Allison Stevens

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Biographical Information
Full nameAllison Harper Stevens
Nationality3/4 American 1/4 English
Blood StatusTechnically Halfblood but might as well be a muggleborn
EducationHogwarts 1949-55 Ilvermorny 1955-56
Physical Information
Hair colourdark brown, appears black in some lights
Eye colourlight brown
Skin colourtanned
Family Information
ParentsMelissa and Henry Ford
Magical Characteristics
Wandblackthorn wood, unicorn hair, 10inches


From the beginning, it was Ally and Adri against the world. Born five minutes apart, that was the only five minutes they weren't together and despite they're obvious differences, they got along like a house on fire.

In her parents own words, Allison was untameable, a wild spirit. Even at that young age, she was Difficult with a capital D and it was because of this that Melissa and Henry Stevens enrolling their feisty daughter in as many sports as possible in the hopes it would calm her fiery temper and never ending energy.

(It didn't work, but Ally did develop a love for sports)

When Allison was 9, her parents died. Her and Adrian had gone out to play on the street with some friends (well Ally had, she'd dragged Adri along and he'd just kind of sat there reading) and in their absence, a freak fire had caught alight, burning her parents alive. Maybe her childhood wasn't that normal.

Allison was sent to her grandmother's. All the way in England.

Ally had never handled her own emotions well, and so dealt with it in her typical fashion. Badly. Her wild temper grew even more out of control, liable to violence, screaming and shouting, and then the next second sobbing. Only Adrian could get her to calm down, and that wasn't ideal considering he himself was hardly in a good place mentally, often in no fit state to do so.

Consolation came only in the form of a letter from a mysterious school telling her that she was a witch, and Adrian a wizard, revealing to them that Melissa Stevens had actually been a squib.

Hogwarts 1849-1955

Hogwarts Ally loved. So many new things and so many new people, it was heaven. Sure an empty hole still lingered, a place in her heart where Melissa and Henry Stevens would remain immortal, and sure she hadn't (and even now hasn't fully) gotten over an irrational fear of losing people, but it was an adventure and an escape and it was what she had needed.

Unsurprisingly, Ally was sorted into Gryffindor, and unsurprisingly to everyone but her, Adri was not. He was sorted into slytherin, which he took to like a fish to water, but that really angered Allison and most notably in her first year she spent a great deal of time complaining to the teachers about how it was a mistake. It was, had always been, Ally and Adri, and how could it be Ally and Adri with them in two different houses?

Allison spent a lot of time in detention. She couldn't seem to help it, she talked back, played pranks, flirting especially when it was innapropriate and broke every rule. Still, it was as clear to everyone that out of the Stevens, Allison was the light, Adrian the dark. Allison was the fire, Adrian the ice. The teachers came to respect Ally to be a good person at heart, even if she was a notoriously difficult student.

As the years went on, Allison made many a friend, and just as many an enemy. Blood purism was a new thing for her and she rose up against it in true Ally fashion. Allison was proud of her muggle(ish) heritage, and she'd make sure everyone goddamn knew it.

Fourth year started out a bit of a bummer, with the death of her grandmother in the holidays fresh on her mind, but her friends and Adrian (because it didn't matter what he did, they were still Ally and Adri and they'd do anything for each other) helped her through it and she moved on with her life, even if she would occasionally miss grammy.

Allison never became prefect or head girl, and lets be honest, if her name had even been mentioned in the same sentence as those titles, at least one teacher would've quit. In fact, Ally didn't even get the opportunity. Following the end of her sixth year, Adrian was expelled for practicing dark arts. Allison was absolutely livid, but not at her twin as everyone expected, but at the staff.

"It's not like he hurt anyone, or that he was even trying to! This is completely ridiculous."

Obviously Allison complained. A lot. But nothing she said made a difference and so, stubborn and angry, Allison left with him.

Ilvermorny 1955-56

They moved back to America, their home, and enrolled in Ilvermorny, where she was almost put in wampus, but ended up in thunderbird.

Irritatingly, Adrian still wasn't put in the same house. In fact, he too almost went into wampus, possibly even worse in Ally's eyes, only to be put in horned serpent.

Still, Allison did alright in her NEWTs, with Os in magical defence/DADA and Muggle Studies, and EEs in Herbology and Transfiguration, although in all honesty this was mostly because Adri had helped her in the weeks leading up to the exams.

Upon graduating, Ally didn't immediately leave in America. In fact she stayed, thinking she'd be able to reconnect with her roots. But in the months that followed, Allison soon realised that at the end of the day, England and Hogwarts were her home really. And so, now she's finally coming back.


Allison's friends would describe her as the life of the party. In her eyes, rules are made to be broken and the meaning of life is to have fun so she'll always have some crazy idea for an adventure up her sleeve and won't think twice (or at all really) before she goes through with it. Being reckless is one of her many skills, if it weren't for a surprising ability to think fast then she'd probably be dead already.

It's not just Ally's little adventures that are a hazard to her safety. It's her temper as well. Allison's never been known to do anything by halves, and this is no different. She doesn't really get annoyed, but is incredibly easy to anger. It's a little jarring really, Ally will switch between absolutely furious and perfectly fine at the snap of a finger, she'll forgive as easily as she'll get angry. Even when not angry, Allison can be quite violent. When angry, she'll punch you in the face, no matter how outmatched she'd be, without a second thought. She's gotten beaten up because she picked a fight with the wrong guy way to often, but still doesn't stop her.

Still, it is important to note that Allison's anger is usually justified, if very much over the top. She may initiate the fight, but never without provocation, and will always stand up for the little guy.

And it's not to say that Allison is one of those people who can't take a joke. She's the complete opposite really, Ally's mischievous and loves a good joke. She's actually generally a cheerful and friendly sort of girl, with a love of pranks and annoying other people.

When it comes to her friends, Allison would give her life for them without a seconds thought (lets be honest she does everything without a seconds thought). She's loyal to the core and will back them up, no matter how ridiculous they are being. Ally's always super supportive of whatever her friends enjoy, even if she disagrees. Still, her fear of losing people like she lost her parents means she doesn't like to let them fight their own fights, and would rather do it for them. This can be a bit of a nuisance, especially as Allison is so incredibly stubborn that it rarely matters what you say.

Allison somehow manages to be both naïve and wise at the same time. With tragedy a big part of how she's grown up, she's no stranger to death and faces it with a surprising maturity. Yet with life, she can be incredibly oblivious and at times judgemental(though never to her friends). She can be prone to stereotyping, and faces purebloods (exceptions made for hufflepuffs and gryffindors of course) with an automatic prejudice. She knows nobody is perfect and forgiveness is the best way of doing things, but she doesn't believe that people can change, at least not massively.

Ally is a shameless flirt. In general, the more inappropriate the situation, the more likely she is to hit on you really. She's quite girly in that she loves makeup, clothes and looking pretty, making her quite vain, but will punch you if you assume she's any less capable for being like this.