The Unforgivable Draught

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The Unforgivable Draught
Discovered byPersillia Knoxx
Intended effectsImmediate and untraceable death due to Heart Failure.

The Unforgivable Draught is a fatal poison created and almost exclusively brewed by Persillia Knoxx. It's Untraceable and unknown to Ministries world wide.


Persillia Knoxx became obsessed with the idea of the perfect poison. Her home life with emotionally distant and cruel parents fueling the fire. Her drive becoming unparalleled to anything ever seen.

She decided in her early teens what she wanted to do knowing that her and her twin brother would get everything but she bidded her time. She worked and slaved through her last couple years but alas...she was close but still so far. She graduated Hogwarts and began studying to become a Potions Mistress before eventually at the age of Twenty Two she had enough knowledge and knowhow to slip them the potion without being noticed. Something simple. Something deadly. Her completed work of art.

Characteristics And Effects

The potion begins as what amounts to as a black sludge like substance that becomes more refined with each ingredient. Initially smelling of rotten eggs, it's easily identifiable if you know what to look for. Once it beats completion however it becomes clear and begins to smell of fresh strawberries.

The potion is instantaneous. The individual who consumes it expires almost immediately, their body goes cold and it appears their heart has given out.

Known Usage And Further Information

  • The Murders of Mister and Misses Knoxx (Approx. 1954-1955)
  • The Death of Persillia's husband presumably in 1956.
  • Brewed in 1957 or 1958 by Christoph Grey as a challenge. Just to see if he could.
  • There is no cure or antidote due to how quickly the subject passes.
  • Only two individuals remain alive that know how to brew it.