Nael put his hands over his ears, but he still heard his own voice. There was no escaping it and the anger he felt was bubbling inside of him like one of his potions right before it exploded. It wasn't fair. None of it. Just like he had discussed with Benji. They had been dealt shitty hands and were expected to deal with it. It just seemed like Nael did not know how to deal with it at all.
”I thought she loved me.”
"He gave me this for my birthday, and I HATE IT! He changed my name AND I HATE IT! Everything he does is just because it benefits him, and I HATE HIM."
Then his name was called and Percy swallowed hard as he made his way to the stool and the hat was placed on his head. "An Adventurous mind, ready to find the treasure, but helping a friend comes before such pleasure ...." he heard in his head Percy almost jumped at the sudden voice in his mind. "W..what?" he thought. "Silly boy it is me the hat here on your head, trying to help you find your bed..." Percy smirked a bit at the hat's rhyming. Did it always do that? The hat continued, "Now I see some bravery that is true, but it's your positivity that shines through..."Then out loud the hat said, "Gotta be HUFFLEPUFF!!”
"Hello! I'm Percy and I like so much like Adventures, Knights, Dragons, and Superheroes! Making new friends is always nice too!”
“So, what does that make you? The sidekick?”The professor's voice echoed into the room. Not really from any certain direction that Percy could see. How odd. Still without so much as a moment's hesitation he answered, "And what's wrong with that? A sidekick is no less a hero than the main character. Sidekicks anchor the Hero by reminding them why they are doing what they are doing!!" he was feeling bolder as he spoke. The doppelgänger leaned in seeming more interested now. Had Percy landed on something? “So, what is your point? Mr. Sidekick? What Justifies you?”Percy took a deep breath determined to hold on to the sudden boldness he was feeling. "I am here to support my friends just like they support me!! We all take our own turns being the hero in our own story! Nobody outshines anybody all the time!" Percy took a deep breath before continuing. "But you! You are the negative thoughts the doubt! You only have one role! The enemy to be defeated!!" Percy was breathing harder now he was exhilarated!
Duplicity was unbecoming in a woman, but Caius had to be sure that that was her manner of living before finding the fortitude to judge her for it. Little use wasting that on someone undeserving.
"Eloise," he said, voice low, sitting forward to the edge of the sofa. "I know you've been avoiding me."
"For the record," he said. Caius stretched his arm out over the back of the couch, chin down, considering her again. "I don't care what you do. Just leave me out of it."
Caius was not self-conscious. He put little to no importance on physique or appearance, in the most traditional sense. Another of society's little games, vanity opposed by nonchalance, the tug-of-war between the effort one was supposed to put into looks versus the overindulgence in that vice: it irritated Caius, that he was supposed to care, but not too much, only just enough. He had decided at one point or another that he wouldn't participate in the farce at all.Except for his hair. He was particular about that.Nowadays, he wore it rather long, longer than his father would ever have let him. Uncle Marius had never cared about its length, as long as he looked after it. It curled a little, allowed him just the slightest bit of cover from the prying eyes of other adolescents.
"In fact, them classes have been dead intense, man. I spend most of me day without a clue what’s happening, then I get back to the common room and it feels like a proper daft dream, an’ everyone’s yammerin’ on about Quidditch, spells, an’ odd-sounding critters."
"Learn'in Latin! Man that's dead Posh!" she exclaimed, only the posh kids at the grammars got to learn latin and here she was doing the same."Comm-moo-ta-teee Rooo-ber" she said trying out the Latin, it felt strange on her tongue and it sounded more Geordie than Latin, "That's a Divvint word to say."
"Is that an insult, like? You magic lads are a bit softer than the lads back home, man." she told him bluntly.
She wondered what happened to Hogwarts, it felt a distant memory and suddenly her insides hurt, like they were being crushed, sitting here in the family kitchen reminded her of how homesick she was, she missed her 'normal' life, she missed her Mam and Da and her brothers and sisters.
His dark eyes settled on the Auror, a smile playing around his lips. This young man was trouble and bad news combined. His reputation preceeded him, and Nabih knew he had to be careful around him. That did not mean, Nabih was scared though. If anything, this was going to be more than interesting.
As usual his answers were short and to the point. He never gave out more information than he absolutely had to. It just came with being who he was.
When it came to him and those questions, he had no desire to share his true reason why he was here, nor did he think it was any of their business. It was very personal and not the topic for a poker night with colleagues. She could try to read his aura all she wanted. Nabih knew how to keep his emotions and thoughts to himself.
Whatever twisted thing was going on between the Auror and the Nurse, Nabih really had no desire to know. In fact, it made him consider calling it a night altogether.
None of them would touch the boy. None of them would hide a body. Why discuss it? Nabih had already killed people, even though by now he merely had to order a kill instead of doing it himself. Hiding the bodies had never been an issue.
Where did Indigo Amberghast hide his bodies?
Truth be told, Nabih had also not expected the Headmistress using it to ask him out.The screechy voice was calling him and he stopped and turned to see Karina Ivansko standing in the hallway with flushed cheeks and a shy look. A date...with the Headmistress? Unexpected, but not in a bad way.
"Got your hands on something that belongs to me, Miss Ivansko? What a romantic way to return it." His fingers traced the button on her robe, before raising his dark eyes to hers. "When and where, I'll take you there."Nabih was a quite serious man, but he was capable of adjusting to the people around him when necessary. This could potentially be beneficial to him and of course fun. All he had to do was play his cards right and go on a date. Nothing easier than that.
"I'll pick you up Saturday at 5 then," he said. Picnics should not be had in the dark.