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Student Application: Amber Whithill

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Amber Whithill:

Application for Hogwarts School


Name: Amber Whithill

Birthday: October 26, 1938

Hometown: Lawton, Oklahoma


Magical Strength (pick one):
Conjuring & Summoning

Magical Weakness (pick one):
Year (pick two): 1 or 2

Amber Whithill is the daughter of Julius Whithill, muggle, and Katrina Whithill-formerly Tancredi-,squib. Her powers began developing four years ago while in muggle school. Her mother assumed she would not have any magical abilities and never told her father about who she was, so when things began to levitate randomly both of them were shocked. Being pulled out of school was not immediate for Amber, she tried to repress her powers at school only leading to her becoming aloof from others and self-dependent.  Most of the kids would make fun of her because they thought she was weird, some just ignored her. Due to her ‘lone wolf” status she has a tendency to wander out on her own in the nearby woods and has become very intrigued and unafraid of the “unknown”.  She was fascinated by what she could do and growing up in a muggle town she had heard many stories of summoning creatures or conjuring spirits so most of her days were spent in the library trying to learn what she could do and how to control her powers. Spending a lot of time in the woods by her house she also became very attracted to nature and finds comfort in an outdoor setting.  Eventually Amber was pulled out of school and brought to her family with magical abilities, the family long abandoned by Katrina,was reluctant to take the family rejects daughter in.  Amber, being the offspring of a squib who ran away was allowed into the home- she was family after all- but rejected as a true member of the household. Amber continued her path of solitude and still finds comfort in the quiet of the woods.   

Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.

House Request: Gryffindor (best option for character along with being the house I identify with the most)

Personality: Amber is pretty quiet but is quick witted and not afraid to say something if she finds it necessary.  Due to years of feeling alone she is quiet most of the time usually thinking.  Sometimes there is a person she meets that she can instantly banter with though she is scared of being hurt by others she still opens herself up to people.  She has a deep connection with nature and can act pretty nerdy when it comes to certain things.

Appearance: Amber is on the smaller side barely reaching 4’11, she is small but has a fair amount of muscle and can easily hold her own. She has a pear shaped body and is pretty skinny. She has a pale complexion and striking black hair in a pixie cut.  Her eyes icy blue and can never be seen without eyeliner on her lower lash and waterline with a bit of mascara everything else is kept natural. She tends to wear pretty monochrome colors with the additional splash of light green or red. Overall her style gives off a pretty carefree vibe along with a hint of “don’t mess with me” 

Amber stared at the swirling petals of a yellow carnation, thinking it fitting. “Yellow carnation… symbolizing rejection. How is it that the place where I’m supposed to fit in rejects me as well?” She scoffed quietly stroking the flower, “at least they have a nice garden.”  A sudden rustling and string of curses at a rat disturbed the silence, sighing she looked over to see who was in the gardens. It was a boy, awkward looking and definitely not the definition of elegance, especially considering the huge snot bubble forming from his nostril.
 "Can I help you with something? It is not polite to stare." Amber glared at him, scanning him up and down, waiting for him to leave. 
“Just wondering why someone with obviously extreme allergies,” Amber stared pointedly at the snot trail he left down the sleeve of his robes, “is out in the garden rustling through plants?” Her eyes rolled dramatically as she turned away.  Who even was this kid? All she wanted was to be left alone.  Amber knelt and plucked the yellow carnation from the ground, twirling it between her fingers, and sighed.  She glanced back at the mystery boy.  "What are you looking for anyway?"


none :

How did you find us?: Friend Recommendation (Rosalind & Bailey Ashby)

Anneka Ivanova:
Hi Amber!

Your application is off to a good start. Before we can accept you, however, we'll need you to fix your RP sample.

We'd like you to pretend that this is a real thread and respond accordingly. In your response, you are controlling Hugh, which is what we call powerplaying. You are only allowed to control your character's actions. If Hugh came to reply and found that you had written everything for him, he wouldn't be very happy!

If you need some examples of how to respond without powerplaying, make sure to check out our sample applications.

Once you've made those changes, please post your entire revised application below, and we'll be happy to take another look!

Amber Whithill:
Thank you! I'll get on it

Amber Whithill:
Hope I made it better!

Amber Whithill:

Application for Hogwarts School


Name: Amber Whithill

Birthday:October 26, 1938

Hometown: Lawton, Oklahoma


Magical Strength (pick one):
Conjuring & Summoning

Magical Weakness (pick one):
Year (pick two): 1 or 2

Amber Whithill is the daughter of Julius Whithill, muggle, and Katrina Whithill-formerly Tancredi-,squib. Her powers began developing four years ago while in muggle school. Her mother assumed she would not have any magical abilities and never told her father about who she was, so when things began to levitate randomly both of them were shocked. Being pulled out of school was not immediate for Amber, she tried to repress her powers at school only leading to her becoming aloof from others and self-dependent.  Most of the kids would make fun of her because they thought she was weird, some just ignored her. Due to her ‘lone wolf” status she has a tendency to wander out on her own in the nearby woods and has become very intrigued and unafraid of the “unknown”.  She was fascinated by what she could do and growing up in a muggle town she had heard many stories of summoning creatures or conjuring spirits so most of her days were spent in the library trying to learn what she could do and how to control her powers. Spending a lot of time in the woods by her house she also became very attracted to nature and finds comfort in an outdoor setting.  Eventually Amber was pulled out of school and brought to her family with magical abilities, the family long abandoned by Katrina,was reluctant to take the family rejects daughter in.  Amber, being the offspring of a squib who ran away was allowed into the home- she was family after all- but rejected as a true member of the household. Amber continued her path of solitude and still finds comfort in the quiet of the woods.   

Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.

House Request: Gryffindor (best option for character along with being the house I identify with the most)

Personality: Amber is pretty quiet but is quick witted and not afraid to say something if she finds it necessary.  Due to years of feeling alone she is quiet most of the time usually thinking.  Sometimes there is a person she meets that she can instantly banter with though she is scared of being hurt by others she still opens herself up to people.  She has a deep connection with nature and can act pretty nerdy when it comes to certain things.

Appearance: Amber is on the smaller side barely reaching 4’11, she is small but has a fair amount of muscle and can easily hold her own. She has a pear shaped body and is pretty skinny. She has a pale complexion and striking black hair in a pixie cut.  Her eyes icy blue and can never be seen without eyeliner on her lower lash and waterline with a bit of mascara everything else is kept natural. She tends to wear pretty monochrome colors with the additional splash of light green or red. Overall her style gives off a pretty carefree vibe along with a hint of “don’t mess with me” 

Amber stared at the swirling petals of a yellow carnation, thinking it fitting. “Yellow carnation… symbolizing rejection. How is it that the place where I’m supposed to fit in rejects me as well?” She scoffed quietly stroking the flower, “at least they have a nice garden.”  A sudden rustling and string of curses at a rat disturbed the silence, sighing she looked over to see who was in the gardens. It was a boy, awkward looking and definitely not the definition of elegance, especially considering the huge snot bubble forming from his nostril. She grimaced seeing this.
 "Can I help you with something? It is not polite to stare."Amber glared at him, scanning him up and down, waiting for him to leave.
“Just wondering why someone with obviously extreme allergies,” Amber stared pointedly at the snot trail he left down the sleeve of his robes, “is out in the garden rustling through plants?” Her eyes rolled dramatically, as she turned away. Her place of peace and quiet was ruined by whoever this boy was and Amber just wanted to be alone. She plucked the yellow carnation from the ground and twirled it in her hand, “Hope you find whatever it is you're looking for.” was her final statement before walking away.


none :

How did you find us?: Friend Recommendation (Rosalind & Bailey Ashby)


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