Some changes are afoot at Hogwarts with Karina Ivansko at the helm!

Author Topic: The SS Doom | Charms L1  (Read 700 times)

* Charlene McCoy

    (01/02/2025 at 00:11)
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Charly was holding on for dear life indeed. While not particularly scared when Parker scared to throw her off him and over board, it was a different story when her usual flexible body was rigid as stone. As crazy as she tended to be and as unafraid she was of pain itself, a fall like that would likely shatter her body into pieces.

Her fingers had dug deep into Parker's clothes and skin and that was probably the only thing making her hang on, along with her legs firmly wrapped around his hips. Even if he wanted to throw her off now, he would have to throw himself with her.

The monster under her bed was talking to people, even Sweet Smiles, who was just giving her the sweetest of all the smiles. Charly would have liked to say something about this, but her mouth wasn't exactly working as it should. Her jaw was rigid and no real words came out of her mouth. "SHE YO GOT THE SHEETEST SHILE." It was a compliment, even though monster man had used her nickname for Parker in a different way. Something with milk. Whatever that meant.

For now all the little redhead could do was hang on and watch everybody else around them fire more spells, cry more for death and destruction or just sit down and try to be better than everyone else. Charly observed Sadina for a moment, the girl clearly confused about what she was doing here. This was life and death. Kill or be killed. There was no peace. No reasoning. This was mutiny and so they had to die.

While her fingers and body were still stiff, Charly noticed her jaw loosening up and she was finally able to open and close her mouth again. That meant the spell was fading even though she saw a new one being fired at her now. The Head Boy was taking a risk, casting at her when Sweet Smiles was in the way. There was a good chance it wouldn't hit her but the Hufflepuff, especially with the way he was moving around.

And where was his wand pointed at? Skater Boy! He seemed a popular target for these mutineer rats. There was only one thing to do. Charly was able to move her head again, and her fingers also eased a little off Parker, but still holding strong. She brought her head close to his neck, the smell of cedar, wood and leather invading her nose. The girl had wanted to lick him, but the smell of leather brought out something else in her. Something feral and wild - her strong dislike for the smell causing her brain to short-circuit. Instead of licking Parker to distract him from casting stuff that she couldn't hear, she tried to sink her teeth into his neck, biting down hard before letting go of the boy altogether and falling down.

Down, down, down - somewhere along the way Charly imagined herself to be a cat. Cats landed on their feet. Always. And so the girl tried to land her feet on the deck.
I'm not broken
My cracks let the light in

* Indigo Amberghast

    (03/02/2025 at 14:06)
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Amidst the relentless firing of spells and the stormborn chaos gathering towards gleeful crescendo, the huge and painted white-gold wooden doors to the Officers Quarters swung open, the clattering rattle of its hinges fighting to penetrate the near-deafening noise. The hard meanness to Captain Bellestorm’s expression caught suddenly in the glow of lightning tearing jagged lines into the night sky and then, behind him, gathering forward unnaturally, like the dark, billowing inevitability of a Reaper, First Officer Amberghast stepped with him out of the darkness and onto the slick, shimmering surface of the ship’s deck.

Some of the younger students — their propensity for disappointment defying any kind of system or scaling in its relentlessness, as necessary to them as breathing — had taken to hiding behind shields. And though it might have seemed semi-logical to someone like Matilda Nordstrom-Davin, too little and too magically inexperienced to fight her way out of a wet paper bag, it really only prolonged the sad and the inevitable. Like locking oneself in the pantry to escape a house fire.


Or like clinging to hollow obsession when unable to gather oneself to their feet.

“Is this a cry for help?” he asked Cordelia, the sky’s theatrics the only source of light in his eyes.

“Or are you naming your slugs in her honour?”

Bellestorm and Amberghast suddenly stepped forward, wands raised with sneering menace, causing a huge, thick, rope-bound net to materialise above their heads.

“Kill the traitors!” screamed the Captain, his fervour causing spittle to decorate the lower part of his face, his glowing eyes utterly incensed as they fell upon the chaotic scene and the animals now trapped under glass — friend or foe alike.

Because, of course, and entirely to the point — you were neither.

You were nothing but the steadying ground beneath their boot.

They were too young and too naive to see it. But more than that, and to the true articulation of this tragedy, no stretch of time, no measure of experience, no outpour of exertion - in fact, nothing short of some miraculous and utterly miserable changing of the fates - would illuminate, let alone eradicate, the oppressive and tyrannical systems waiting to press down upon their silly little heads.

The falling net caught and dragged to the deck anyone not already on the floor, Ruth Elliot's simian-swinging cut short unceremoniously as she hurtled towards Benji Cuddrun, the deranged dancing queen. The unrestrained tapping of his feet — as unrestrained as his fellow student's apparent desire to cause him humiliation if not outright harm — was a reminder that children would show ownership over a  steamship, a mutiny — or a lack thereof — but would refuse to hold their classwork to same possessive standard. Indeed there was not a single soul imprisoned on this earth, or on any other heavenly body, able to make through one of Cuddrun’s attempts at an essay — attempt here used with such ridiculous generosity as to make it seem like it had occurred entirely by accident, fallen suddenly out of the cosmos — without forcibly vomiting blood.

“Not one of you went for the Captain,” said the Professor, peering at the Captain at the top of the staircase. Something ominous to his expression, rank like sickness in the air, did little whatsoever to penetrate the dark, impenetrable depths of his gaze.

“He provided you cannon fodder, and all you could do was say: ‘thank you, sir.’

Thank you for stepping on me.

As Bellestorm and Amberghast descended the steps the fog beneath them seemed to rapidly dissipate, sweeping as if swirled with a heavy gale over the edge's of the ship's deck, into the black shimmer of the ocean below. Slippery little Liam F Battersea may not have been as gormless and as wet behind the ears as he looked, but he settled neatly beneath the Captain's net all the same.

The Captain and his First Mate rounded on the group, looking down at them with the cold, inevitable impassivity of a spider looking upon its bountiful web. From behind them, as if invisible until stepping forth into the light, Mrs. Atkinson looked at the rope-bound face of Eira North.

“Pathetic,” she said, wearing a face like a slapped arse. “If I'd have known it was you defending us I would have raised the white flag myself.”

Waving her own white flag of surrender was Sadina Star, her peaceful protestations no match for the oncoming boot. If this didn’t make her pointless passivity completely obvious then it fell upon Tigran Razi, of all people — a boy so often frozen behind a smirk, utterly convinced by the wisdom of his indecision and the folly of their lack thereof — to speak some sense.

He looked down at the Head Boy, his gaze hard and his expression eerily still even as the rain beat-down on the impervious flawlessness of his sharp, pale face.

“Well exactly, Tigran. Why pretend?” Then, because it was Tigran, and because he oh so adored feeding his words into the ungrateful void— “Why?

The Captain and his First Mate seemed to pay the Professor no mind, moving past him and around him with a startling severity in the hard scrutiny of their faces, cast like a blinding, inescapable spotlight over the students, one by one, down the line and then around the perimeter, circling the students like a pair of always-hungry sharks, nothing but dread in the blackness of their eyes. The banality of evil, glowing in the storm’s silver light.

His eyes turned suddenly, finding Parker McCormick with such efficiency of movement as to leave no doubt he knew exactly where he was all along, even ass-raised, face first on the ship’s deck, trussed-up like a Christmas goose.

“Time to pick on someone your own size.” His gaze found Charlene McCoy beside him, relieved to see no blood dribbling from her chin.

“And time to get you checked for rabies.”

Without much disturbing his stillness, or even knocking a golden hair out of place, he launched a palm-sized orb high into the air, counting down the fifteen minutes until the lesson’s end, and a long, lingering crack of thunder rained brightness through the night’s sky.

“Those of you with even a feeble grasp of the obvious are thinking: no fair.”

He lit another cigarette, its smoke and embers rising in effortless protest against the rain.

“Well, no shit.”

The Captain and his First Mate began to secure and tighten the rope-spun net cast above their heads — perhaps it was that having watched the students attempt magic for the last hour or so they saw little danger in leaving them still equipped with their wands. Another wasted metaphor. He looked down at them even as he began to disappear, something between black smoke and tendrils of inky shadow claiming him from below, gone only to rematerialise just as suddenly, still looking down at them — withering, unblinking and yet vaguely, reluctantly expectant — from the very top of the staircase.

“Do something about it.”

Matilda Nordstrom-Davin cast Melofors at Ruth Elliot — Success
Cordelia Von Stein casts a silent Petrificus Totalus at Benji Cuddrun — Success
Ruth Elliot casts Locomotor wibbly at Sadina Star — Success
Benji Cuddrun casts Avis at Katherine Dankworth — Success
Liam F Battersea casts Gelidus canis at Benji Cuddrun — Success
Eira North casts Blaterus at Liam F Battersea — Success
Tigran Razi casts Rictusempra at Charlene McCoy — Success
Parker McCormick casts Lacarnum Inflamarae at Benji Cuddrun — Success
Charlene McCoy attempts to Bite Parker McCormick — Success

Final update! The Captain and his First Mate have not discriminated in their swift response, catching both sides of the conflict under their net. Ship’s crew — if for IC reasons this still doesn’t turn your character against their nefarious overlord then you are welcome to stay fighting on that side, though in this case their lovely Professor may lose what little respect he might have for them.

Everyone else, free for all. Go at each other, go at the Captain and his First Mate, go at the ship, go at the giant net above their heads and remember, top marks for revenge.

Class will close February 7.

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« Last Edit: 04/02/2025 at 13:08 by Indigo Amberghast »

Liam F Battersea

    (03/02/2025 at 23:33)
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Striking him soundly as intended, Liam Finnian Battersea went from serious and focused on the task at hand to an excited kid on the point of delirium. In the space between moments, the sobering expression etched on his face faded and transformed into the brightest of grins almost maddening to behold. One tick of a millisecond later his eyes narrowed slightly as he yearned to express this newfound sensation. It seemed that a bit of poetry was in order, albeit not in any recognizable format, as it sounded almost chattering. Regardless, his Gaeilge was loud enough to be heard by everyone there.

“Tainic an Croibhdherg go Crúachain, a chomhardha achiú ’na láimh, fríoth ó airmbertaib na n-éurlamh tairrngertaigh críoch bferglan bFáil. Tainig mar do-thairrnghir Berchán baisderg Cruachna, cert ar rús, do-gab um Charn Fráoich a righe, do-balbh gáoith na tíre ar tús!”

The words that echoed from his lips were more than sufficient to give him away as it wasn’t difficult to find him. Even with the curse’s hold upon him, he tried to escape and found himself caught, nonetheless. And while everyone else was being rounded up, he continued in his poetic babbling.

“Do-toirthigh Croibhderg na Cruachna coillti úaine an feruinn te, gach call bán da mbenfa farcha go bferfa lán dabhcha dhe. Ioth a ttalmhuin tuc a righe, do-rad bláth tre bharraibh gég. doroighne dairmes do dhoire aighnes choinnle gloine Grég!”

The net closed with all in tow, and he found himself functional once more. The babbling ceased and the grin retrogressed back into a sobering expression, coupled with searching eyes as Professor Amberghast spoke. They were soaked to the bone, fifteen minutes were on the clock, and their true enemy was set before them. Battle crows and icy winds didn’t feel sufficient in this case. The rain would surely snuff out a conjuration of flame. The Ravenclaw glanced downward, glanced upward, and nodded. There was one spell among many he’d studied that had been taught here many years ago. Precision and a cool head were needed.

He had to make it count.

“We’re getting’ out o this.” He quietly to everyone around him. Ay ışığı yuvar. A featureless orb of silvery-white light manifested before him. “Everyone get down!”

Thrusting his hand beneath it as he spoke, the target was already visualized—the net above. The orb rocketed upward, burying itself in mere moments within the heart of the netting, and detonated. It was a brilliant explosion all in the effort of releasing them from their captivity.

“If ya value your freedom, if ya value your companions then fight together!” He shouted with uncharacteristic passion “Fight as if your lives are worth more than this! Fight for somethin’ wort’y and true!”

1.   The translation to Liam’s words is the first four stanzas of an Irish Poem found here:
2.   Spell Referenced:
« Last Edit: 06/02/2025 at 22:23 by Liam F Battersea »
“What if you love knowledge for its own sake, not necessarily as a blueprint to action? What if you wish there were more, not fewer reflective types in the world?” ~Susan Cain

Matilda Nordstrom-Davin

    (05/02/2025 at 04:08)
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With adrenaline pumping through her veins, Matilda looked around the ship's deck to pinpoint her next target. At the moment that her wand went up a net came crashing down on their heads. “UGH SERIOUSLY?!”

It was shocking to think that Professor Amberghast got paid to torture his students. Biting remarks and lessons that could seriously hurt someone and it was just normal. Magic was truly a crazy concept.

“If ya value your freedom, if ya value your companions then fight together!” Liam called after performing a pretty awesome bit of magic. “Fight as if your lives are worth more than this! Fight for somethin’ wort’y and true!” Very inspiring, really. There was so much going on all around her, it was hard to see if the ship's crew was still fighting them, or joining their cause.

Matilda took the Professor's words to heart and decided to make her next target the captain and first mate. It really was a mistake that he had been left unscathed this whole time. Pointing her wand first at the captain she called out “Immobulus!” Hoping to render him immoble so that others can get a good spell to hit. She then pointed her wand at the first mate and cast the same spell. “Immobulus!”

There was a reason why Matilda didn’t duel, she never knew what was the right spell in the right moment. Hopefully, this time the spells she chose would work. If they didn’t hit their mark, hopefully the others around her would kick their asses.

Ruth Elliot

    (05/02/2025 at 08:17)
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In the midst of the chaos, Rae heard Benji's attempt at protego. The shield materialised around her but it was a second too late. The world grew even darker as the girl's head began to morph. Only, it wasn't her head at all. A pumpkin sprouted, encasing her so she couldn't see.

"Hey! Hey! Get me out!" Rae flailed, running blindly back into the fray despite her limited vision. The girl didn't stop until she hit right into the mast she'd previously abandoned. The force of the impact made a large crack in the pumpkin that allowed her to see her way out. Not wanting to lose even a second more, she reached up with both hands and tore away the produce that had brought her too close to the image of the pumpkin lord.

A year later and the idea was no more appealing.

The world...well, the ship, opened up to her again and it was every bit as chaotic as when she'd left it. Rae's sight couldn't have returned sooner as Eira's pumpkin rolled into her path. Without her eyes, it could've been a nasty tumble and with so many feet running around, it was a recipe for being trampled.

The girl Benji had told to throw herself over still wasn't getting it. Thankfully Tigran--misguided as his assessment of the situation was--had stepped in to make a valid point. They were winning and would not concede to a truce when they had the upper hand. If Hufflepuff girl was that concerned about puppets and strings, they could find some string to hoist her up by. She could dangle there, the fleeting flashes of lightening the only audience to her speech.

Charly's screech distracted her, forcing her eyes across the way to where the girl still clung to Parker. Honestly, it was a little impressive that she managed to hang on for so long without Parker turning her into swish cheese and moving on with his invasion but was probably never a good idea to aim your wand so close to your own face. 

Although, with Charly's teeth now aimed to cause might be a risk the older boy should be willing to take.

There was no time to check the direction Parker aimed because the man of the hour had finally decided to leave his roast dinner to grace them with his presence. What could have been reinforcement quickly revealed itself to be a man who was more trouble than it was worth keeping him alive until the end of the mutiny.

The rope net came quickly, staggering her and crashing her right into Benji Cuddrun. The collision set their foreheads banging and gave the girl the headache this ship invasion never could.

Was that it? Had they lost then?

The captain and first mate looked down at them like they were if they hadn't chosen to stay and fight--at least, according to the professor. Rae didn't remember making any such pledges but she supposed none of that mattered now. Both men moved to secure the rope net to the admonishment of their charms professor. Amberghast was certainly smug for a man who must've realised the students he was in charge of teaching couldn't properly overtake a small crew of ickles. It wasn't exactly a glowing review for him.

"Well, no shit. Do something about it.”

Glancing over at her ally for only as long as the class lasted, Rae gave Benji a look she hoped he would understand. Earlier, when she'd screamed her orders at the others, the plan had been very clear. She'd meant every word of it. If they couldn't have the ship, no one could have the ship. They would burn the bloody thing to ashes with everyone in it long before they surrendered it to either the traitors or the captain and his first mate who now found themselves equally labelled so.

The woman with them? Rae didn't know, but she hoped she could swim.

“If ya value your freedom, if ya value your companions then fight together!”

Liam's voice rang out in the night, urging them to make a final stand, to come together and fight. Even Matilda had changed the focus of her fire. It was all too little and too late. Faced with betrayal on both sides...

"WE DON'T NEGOTIATE WITH TRAITORS!" Not the captain and not them.

"Burn it down! Burn it all down! Tonight, we all feast in Hell!"

Rae reached her hand through an opening in the rope net, her wand pointed directly at one of the ship's massive sails. "Caeruleus!" She directed the flame, watching it latch onto the fabric. It flickered and danced in the strong winds, spreading further and further up as it gnawed away at the ship's best means of remaining mobile. "Caeruleus!" she cast at the second sail.

Whether they helped or not, the ship would be going down.
« Last Edit: 05/02/2025 at 08:19 by Ruth Elliot »
                                                                 I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed.

                              Get along with the voices inside of my head.

Eira North

    (06/02/2025 at 21:52)
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Eira turned to see the captain and his first mate stepping out their cabin with faces as grim as the thunderous night. Oh, thank god. That could only mean one thing. That this lesson was almost done and that she could finally get out of this cold and wet nightmare.

Of course it wasn't as easy as that though. Before too many warm thoughts could fester Eira's mind, she found herself --alongside everyone else-- trapped underneath a rope net. “Kill the traitors!”, the captain shouted, spittle flying in all directions and Eira rolled her eyes. "Ugh, so dramatic." She watched impatiently as the two men descended the stairs, taking their sweet time as she felt her feet freezing to the deck.

And then she appeared from behind, ugly and terrible as ever, sneering down at Eira with those tiny, piggy eyes and a mouth that seeded serious stuffing. Bet on Professor Amberghast to make her day even more annoying.

“Pathetic. If I'd have known it was you defending us I would have raised the white flag myself.”

Alright then. Eira knew that no one else here would care for this random woman. So it would be her own pleasure to throw some nasty shit at her, even if it wasn't the real thing. Maybe it was good enough for now. She knew that Amberghast had created the woman's double just for her. Eira just wasn't sure how to feel about that.

So when the final minutes of their lesson ticked down above their heads and Amberghast gave them their 'go', Eira erupted alongside her classmates. She aimed her wand at Mrs. Atkinson and cried: "Mimblewimble!", just to finally shut her up for once, followed by everything she had in her arsenal. "Furnunculus, Limax, Stupefy!". With the rage burning through her veins, Eira didn't notice nor care for what the others did to free themselves and take revenge, or whatever it was that they were doing here. Instead she solely focused on the woman in front of her, who had made her life more terrible than it needed to be. The anger came out of nowhere, fuelling whatever supressed wrath had simmered under the surface. "Alarte Ascendare!", Eira cast, sending the old hag high into the air, before following with a "Everte Statum!", letting her fly through the dark night, over board and into the sea, where Eira hoped she couldn't swim.

so sure of yourself

~baby don't get greedy~

* Benji Cuddrun

    (07/02/2025 at 03:54)
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It wasn't the first time Benji had been on fire, and he doubted, being a student at Hogwarts that it would be the last. "Shit!" the boy exclaimed, and he turned to make a leap from the rope as the flames licked at the rags that adorned his body. He wasn't fast enough as another spell hit him, and Benji went rigid, his hand that had just released the rope flayed open and he stared wide-eyed at the ship deck that flew at him as he tumbled helplessly to meet it.

There was no turning, no attempt to land on his feet. He could do nothing but watch until his body slammed down into the wood surface, the flames now searing bits of his arm where burn scars already lay from the previous summer. If he could he would have yelled in pain, grimaced, anything. Instead, he lay, frozen unable to react to the swift burn that took over his upper arm. Benji's only saving grace that assisted just a little later than he would have preferred was the rain that showered upon them, dousing the flames as movement had yet to return to his extremities.

Before Benji could register what was happening a rope net cascaded over all of them, yanking him across the deck, sending him flying into Ruth Elliot. His forehead clashed with hers, shaking him from his frozen stuper and he groaned, his hand falling to the sore spot. There was a ton of shouting, excitement and everyone arguing at once over what to do, and Benji had already decided for them.

One look at Ruth Elliot and he knew they were on the same page.

This was his fudging ship. The captain and his stooges wanted to speed up the process? Fine with him. They'd all go down together.

"Burn it down! Burn it all down! Tonight, we all feast in Hell!"

"Why not Valhalla?" Benji asked immediately, breaking the chaos of the moment. "It's where warriors go to feast and drink with Odin and -" Yes, they were on a mission here. He shared a glance with the girl and nodded.

"BURN IT!" He shouted, swishing his wand in the direction of the ropes and hoistes. "Caeruleus!" Another flick towards the open door of the Captain's quarters. "Caeruleus!" And finally to the man himself, who would keep Benji from his prize. Benji pointed his wand at Bellestorm, his eyes flashing with the lightning above them. "Incendio!"
« Last Edit: 08/02/2025 at 13:53 by Benji Cuddrun »
Better Run
he's a cowboy kid, and he's coming for you

* Parker McCormick

    (08/02/2025 at 11:43)
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He should have just dropped her, petrified or not. He should have allowed gravity to drag her all the way down onto the unforgiving deck beneath. The thud would have been horrible and there likely would have been blood, but Parker would have been free and clear to resume his climb to the crow's nest. Maybe then, he could have sought out the officers long before this stupid squabble had gotten so out of hand. Setting fire to a child was a new low, even if Benji had been adamant in his attempts to murder everyone who boarded from the boats.

Alas, Parker hadn't dropped Charly. The girl in his arms was pulling free from her petrification and instead of simply hanging on until she could get her bearings, she struck hard and quickly the moment she could. A set of jaws snuck up on his neck and before he could move or think or breathe, Parker felt sharp teeth sinking into the unsuspecting flesh.

"What the actual fuck?!" Parker roared, pawing at the tender wound and nearly losing his hold in the process. The offending teeth were no longer there; Charlene had finally let go of him and he could hear her dropping onto the deck beneath. His neck ached, and not the pleasant throb of longing that Xanthe sometimes managed to coax from him, but a searing cramp that itched indignantly. He would have been free and clear to climb, but the insistent worry that the little witch had actually drawn blood kept Parker glued to the same spot for far longer than it should have.

Perhaps his nervous wiping had saved him from a worse fate, because the next moment a heavy net dropped over top of him. Desperate fingers lost their grip, feet kicked uselessly and just like that, Parker fell from his perch.

The landing winded him completely and the cruel bump to the head made the boy see stars. He closed his eyes, desperate to find a moment's relief in the darkness.

“Not one of you went for the Captain."

Well he Parker tried, didn't he? If he hadn't had a howler monkey clinging to him for dear life, he might have made it all the way to the top and across to the officer's quarters. He likely would have been cut down within seconds, but at least he would have made some sort of stand and surely that was what Indy had wanted from him, right?

It couldn't be a coincidence that Edward Amberghast showed up in lesson after lesson and though he hadn't outright died in those one, he'd still been there, ripe for the taking. It was just that Parker had been too distracted and unfocused to make his efforts count, a minor flaw that had morphed into something solid and insurmountable over the years.

“Time to pick on someone your own size.”

"I tried," he said miserably, fighting to keep the petulance at bay. He'd led the charge, did his best to get to higher ground, use his magic well, but it had all still been in vain. Somewhere ahead of him Rae and Benji had started torching the ship and though Liam Battersea were trying to get all of them to unite in the fight, Parker realised that it really was every man for himself aboard this vessel.

"Diffindo," he muttered, cutting through the thick rope with the first stroke. It likely would have been wiser to make several incisions but even with just one, he was able to wiggle free and get to his feet.

His hip bones ached where he'd connected with the deck and as he righted himself, he became aware of the sharp pain in his ribs. Cracked maybe? Or perhaps it was just a symptom of yet another disappointment that was taking physical form.

"Kamiflage," was the next, natural move because even if he was close to limping now, remaining unseen throughout would give him an edge.

"Obscuro. Alarte Ascendare."

He fired these spells at Captain Bellestorm, hoping to blind the man and take him out of the equation for the time being. Hopefully he'd land among the flames the littles were creating and if they saw him drop, they might just able to kick him out of action.

"Brachiabindo," he attempted, switching targets. Though Edward Amberghast had been at the forefront of his mind throughout, it was only in these last minutes that Parker was able to focus on the man.

Tall, imposing, everything you'd expect from the type of man that would father the Amberghast brood. Though his gaze was as intense as Indy's, it lacked the depth those purple eyes created. There was warmth there, which meant Xanthe probably inherited her radiance from her mother. There was only the cold unfeeling stare of a man that knew the world would bend underfoot if only he took a single step.

"Keelhaul him first!" Parker called, wand still raised.

"Tie him up properly and drag him under the ship!"

It wouldn't make up for the oppression he'd already inflicted and it certainly wouldn't negate the damage the real Amberghast would still inflict, but it was a start. If nothing else, it would make Parker all warm and fuzzy to know that he helped punish the vision of the man his professor despised so much.

"If you still want to burn the stupid thing afterwards, be my guest."

This ship wasn't his home anyway. There was a little cottage in Hogsmeade that was quite a bit more welcoming than this ramshackle affair had been.
