to hide his annoyance.
"This is what we get for letting
friend play. Great choice, Kate, you sure know how to pick 'em."
He'd had his reservations after the first game when the boy proved he was no better than one of Barlowe's impulsive creatures that ran only on instinct but Kate had insisted and Ephraim had assured he would do better.
"Remind me not to listen to you the next time you make roster suggestions."
This is what nepotism got them.
He cupped his hand, ready to make a call that Ephraim be subbed out when Wyatt popped into frame snagging one of the jelly slugs for himself.
"They spiked
Cassian grumbled. He wasn't nearly as amused as his cousin. When people weren't trying to kill each other, they were snogging each other's faces off.
Don't get him wrong, Cass loved a good show, just
not when he was meant to be in charge of making it different
. As a co-captain, he was expected to have a handle on this shit but he was no better at it this match than he'd been the last.
"Cass, you're minus one beater. Do you need him back up there?"
he groaned. Running musicals was easier than this!
"I guess Kate can--"
He was tackled before he ever laid eyes on the bludger. In fact, it was safe to say that Cassian had no idea what was going on until the sickening sound of wood crunching against iron flooded his ears. From his spot on the floor, the boy's eyes widened with new-found terror at the metal ball that had nearly done that to
one of them
. Why? Why was there never peace? Why was this game always the way it was?
Bludgers weren't even
to be swung toward the ground--let alone at the benches!
Still in shock, the boy rose shakily to his feet, feeling at his extremities to make sure they were all still attached to him. Both hands...legs--wobbly but there--his head was still attached to his body. Wyatt's newly acquired lisp brought his attention to his cousin who was now...a bloody mess.
Cassian breathed.
"There goes that plan. Are you
Because it was starting to look like he'd lost two potential subs in one fell swoop and that had to be deliberate.
Wyatt...might be needing the tent and there was a part of Cassian that felt bad it happened to protect
Last Edit: 04/02/2025 at 05:05 by Cassian McCormick
Cordelia Von Stein
(04/02/2025 at 04:19)
Sixth Year
Vicious Venom
luring in, ripping out, ready for the kill
Chaser. Cordelia Von Stein
Cordelia watched as Percy grabbed the quaffle and was after him when she saw a bludger come after him she had to bite back her instinct to call out and warn her cousin, but luckily Nael showed up and hit it away, but the she saw where the he had hit the bludger straight toward the Vicious Venom benches! Straight for KATE!!
Cordelia's hair and eyes went a fiery red as she leaned full into her broom toward the boy.
she said as she rushed forward at him on her broom attempting to ram him and grab his bat away from him.
Last Edit: 04/02/2025 at 04:21 by Cordelia Von Stein
books are mirrors:
books are mirrors:
you only see in them what you already have inside you
Angel Malvaux
(04/02/2025 at 04:51)
Sixth Year
Crimson Claws
tearing down, shredding up, ready to fight
Captain+Casher. Angel Malvaux
Angel let Nael do all the talking today.
She stood just behind him, hands clasped behind her back, a half-raised polite smile painted on her lips. If she didn’t someone might ask, and she was not in the mood to weave through waves of questions. Although, perhaps she was being too generous. Was anyone close enough to her to know? To care? (The one she knew would was not here.) The thought hung in her head as Nael’s voice faded and the huddle dispersed.
The next breath caught in her chest; a tight, crushing pressure, like a belt clenched too tightly around her ribs. Her jaw clenched, teeth grinding as another wave of uneasiness crashed against her. God—she didn’t even know what was
—just that nothing felt right. She squeezed her eyes shut, forcing in a sharp breath. Whatever this was had to wait. Right now, her team needed her.
She took another sharp breath, holding the cold in her chest for a second, then two, before exhaling it all the way. It forced her muscles to loosen, the weight inside her chest lifting ever so slightly.
All she had to do was focus on what had to be done.
She fastened her gloves. Tied her curls back into a tight bun. Checked her broom, polished and outfitted.
At least the fog was thick. As she walked out across the pitch to meet the other team’s captains the thick white mist clung to her, obscuring her, and she couldn’t help but feel like that was what she needed. To get lost for a little while.
The whistle blew.
Angel kicked off hard, but her broom had adapted to her sluggishness and she was too slow. Eryon surged ahead, his little body and flapping robes disappearing into the mist. Angel chased after him but the urgency was not there. She couldn’t catch him.
The ding of the bell signaled Vicious Venom scored.
Normally, disappointment would spike through her, followed by a burning need to
, to
fix it
. Instead, her shoulders shrugged. “Next time, Parker,” she muttered as she cruised past the hoops. One score wouldn’t win the game. (And in this weather, she didn’t know if
could win.)
Lucky for her team, Percival caught the rebound.
”Jack, Angel!! On me!!”
Guilt pricked at her skin. She needed to snap out of this.
. Angel tightened her grip on her broom and
shot off after him [Percival]
. With newly determined eyes, she caught the flutter of green as Rosalie maneuvered below, closing in on Percy’s right.
Angel pushed ahead, flanking his left. Open for the pass.
“On you right!” She called out. The sound of Jack’s voice echoed somewhere in the haze, but she couldn’t see him. She would have to trust Nael to handle it.
The hoops loomed in the distance when a thought hit her like a bludger.
Lorelei Kensington.
It was a bitter bite, acrid and nauseating. Angel’s knuckles whitened around her broom as heat licked across the back of her neck. Her lips pressed into a hard, thin line. (Beneath it all:
Pretending to be a doe-eyed, delicate girl, when she was a
. Fanged and monstrous, eager to rip and shred and destroy. She couldn’t be anything else—right?) It was everything she wanted to forget.
Her hazel eyes burned through the fog.
“Pass me the Quaffle,” she grit out
, her lip coldly curling as the faint outline of three circular hoops started to phase into view.
Percival Harman
(04/02/2025 at 05:18)
Second Year
Crimson Claws
tearing down, shredding up, ready to fight
Chaser. Percy Harman
“On you right!”
The voice came from the fog and was a welcomed sound as Percy felt the presence of the other team's chasers bearing down on him.
"Just the Angel I was looking for."
he said with a smile.
“Pass me the Quaffle,”
the older girl said with a bit more grit she certainly seemed um uh focused... Percy wasn't sure what the look on her face meant. Stil Percy obliged.
"Here you go!"
he said as he sent the quaffle to Angel.
It was just in time too as he soon heard the whistling of a bludger coming at him.
He tried to dodge the bludger, but was just slightly too slow as it hit the bristles of his broom sending him spinning. Percy was a whirlwind and was heading down before he finally got himself back under control.
"Merlin that was a ride!"
he said.[chlls is free]
• • • • not all
who wander
are lost
Eryon Thornley
(04/02/2025 at 08:12)
Ickle Firstie!
Vicious Venom
luring in, ripping out, ready for the kill
Chaser. Eryon Thornley
The Quaffle was gone! It soared through the hoop and past Parker.
Eryon’s heart skipped a beat. He couldn’t believe what he just saw. The fog made it all surreal. Had it really gone in? He could barely see the hoop or the ball’s final arc through the mist. For a moment, he braced himself, waiting for someone to call it back or for something to go wrong.
Then he heard it.
“Good shot!”
It took him a moment to realize it was Parker McCormick. Not taunting or dismissive. Just… acknowledging it. A warm feeling spread through Eryon’s chest, but he quickly pushed it aside. He wasn’t used to compliments on the pitch, especially not from an opponent. Wasn’t used to feeling like he’d earned it.
Eryon gripped his broom tightly, grounding himself before he turned back into the game. No time to think or celebrate.
The Quaffle barely touched the ground before Percival Harman grabbed it, zooming through the fog towards the Vicious Venom hoops like a flash of red and gold in the mist.
"Darn it."
the young boy yelled.
Eryon quickly turned his broom and dove after him.
Fog, wind, chaos. Everything was a blur—shifting figures in the mist, streaks of movement, the sharp crack of bludgers smashing into wood. It was almost impossible to tell where people were or where they were going.
Eryon had to rely on his instincts.
The sound of robes whipping through the air. The shouts of players calling to each other. The distant, sharp whistle of a Bludger in motion. Somewhere ahead, a figure (Rosalie) was cutting through the fog, closing in on Percival.
Eryon wasn’t sure if she was going for a direct steal or just forcing him into a bad position, but if she missed—if the Quaffle slipped loose—he needed to be there.
He adjusted his flight path, sweeping wide to cover the space just outside their struggle, keeping himself close enough to react without getting in her way.
He knew what happened when people hesitated. He’d spent the last game watching instead of playing. Not this time.
A loud crack echoed through the mist—a bat connecting with iron. Eryon didn’t know where it had been aimed or who had been hit, but the thud of impact followed a heartbeat later.
"Not my problem."
The boy muttered, if there was something he had learnt from all the practice with the conjoined team, it was not to give a thought about others. The thought came fast, automatic—because if he looked away, if he lost focus, he’d be next. Instead, he locked in on Percival’s movement ahead.
Rosalie was almost on the crimson chaser. Angel Malvaux was coming in from the other side. Percival had nowhere to go. In the blink of an eye, Eryon saw the older chaser spin out of control, images of the last game flashing in his mind.
Then, suddenly—the Quaffle was free!
Eryon didn’t think. He lunged forward, stretching out his arm, fingers grazing the ball as it tumbled loose. For a moment, it felt like he had it. And then—he didn’t.
His fingertips skimmed over the slick leather, but the momentum of his dive sent him crashing into it instead of catching it properly. T
he ball bounced off his chest, spinning wildly away into the fog.
"No, no, no!"
the boy gasped,
"Catch that!”
he shouted, already twisting his broom, scanning for Rosalie or Cordelia or anyone in green or blue who could grab it before the Claws recovered.
It was up for grabs. [Quaffle is free]
And Eryon wasn’t going to let his mistake turn into their loss.
Last Edit: 04/02/2025 at 08:25 by Eryon Thornley
Ephraim Prothero
(04/02/2025 at 11:59)
Third Year
Vicious Venom
luring in, ripping out, ready for the kill
Beater. Ephraim Prothero
Ephraim Prothero had no idea what he was doing, but that did not matter, because he
he did. And for the moment he had fallen into complete tunnel vision - he had not noticed that the Headmistress was present, nor seen Al-Sayeed spasming on the floor (or whatever it was that the younger Slytherin was up to this time) - all his senses were tuned in on one thing, by name of Matilda Nordstrom-Davin.
The kiss itself was not great. Her lips were soft and warm, and in that sense he could see that there could be some sort of appeal to this. His own were not - they were determined and controlling, yet still strangely fumbly, and there was a moment when their teeth connected, though thankfully only very briefly. Her spit tasted -
, more than anything.
Then again, perhaps kissing was like smoking - the way Benji had explained
, he'd get some control of it after the third time.
"Did, you just? Ephraim? Hi? … Lips?... Umm?"
It was not until it was over that he realised that he'd closed his eyes. Now, they shot open, staring right back into hers, expression shocked, breath shaky in his chest, in its immediate proximity to hers. That part of the physical touch he
like. And she smelt nice and her hair looked even better up close.
His mind was racing to find words as her hands came to his shoulders. She said something about rules that he struggled to register.
Then there was a sharp clap stirring him back into some sort of reality and he registered that they were not alone. In fact, the
was standing right
(What in the actual hell..?)
But forget Ivansko, the Head Nurse (whom he'd had brief contact with before due to Family stuff) might be the single scariest female that Ephraim had met in his life.
Locking eyes with the woman, he promptly released Matilda, sending her a quick glance, then stumbled out of the tent without having to be asked twice
, realising that he'd forgot both his bat and his broom (which he had dropped to the floor the moment that he had wrapped himself around Nordstrom-David).
"Uhh," he said, peeking back into the tent, gesturing for his things which were then, thankfully, picked up and handed to him by a helpful Nurse*
. Finally, he turned around to get himself back into the game.
It had worked.
Somehow, the snog had quenched the anger in him and fought back the adrenaline (although he paid little attention to whether this was, in fact, what kissing the girl you supposedly liked should feel like). Feeling strangely lightheaded, he was on his way back over the grass when he felt eyes in his neck and stopped to look over his shoulder.
It was none other than Caius Ellwood-Luxe, staring at him, mouth agape.
"What the hell are you looking at?" Ephraim quipped. But despite the wording, his tone was not by far as sharp as it could have been, and the young Slytherin felt at a moment's hesitation. He shrugged it off, annoyed, and kept walking.
Why was Caius such a goddamn weirdo?
Three steps later, Ephraim had mounted his broom and kicked off into the sky, hitting the fog to find himself completely and absolutely disoriended and out of touch with what was going on in the game. And yet, by a strike of sheer luck, a bludger came shooting out of the thick white just by him.
Ephraim sped after the Bludger CHILLS and whacked it at random, accidentally setting it on the course of VV Chaser Eryon Thornley
He hadn't meant to do that (and truly had no idea where it was heading), but it wasn't as though anyone would be able to see what he did and didn't do up here anyway.
"Hello! Chasers?" he shouted, hoping that someone would help guide him back onto the right path.
*OOC: Feel free to be a helpful nurse!
Last Edit: 04/02/2025 at 13:30 by Ephraim Prothero
don't tempt me
Lorelei Kensington
(04/02/2025 at 14:48)
Sixth Year
Vicious Venom
luring in, ripping out, ready for the kill
Keeper. Lorelei Kensington
Lorelei's curse came with many boons. Even absent the full moon, she kept an echo of the wolf's heightened senses. Most useful among them was the ability to see through the pitch black of night. Here, in this dense fog, however, that ability was useless.
Unused to being so blind, the lack of vision only served to heighten her fear. There was no telling from whence a surprise attack might come. A bludger, a quaffle or a player flying a rogue broom—all had been known to injure and maim even under the best of circumstances. And games like those didn't involve such hateful and vengeful players as Angel Malvaux.
(Anders, though still benched for now, counted as such, too, only—as far as Lorelei knew—without the added incentive of thinking her a monster in the literal sense.)
Instead of sight, she had to rely on her other senses to warn her of looming danger. Scent, it seemed, was just as muffled by this wall of opaque humidity. But hearing could be somewhat relied upon. On the other side of the pitch, she heard cheers that could only signal that her team had scored. She heard the angry whizz of bludgers—none close enough for concern yet—and a harsh crack of wood followed by more shouting somewhere below. Not too far from that, she heard the flap of the Hospital Wing tent, its fabric muffling more cries. It seemed busy down there and Lorelei couldn't help but worry that someone had already gotten injured.
And then, her sight became useful again. Two hazy figures in red sped towards her. One, Lorelei thought, had the exact proportions of Angel Malvaux. Her heart sank and her stomach lurched. Good. If she started throwing up, then she could hightail it to the wing tent and then back to the safety of the common room where she'd already spent so much time hiding out.
Come to think of it, she never should have left. Certainly not to face this person, who likely wanted her dead, as rivals on the pitch. Subconsciously,
Lorelei backed up closer to the center hoop
, more focused on her fear than on any thought of being a decent keeper. Thankfully, there was a green shape, now, mixing in with the red, and they seemed to slow, at least for a moment.
Get that quaffle,
Lorelei thought hard at whoever that green shape might be.
Take it far, far away from me.
When the storm, it gains and the sky, it rains
Let it flood, let it flood, let it wash away
And as you stumble through your last crusade
Will you welcome your extinction in the morning rays?
Rosalie Laurence
(04/02/2025 at 15:23)
Fourth Year
Vicious Venom
luring in, ripping out, ready for the kill
Chaser. Rosalie Laurence.
Rosalie's eyes fell on Angel as she made the lunge for the quaffle, a dangerous match now ensuing between Percy's attempt to pass it off, and Eryon coming up to knock it out of play. "Grab it!" Rosie shouted to him as the quaffle rose mid-air heading for Angel's outstretched hands.
She watched, her eyes darting ahead towards the hoops, calculating timeframes in her head as fast as she could manage, when Eryon's fingers slipped against the quaffle, sending it spiraling through the air. In the same moment, the scream of a bludger came shattering through the fog, missing Rosalie's broom by centimeters, slamming into Percy's and sending him spiraling.
She flinched only momentarily, before diving down for the free quaffle, her arm outstretched as her fingers scooped at the ball, pulling it in close to her chest.
Rosalie pulled hard to the left, leaning forward and barreling down the pitch once more. She heard Ephraim's shout and she called out to him as she raced through the fog, unable to see anything except a mere foot in front of her. "Look alive Ephraim!" Nearly colliding into Vlad, she veered to the right at the last second, barreling around him and yanking back hard to the left again.
"Malvaux's on it, Eph! Watch out for her!" She didn't know where the boy was now, but hopefully he could hear her amongst all the excitement. Seeing the Claws hoops rise out of the shadows again, Rosalie waited until her eyes had a clear view of McCormick.
She pulled her arm back, and threw the quaffle as hard as she could, directly for the center hoop.
Last Edit: 04/02/2025 at 15:26 by Rosalie Laurence
they taped over your mouth
scribbled out the truth with their lies
Matilda Nordstrom-Davin
(04/02/2025 at 15:35)
Second Year
Hospital Wing.
Greenhouse Assistant
. Matilda Nordstrom-Davin.
Shock and awe, there were no other words.
“Ephraim Prothero, out of my tent at once.”
Wait, leave? No… he had some explaining to do. She needed answers… and he was gone. Damnit.
Someone was yelling, barking orders. Matilda’s eyes went around the tent to find the culprit. Bellestrom was there. When had THAT happened?! Had she blacked out?
“If you wish to spend your time indulging in frivolous romance, you may do so outside of my tent. However, if you wish to remain useful, you will confirm that we have a ready supply of star grass and dittany.”
Why in the black depths of hell was SHE in trouble?! THIS WAS NOT HER FAULT!
She didn’t even want the kiss… or did she? Hmm… yeah, that would need to be examined later. It was definitely a okish kiss. Better than the boy back home and the peck she had planted on Liam. Sure, it had been wet, and angry and there was that one part with the teeth, but still… Was it good. UGH!
SHIT! She had a job to do.
“Star grass and dittany, on it. Ok. Yes.”
Matilda went to work checking on the ingredients, luckily they were all in order and stocked well.
“We should be good to go on Dittany and star grass. Is there anything else you would like me to work on?”
Keeping busy was good, because when she wasn’t busy her mind wandered skyward. To a boy with hazel eyes and strong arms and lips…
SHIT! She was totally befuddled.
Matilda needed to get her head in the game. Not that she was
the game, she wasn’t. She was IN the hospital tent. Dear lord, she was losing it. She was so in her head in fact that Matilda had no idea what was going on around her. Was Ren alive? No clue. Was there more snogging going on? Yes, but she had no idea. Was anyone bleeding from the head or falling from the sky? PROBABLY, not that she cared.
Dorothy Rafferty
(04/02/2025 at 20:53)
Second Year
Crimson Claws
tearing down, shredding up, ready to fight
Benched. Dorothy Rafferty
Dorothy was cold and miserable, she was on the bench and due to the fog she could see very little of the game. The weather was damp that awful damp that soaks in your bones before it even started to drench your clothes. It would have been okay if she could see the game but the mist meant you only got the odd glimpse of a player lots of the plays were lost. She tried listening to the commentary but the noise on the bench made it hard to concentrate.
It was even worse as they'd had to surrender their wands in the locker room, after the insanity of the previous game and the fact quidditch became more like a duel than a ball game. She could have conjured a small flame to keep her warm or at least dry. She tried to follow the quaffle as it was passed between the two teams. It didn't seem like there had been any scores so faar.
She looked down the bench as saw Benji Kissing the first year Morgan. Dorothy couldn't help but stare at the boy. "Wot the chuff?" she exclaimed, "Ey Benji, there's a time an' a place, an' neither's here an' now." she called to the Hufflepuff
No matter how responsible the Monkey looks don't give him your wand.
Katherine Dankworth
(04/02/2025 at 22:27)
Fourth Year
Vicious Venom
luring in, ripping out, ready for the kill
Bench. Katherine Dankworth (C)
Katherine was so focused in following the game that she didn't even saw the bludger coming until it was too late. She widened her eyes, and not even her chaser reflexes were quick enough to pull her out the way.
Luckily, Wyatt was.
The boy yanked her towards the ground with one arm, and she could feel his arm around her waist. Her first instinct was, of course, pushing Wyatt off her, as had already a long list of insults loaded to aim at whoever almost killed both her and Cassian.
But Wyatt's lips stopped her when they collided against hers, and Katherine was left stunned. Of course, it wasn't like the boy was actually trying to kiss her. So Kate didn't see a reason to freak out about it. Instead, she just started laughing. "You could've invited me to dinner first if you wanted to kiss me that bad, McCormick."
She cleaned Wyatt's blood of her face like it was nothing, and then she looked towards the other captain. "I am perfectly fine, go get some help for your cousin. I'll fix this mess."
She stood up and looked around, serious again. Whatever circus they had going, it had to stop. She was not losing another game because her classmates had suddenly decided instead of playing they were using this as an opportunity to fix whatever unresolved romantic plots they had going on between them. "The next moron who kisses a teammate or adversary will be benched until they graduate! Am I clear?"
She glanced at their seeker, who seemed knocked out by a bludger.
"Versimilitude, sub in for Min."
And last, but not least, she looked at Cordelia. Her reaction to Nael's bludger hadn't go unnoticed, so she smiled at her widely to let her know everything was okay. "Just play, Cordie. I can deal with a few unsportsmanlike boys. Right, Al-Azma?"
She winked at Nael, like she wasn't worried about what he had done. But deep down, she really wished she was the one with a bat.
Nael Al-Azma
(04/02/2025 at 22:48)
Fourth Year
Crimson Claws
tearing down, shredding up, ready to fight
Beater (C). Nael Al-Azma
The goggles were useless. With the fine drizzle and the thick fog Nael could not even tell if it was the glasses that made his vision a negative 10 or not. He ripped them off and shoved them into his jersey pocket. Still negative 10. Bloody great.
Nael heard screaming and when it sounded like iron splintered wood somewhere on the ground, Nael's mouth dropped open. Shit! Had he sent that bludger down there? He pushed his broom down, flew close enough to see the venom bench and it's members piled up and he gritted his teeth. That had not been his plan. He'd just smacked the ball away from Percy and...
A very loud and angry shout made Nael shoot back up in the air. That sounded like Cordelia and she was calling his name. Whatever she was pissed about, Nael was not keen on finding out. The Hufflepuff sped in one direction, which turned out to be exactly the one Cordelia was coming from.
Nael saw her when she was inches away from him and he let himself fall to the side of his broom, pushing the handle back down at the same time,
thus dodging Cordelia's ram and keeping the bat in hand
. His broom dropped rapidly and before he could push himself right onto it, someone else came into view.
This time, Nael did not react fast enough and
he collided with Venom Beater Prothero mid-air
. Curse words were flying out of his mouth and the impact threw his beater arm backwards with a sharp pain,
making Nael drop his bat
. With the other hand he held onto his now rapidly spinning broom, all the while Ephraim had vanished away in the fog. "EPH! EPH??"
Nael wanted, no he needed to know if the other boy was okay or not. No one would see in this fog if he just fell down. The thought alone made Nael panic. It rushed through him so fast that he had no control over it. The ground spun closer and Nael managed to slow himself before his feet touched the ground and he rolled onto the grass.
Shit. His arm hurt, he felt something warm trickle down his ear and he'd lost his bat. For a moment he stood, still panicking and listening for a whistle. All he heard was his own heartbeat drumming in his chest and ears.
With a few quick steps, dragging his broom with him, Nael was at the Claws bench and in front of
. "Did he fall? BENJI, DID EPH FALL?" He almost took his little brother by his shoulders and wanted to shake him, but his arm hurt too much to do even that. He could not get a clear answer. Vision down here was even worse.
"Give me your bat!" There was some protest coming from the younger boy about him bleeding and whatnot, but Nael waved it off,
took Benji's bat
when he finally held it out to him and was in the air a minute later.
Holding the damn thing wasn't pleasant, but he would manage. He got back up just in time to see a blur of blonde hair attempting to score a goal. A little bit to the side, Nael finally spotted Prothero. Or at least he thought he did.
Don't hold me up now
I can stand my own ground
I don't need your help now
You will let me down, down, down!
Tristan McCormick
(05/02/2025 at 01:48)
Falmouth Falcons Seeker
here so i won't get fined
It felt like a lifetime ago that'd he'd felt that distinct chill in the air, smelled the wet grass of the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch, felt the tension of the enclosed stadium as a sea of sound echoed their excitement.
Tris was accustomed to the adrenaline. He'd had years of practice at it, rising through the ranks until the spot he claimed on one of the best teams in Britain. Celebrated as he'd been, all the of the accolades seemed distant when watching the game from his position on the ground, the second referee for the match. The fame, the success, didn't seem to matter from where he stood, this removed from his younger brother, who was apparently a captain of one of the teams, unclear if he should even show his face from the hood hanging over it. Not to mention his sister, likely somewhere in the crowd, who had never forgiven him for his sins.
From any onlookers, he was just another referee to keep the game in order. For any fans of the British Quidditch League, they'd recognize his face from last week's newspaper, where he'd led his team to victory after ending Puddlemore United's league-leading winning streak.
But to Kora and Cassian, he'd just be Tristan McCormick and all of the baggage that came with it.
His focus fell on the game until actions forced a blow of his whistle. Pulling back his hood, his cold eyes found the Venom's bench and likely Cassian's surprised stare, before offering an apologetic shrug in his direction.
"That's a warning, Crimson Captain. Make sure to keep those bludgers in play or risk a foul being called!"
It could have been an accident, a misdirect of an attempt on the bludger. Maybe seeing Wyatt save his bench from any real damage as Tris could only watch with his breath held motivated his call. Some semblances of control should have been exercised amidst all the snogging and attempted fighting. One of the chasers literally tried to take off one of her opponent's, which would have necessitated another blown whistle if she'd been successful.
Another reason he was there was to make sure no one ended up crashing onto the ground. The Head Refs decision to confiscate all of the wands made him the linchpin to the plan to keep everyone safe. The grip he had on his Nimbus shifted from lackluster to ironclad when two of the players crashed into each other, one lost to the fog while the other flew down to the benches.
Inhaling the crisp air, Tris prepared himself to leap into action, if necessary, from where he stood on the boundaries of the pitch.
issued on Crimson Claws Captain Nael Al-Azma! Keep the bludgers in play!
The Bludger
hits Vicious Venoms Seeker Oliver Min! It is now
Vicious Venoms Beater Ephraim Prothero sends
at his teammate Eryon Thornley after about twelve different directions it'd been sent.
Vicious Venoms Chaser Rosalie Laurence sends the
towards the Crimson Claws Center Hoop! Is their Keeper Parker McCormick ready for it?
Crimson Claws Beater Nael Al-Azma crashes into Vicious Venoms Beater Ephraim Prothero!
Crimson Claws Vlad Ivansko and the subbed in Vicious Venom Verisimilitude St. Clair might have seen a speck of gold streak across the floor of the pitch before it was lost to the fog.
Sidelines Activity:
Vicious Venom
! Veri St. Clair for Oliver Min at Seeker!
Wyatt McCormick saves everyone from the Bludger [
] and, in the process, snogs his captain.
Katherine Dankworth
Cassian McCormick (I apologize in advance, baby bro.)
Crimson Claws
Benji Cuddrun
Morgan Barlowe
Dorothy Rafferty: The most accurate reaction to all the snogging.
Hospital Wing
Matilda Nordstrom-Davin
Ren Al-Sayeed
Ruth Elliot
Karina Ivansko
Niamh Doherty
Tala Bellestorm
Caius Ellwood-Luxe
Last Edit: 05/02/2025 at 02:19 by Tristan McCormick
feel i'm already a ghost
no one expects any good to unfold
Ren Al-Sayeed
(05/02/2025 at 02:09)
Second Year
Hospital Wing.
"Very Calm" Apothecary
. Ren Al-Sayeed.
After what felt like an eternity on the world's most uncomfortable floor, Ren opened his eyes and shook off the pain. Between Tala, Matilda, and Rae deciding on how best to move him out of the way, he much prefered Matilda's method of not treating him like a wet paper bag. Until that stray
came out like an arrow to the knee.
"I'm okay. Thanks, I got it..."
He placed his hands on the misty floor, struggling like an old man who'd been sitting on a chair for way longer than he should have. The floor nap helped his nausea, which was caused by (memory forcibly moved to subconscious).
He couldn't really remember, but it was over, and it could never hurt him again.
Until Ephraim flew in, of course.
The Slytherin with a complex came flying in and pegged the poor ginger girl to a corner, forcing himself upon her in the unslightliest of manners. Had everyone not been snogging recently, Ren might have mistaken this as an attempt to eat her face off.
Speaking of eating...
"Ugh, where's that cracker...I think I'm gonna be sick again..."
The words "cherry-lips" suddenly burst into his mind again. This was a lesson to always bring your own crackers. After a while, he gave up searching for the mythical carbed goodie and resigned to stand up and go to the potion storage.
The rest happened in a flash. Tala Bellestorm giving Ephraim the stink eye, apparently a few seconds too late. Matilda being yelled at for getting unexpectedly ambushed. The commentary from the crowd talking about Benji's kiss, and Rae's reaction being ice-cold and she attempted to bury her heads in folding the beds.
'She asked for a calming drought? That sounds...really good right about now, actually.'
The boy reached to his potions belt and popped open a calming drought, taking a swig before putting the stopper back on it and putting it back in his belt. Proceeding to walk over to the potion's storage, he took out an "official"
calming drought and handed it over to the headmistress with a smile.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a mint, a core part to potion aftertaste care, and walked over to the flustered ginger. His face maintained what could only be described as a customer service smile, his eyes slightly glazed over.
That potion
hit the spot...
"Hey, Matilda. Need a mint? You know, to uh...to wash out the aftertaste?"
Last Edit: 08/02/2025 at 15:59 by Ren Al-Sayeed
Jack Ellwood-Luxe
(05/02/2025 at 05:20)
Fifth Year
Crimson Claws
tearing down, shredding up, ready to fight
Chaser! Jack Ellwood-Luxe
Jack righted his course, forcing the wiggle out of his path.
"Jack! You okay, buddy?"
"Yeaaaah, I'm great!" He called back to Vlad, wherever he was. His broom might have a redecorated handle, but it still flew- that was the important part.
Unfortunately for him, he still couldn't see where the hell he was going. He
pretty sure he was following Percy, but how far down the pitch were they? That was Angel's voice calling along near him, demanding the Quaffle, which was a good sign.
The hoops loomed not far off and Jack pulled off into a short dive so as to redirect his momentum, his neck craning to follow the movement of the Quaffle.
But it wasn't there. There was a clatter on the opposite side of the pitch now as the flutter of robes sounded, rising and then falling with the movement of the sound's origin. He deigned to follow it, heaving a sigh, and executed a pin turn after the next shock of red he could see.
Jack squinted as the Crimson Claws hoops came into view, just at the very moment that the Laurence girl wound up and threw the Quaffle.
"MCCORMICK! THE-- PARKER ONE!" He spluttered, racing ahead. "LOOK SHARP!!"
like that was good advice. Look where, exactly?
ens causa sui
Caius Ellwood-Luxe
(05/02/2025 at 05:59)
Sixth Year
Hospital Wing.
. caius "not a nurse" ellwood-luxe.
"What the hell are you looking at?"
he nearly replied, dumbly. Instead, he fixed his face and closed his mouth, setting his expression into something flatter.
"Get back in the air, Prothero."
And then Ephraim kicked off, and was gone.
Suddenly, it was all too much. He stood, a bit of popcorn falling from the bag onto the grass. He tilted himself around the canvas wall, enough to get a good look at the scene inside, and saw Bellestorm herself gesturing, Matilda shell-shocked, and Niamh in the back looking bewildered. The headmistress wasn't taking it well, and for that Caius ducked back out of the tent, leaning down to gather his box.
He trudged away from the tent and toward the benches, hands full, where he knew Kate was holding court as the Venoms' captain.
. Caius Ellwood-Luxe.
The box was heavier than he'd intended to make it, and by the end of his trek he had resolved to drag it.
He dropped the thing next to where Kate was on the bench, but didn't sit on it. Caius stood over her for a moment, since the bench appeared to be partially splintered, then waved his fingers at her.
"Budge over," He told her, and planted himself beside her. Looking into his bag of now-cold popcorn, he sighed at it, then tilted it toward her. "Popcorn?"
Then, he noticed.
"Are you
Last Edit: 05/02/2025 at 14:01 by Caius Ellwood-Luxe
"Be wary of my river's undertow,
it flows with water from the coldest source."
Parker McCormick
(05/02/2025 at 15:04)
Seventh Year
Crimson Claws
tearing down, shredding up, ready to fight
Keeper. Parker McCormick
There was no telling which one of the three Crimson chasers had grabbed the Quaffle and made off with it. Parker
couldn't see beyond the tip of his nose, but by the sound of it the action was heading the other way. For a moment he thought he saw Angel drifting by, her curly hair damp from the fog, but this too could have been an image conjured straight from sordid recollections of that embarrassing fumble.
Whatever the case, Parker had a few moments to collect himself. He daren't close his eyes, because there was just no telling when the gaggle of Chasers would turn and head this way again. At least he could
, though and knowing he was no longer the center of attention helped soothe the insistent burn of those beet red cheeks.
He was on his third or fourth deep breath,
getting into the way each rise and dip seemed to tickle the very center of his chest, when the sound of collision savaged those nice sagely vibes he had going. It was still impossible to see through the fog and though Parker actually really wanted to call out and find out what on earth they were up to down there, he didn't quite trust his voice at the moment.
"That's a warning, Crimson Captain. Make sure to keep those bludgers in play or risk a foul being called!"
"Tris?" he squeaked, immediately clearing his throat as he shook his head in surprise.
Though Parker hadn't seen his cousin in quite a few years, he'd recognise those dulcet tones anywhere. Tristan McCormick was a cool guy and as the celebrity in the family, he was the one most people knew about. What the adoring public
know was that the road to fame had been a rocky one and the ability to pull off that fancy flying had come at a terrible price.
Oh, Kora would be
right now.
At least it cleared up the mystery of the collision. A bludger had probably hit a bench or the stands. It happened (as Parker well knew from the first match) but that didn't make it any less dangerous.
Parker felt a smidge safer knowing there was another set of eyes down there, but the feeling of placid enjoyment was short lived. There were
beyond this sheet of fog now; a whole swarm of flyers were all yelling about the Quaffle and why it should be grabbed... now! Parker thought he heard Angel's name within the cacophony but beyond that he couldn't make much out at all.
He instinctively moved to his left, at least one of the Venom chasers favoured that side and he'd be
before Eryon scored off him again, but he veered sharply to the other side when a voice called out dead ahead of him.
The voice sounded far off, which was probably a bad sign and --
-- not knowing where to look didn't help him either.
Once again, Parker did not have to wonder for very long. The Girl of the Snogs (Rosalie) burst through the opaque cocoon ahead of him and this time, Parker was ready. She aimed for the center and he moved in the correct direction this time. Though agile and deceptively fast, she wasn't able to squeeze the ball past his wide frame.
Parker caught the Quaffle easily and after a shrill whistle and a shout of "Heads up, Jack!", Parker lobbed the orb back into play [Crimson Claws block the goal].
It was with a feeling of relief that Parker sat back on his broom, only a tiny bit worried that the Venom Chasers might still outwit him with their nippy ways.
Vlad Ivansko
(05/02/2025 at 15:25)
Ickle Firstie!
Crimson Claws
tearing down, shredding up, ready to fight
Seeker. Vlad Vansky
Vlad was relieved that Jack was okay. That would have been sad. "Aren't you always great?" Vlad called back to
A wave of annoyance came. His little game would be useless now that the other team had a new seeker. Who wasn't Oliver. Darn. And he had thought it was such a brilliant plan.
But then he spotted Tristan McCormick. An actual Quidditch player. Like Mia. And a seeker too, which was Vlad's position of preference.
And Vlad's little snitch ploy was completely and utterly forgotten. Instead, Vlad rapidly tried to slow down. A nauseatingly rapid slowdown to prevent him from thwacking along the ground.
He then landed ungracefully on the ground, doing an awkward skid and trip
. Not realizing that it had complete messed up his shoes. And his ankles would be screaming bloody murder later.
He then went up to
. Vlad was star struck. And there was just something about Tristan that made Vlad's heart flutter. Aka, Vlad unawarely thought that Tristan was
! A beautiful figure. "Excuse me... uh....sir? Can I...get you to uh autograph my uniform?" He let out a nervous giggle. Of course forgetting as well that his wand was in his robes.
Last Edit: 05/02/2025 at 15:25 by Vlad Ivansko
I'll build back the room with
in it
our hearts
Eryon Thornley
(05/02/2025 at 15:41)
Ickle Firstie!
Vicious Venom
luring in, ripping out, ready for the kill
Chaser. Eryon Thornley
The sharp crack of a bludger meeting wood barely reached Eryon through the thick fog. He was too focused on tracking the Quaffle, heart pounding as he lunged for it. A perfect recovery, if he could just—
Something slammed into his leg. Hard.
Pain exploded through his shin as his broom wobbled violently beneath him, the impact nearly throwing him off. He sucked in a sharp breath, a flash of black and iron whipping past him. He barely had time to register it before the sting of impact radiated through his calf, a dull throb turning into something sharper as he gritted his teeth.
"Do your jobs beaters!"
the young boy squealed.
The pain was already fading into adrenaline, but his broom was still veering off-course. Ahead, through the swirling mist, the Quaffle was still loose, tumbling through the air where he’d fumbled it seconds before.
Eryon barely had time to react before Rosalie came barreling past him, her broom slicing through the fog as she charged toward the hoops. He twisted sharply, trying to recover as she pulled her arm back—the Quaffle whipping through the air in a perfect arc toward the center hoop.
For a moment, it looked like it might just go in. Then—Parker reacted.
"Good save!"
Eryon winced as he complemented the opposing Keeper.
On seeing the Quaffle back in play, Eryon forced his weight forward, biting through the ache in his leg and propelling his broom after the Quaffle.
His fingers stretched out—no fumbling this time, his hand closed around the leather, he held on.
He didn’t stop. Didn’t pause to think, to adjust, to breathe.
His broom tilted sharply as he pulled up, sweeping around the hoops in a tight, disorienting loop.
If he could keep the Keeper guessing, force him to shift position just enough. A sudden gust of wind caught the tail of his broom, a reminder that he couldn’t risk another shot through the fog.
Instead, he angled his shoulder and twisted midair, flinging the Quaffle across the pitch.
The red ball spun through the mist, cutting towards a green figure who Eryon hoped was a fellow chaser, the next best shot for Venom. Eryon didn’t wait to see if it landed. His leg still throbbed, but the pain was secondary. The game was still moving, and so was he.
Cordelia Von Stein
(05/02/2025 at 16:05)
Sixth Year
Vicious Venom
luring in, ripping out, ready for the kill
Chaser. Cordelia Von Stein
"You could have killed her...."
Cordelia hissed at Nael unapologetic as his bat fell from his hands. She liked the boy and saw him as a good friend, but the action he took was not acceptable. She untangled herself from him as she tried to regain her composure.
Her heart leapt as she saw the silhouette that was unmistakably Kate move and seem to look toward her. She was at least alive. Anything past that Cordelia would deal with later. Now there was a game to win.
The next thing she notices was Eryon was back at the hoops that young raven really was something for her house to be proud of. Cordelia leaned forward and shot toward his side to get there just in time as he chunked the quaffle her way.
Cordelia barely had a moment to think before she used her arm to deflect it into her chest before wrapping her arm around it. Quaffle secured she leaned into her broom heading back toward the Crimson hoops.
Cordelia hoped to use the fog to her advantage and sneak up on the Crimson Keeper, Parker and Cordelia always had a shaky relationship at best anyway. She swerved up to the hoops and aimed for the center hoop and lobed the quaffle toward it hoping to see it go through.
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Hogwarts School - Castle
Hogwarts Grounds
The Quidditch Pitch
Game Two: Crimson Claws vs. Vicious Venom