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Messages - Vera Cohen

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Archived Applications / Re: Vera Cohen
« on: 05/04/2013 at 21:53 »
Whoops! I've amended the biography to address that. Hope that sorts things out. :]

Vera Cohen was born to lush and fertile fields of Napa Valley, where her muggle father, Alan Cohen, held the esteemed position of foreman in one of the premier vineyards of the area. Her mother, Valerie, also worked in the vineyards in a lesser capacity, but her contributions -- mainly in the form of spellwork ensuring that the grapes were untouched by frost or pests come harvest time -- were invaluable. Of course, Alan knew that his wife was a witch, and he was exceedingly proud of the fact their infant had undoubtedly inherited her mother’s talents.

Unfortunately, that happy and sedate life came to an abrupt end shortly after Vera’s birth, when the prohibition forced the vineyard to shut down its production for good. Left without work, the Cohens were forced to seek employ elsewhere, and they took themselves south to the bustling city of San Francisco, with its rolling hills, its rumbling trolleys and rich cultural diversity.

It wasn’t long before Alan found work in construction. Though it had been almost decade since the earthquake and fire that had devastated the city, there was still much repair and rebuilding to be done, and in the months that followed, Alan Cohen’s diligence and work ethic was rewarded with a more permanent position with better wages, enabling him and his finally to settle, at long last, in a modest tenement home within the heart of the city itself.

Having been too young to retain any memory of the verdant landscape of Napa Valley, Vera grew up instead to the strange, uneven landscape of San Francisco, with its sparkling ocean backdrop and its streets crowded with motorcars and trolleys as her home. Her mother, a housewife and witch of modest power, devoted her time to keeping house and teaching Vera as much as she could about the particulars of being a good witch.

By the time Vera was of age to formalize her magical education, the Cohens had the means to send her to the best school of magic the country had to offer, and nothing would do but to ship her off to the Salem Institute of Magic. Though it took some adjusting, she was soon happy in her knew surroundings. She grew to love the changing seasons, the quieter landscape, though she could never claim to have a great love bookwork. There was frequent correspondence with her friends and family in San Francisco, thanks to pigeon post, and it seemed that life would always be like this -- a pleasant, comfortable routine.

And then her father disappeared.

There was no word, no warning. He was simply -- gone. Worst of all, her father wasn't the only one. There were others, schoolmates who were muggleborn, suddenly without parents. Aunts, uncles, fathers, brothers, sisters and mothers -- simply gone, as if they had been plucked from the world by some inexplicable form of magic.

It was a devastating loss. Vera had never cried so hard in her life. As the weeks passed and their savings dwindled, it was finally decided that Valerie would return to live with her mother and sister -- witches themselves -- up in Napa in order to preserve the money that remained for Vera's education. Though her grandmother and aunt were kind, nothing could quite mend the gap left by her father's disappearance.

The year the followed was one of the most difficult, rife with unanswered questions and looming fears, but eventually things settled into some semblance of normal, as normal as things could get, after everything that's happened. Vera, who's always some small talent of foresight, no longer tries to discern if her father will return, and as the new term starts, she feels that she can, perhaps, make an effort to smile again.

However, Vera keeps her eyes and ears fixed on the times and feels, with some apprehension, that there is change afoot. A great upheaval looms just around the bend, and whether it bodes good or ill, she is only certain of one thing: that the world will never be the same once it comes.

Archived Applications / Vera Cohen
« on: 05/04/2013 at 02:42 »

Application for Salem Institute

Name: Vera Cohen

Birthday: May 11, 1922 (she would be sixteen in the present timeline)

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Bloodline: Halfblood

Magical Strength (pick one): Divination

Magical Weakness (pick one): Transfiguration

Year (pick two): 5th, 6th

Vera Cohen was born to lush and fertile fields of Napa Valley, where her muggle father, Alan Cohen, held the esteemed position of foreman in one of the premier vineyards of the area. Her mother, Valerie, also worked in the vineyards in a lesser capacity, but her contributions -- mainly in the form of spellwork ensuring that the grapes were untouched by frost or pests come harvest time -- were invaluable. Of course, Alan knew that his wife was a witch, and he was exceedingly proud of the fact their infant had undoubtedly inherited her mother’s talents.

Unfortunately, that happy and sedate life came to an abrupt end shortly after Vera’s birth, when the prohibition forced the vineyard to shut down its production for good. Left without work, the Cohens were forced to seek employ elsewhere, and they took themselves south to the bustling city of San Francisco, with its rolling hills, its rumbling trolleys and rich cultural diversity.

It wasn’t long before Alan found work in construction. Though it had been almost decade since the earthquake and fire that had devastated the city, there was still much repair and rebuilding to be done, and in the months that followed, Alan Cohen’s diligence and work ethic was rewarded with a more permanent position with better wages, enabling him and his finally to settle, at long last, in a modest tenement home within the heart of the city itself.

Having been too young to retain any memory of the verdant landscape of Napa Valley, Vera grew up instead to the strange, uneven landscape of San Francisco, with its sparkling ocean backdrop and its streets crowded with motorcars and trolleys as her home. Her mother, a housewife and witch of modest power, devoted her time to keeping house and teaching Vera as much as she could about the particulars of being a good witch.

By the time Vera was of age to formalize her magical education, the Cohens had the means to send her to the best school of magic that the country had to offer, and nothing would do but to ship her off to the Salem Institute of Magic.

Five years later, she’s grown accustomed to the changing seasons, the quieter landscape and trials and tribulations that come with an abundance of bookwork. She keeps up a lively correspondence with her parents and friends back in and she couldn’t be happier with her lot.

However, Vera keeps her eyes and ears fixed on the times and feels, with some apprehension, that there is change afoot. A great upheaval looms just around the bend, and whether it bodes good or ill, she is only certain of one thing: that the world will never be the same once it comes.

Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.

Society Request: Best suited to Knight or Rook.



Please reply to the Sample Roleplay below.

Vera hated bookwork.

It wasn’t that she was dull-witted or lazy. Quite the contrary, really. She had as keen a mind as any of the stuffed shirts that haunted the shelves in this dusty old library, and she’d never been one to turn her nose up at good, honest work. The problem lay in the fact that she had no patience for analytical and critical thinking of the academic sort. She preferred to apply herself in practical ways, with her hands and her mind working on harmony.

That was what she liked about magic, in fact. Magic, for all that it seemed mystical and odd, perhaps even a bit frightening, was practical.

Sitting inside poking at books going on and on about things best left in the past certainly wasn’t her idea of a useful application of her time. Worst than that, Vera was stick with Simon, who had to be just about the fussiest, stuffiest bookworm she’d ever had the misfortune of being lumped together with!

It was no wonder that she was gazing out the window, her chin in resting in her hands while her large, brown eyes looked on at the greenery with unmistakable longing. She should have bee looking through the books with Simon, but it was such a nice day. Her heart simply wasn’t in it.

"How about I write the essay and stuff? You can just put your name on it. Sound good?"

Vera lifted her head from her hands and turned to stare at Simon. The fussiest, stuffiest bookworm, indeed! Oh, he thought he was being clever, making it appear like he was generously offering to shoulder all the work, but Vera saw right through that in a flash. He clearly didn’t trust her to contribute anything to this assignment that would ensure them good marks.

“Absolutely not,” she said flatly. “This is a partner assignment.” As if to prove to that fully intended to do her part, she reached for one of the books and flung it open, throwing up a cloud of dust.

“You’re just going to have to put up with me until we get this done,” she added primly.


Previous Characters (if applicable): Vitore Havelock, Hugo Igneous Payne

How did you find us?: Rec!

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