Rodrick Storm

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Rodrick Storm
Full nameRodrick Storm
Born31 July 1945
BirthplaceManchester, England
Blood StatusHalfblood
EducationHogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
ParentsMathias Evans and Amelia Storm
WandRich Mahogany, Veela Hair Core. 11 inches. Bendy.


Rodrick Storm is the half-blood son of British muggle soldier Mathias Evans and half-German witch Amelia Storm. His father died protecting his mother in the war as they tried to reclaim Amelia's wand. She spent her years magically hiding, being from Jewish descent, in the outskirts of muggle Germany and the Hexenreich. After she was saved and the war ended, she moved to England to feel closer to the man who saved her life.

Personality and look

Rodrick is a strong-willed, high-strung, imaginative kid. He's a skilled wizard for his age and hopes to improve to the point where he can train to become an auror. He is driven to be successful, hoping to prove to be as brave as his father was from the stories his mother told him. As a second year, he is current 4'8" and weighs about 70 pounds. He loves to smile and can be heard muttering, "D'oh!" when something goes wrong.