Student applications are open for the 1971-72 term!

Author Topic: Benja Achílle  (Read 598 times)


    (23/10/2012 at 23:27)

Benja Achílle
3th of March
Muggleborn / Halfblood / Pureblood / Unknown

Magical Strength (pick one):
Divination / Transfiguration / Charms / Conjuring & Summoning

Magical Weakness (pick one):
Divination / Transfiguration / Charms / Conjuring & Summoning

Year (pick two): First
(Why do I have to pick two, for one character? Is the other one the second choice? In that case I choose the second year as a backup.)

Born in a poor wizard family, Benja was raised in one of the rough neighborhoods of Marseille. She was the youngest, and with two older brothers to watch over her she lived a pretty normal life. Her parents took good care of their children, and she grew up to be a happy bubbly girl. She had some friends, but none of them lasted very long because she could never bring them home. Aware of the fact that magic was not an everyday occurrence for the other girls at school, she was scared that they might find out. When her eldest brother turned eleven, there came a letter. He was accepted to Beauxbatons.
Then her other brother turned eleven. But no letter arrived. Her parents comforted him, told him that it might still come though no one really believed it. But a month had gone by, and they all knew it was a lost cause. He went to a muggle secondary school. When Benja turned ten, she got worried. She confronted her father, and he assured her she was a witch. Had she not made her nan's feet grow to the size of milk jugs when she made a comment about her shoes? Benja was sure she would go to Beauxbatons. She had heard so many stories from her parents and her brother. She couldn't wait to get her letter.

Note on the names: I got both first and last name from a legit french website for names. I just changed Benji to Benja, to make it the female form. And added an accent to the í in Achílle. Marseille is the way I learned to write down Marseilles in French class. I'll change it you want to.

Ecole Request:
Patisserie would fit in with her interests and abilities.

Tell us a bit about your character’s personality (likes, dislikes, fears, etc.) What are they like on a good day versus a bad one? Is your character particularly cheerful? Do they hate sunlight?
She is a bubbly girl, it takes a lot to get her angry. And when she's angry, she'll just walk away. She keeps her calm. She likes ladybugs, being the best at things and playing lacrosse. Her favorite color is sea green. She doesn't like uniforms, the smell of paint and to be thought less of. Her biggest fear is of water. She can't swim, and doesn't plan to either. She can be shallow sometimes, and a bit arrogant. But she doesn't mean to be.

Briefly describe your character's appearance (hair color, build, stature, etc.) What effect does it have on their personality? For example, does the shy Ravenclaw girl secretly dye her hair black because she hates her natural blonde? Does the curly-haired Gryffindor use charms to hide his freckles?
Her hair is brown, a bit curly and about elbow length. She usually braids it, or puts it up. Her face is tan, and she has brown eyes. She looks very ordinary.
When she walks, it's in a slow pace so she won't miss anything. When her friends call out for her she quickly speeds up and joins them.


The dining hall was a loud, calamitous thing. Students sat scattered through the vast room, speaking various languages, laughing, and simply having a good old time. A group of students towards the front of the hall sat huddled over a pile of sheet music. Black notes melted on to the off white parchment, splaying out a secret language, only readable to those who carried the gift. Another group sat watching a tall, thin upperclassman parading around her new ballet point shoes in awe. There seemed to be a group in the hall for everyone.

Everyone except Hilary, that is.

Poor Hilary stood soaking in the scene before her with a slight grimace on her face. Before coming to Beauxbatons, she had been overjoyed to begin studying magic, but now as she waded through her third week at the school, she felt lost in a sea of strangers. It wasn't that she was shy, no. Indeed, she even tried to reach out to some students. It was more that everyone seemed to already have their own clique, and Hilary felt so very unwelcome in all of them.

On her plate, she fidgeted with an assortment of vegetables and a delicate pork chop. That was the nice thing about Beauxbatons. Despite the many cold-shouldered students, the food was still incredible.

With a hefty sigh, Hilary strode into the dining hall. As she did, she let her mind wander to what life at the academy might be were she royalty. The students would bow at her feet! And of course she would only ever don the most elegant of robes, decorated in sequins, rhinestones, and laced with frills. All of the girls at the school would fawn over the level of grace she exhibited. Hilary would make wonderful royalty, yes that was certain.

Though, lost in her fantasy, Hilary failed to notice the leather bag lying at the center of the walkway. Failing to notice the bag in her path, naturally caused her to trip, spilling the contents of her plate all over the student sitting just beside the bag.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!"

"It's quite okay, it was my fault for leaving my bag on the floor." said Benja smiling. She didn't know this girl, and quickly picked up her books. She put them on the table, ready to continue the conversation she was having. "So what did he say to you?" she asked Constance, who was sitting across the table. Constance looked at something behind Benja. "You know, she's been standing there for a long time. Shouldn't we ask her to sit with us?" she asked. Benja hesitated. She was happy to finally have some real friends, and she wasn't planning sharing them with anyone. She looked over her shoulder. Indeed, the girl was still standing there with her plate in one hand and a glass of juice in the other, looking a bit lost. Benja nodded to Constance. "Hey! Do you want to sit with us?" Constance shouted. The girl turned around, and sat down next to Benja. "What's your name?" "Hilary..." "Great! What a wonderful name! This is Benja and I am Constance. Are you first year too? We haven't seen you around, have we? Weird, how big this school can be..."
Constance kept chattering enthusiastically. Hilary nodded and answered, a smile on her face. Benja saw how happy it had made Hilary, but she still didn't like the fact that the girl sitting next to her was talking to her friend. But at that moment, the cute boy from her divination class walked by, and she zoned out thinking about the upcoming dance.


Previous Characters (if applicable): None.

How did you find us?: I used this fancy searchmachine called Google.

William Lancaster

    (25/10/2012 at 01:23)
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Hey Benja!

Just a couple things before we can accept you:
-You'll need to have an account with the name of your character, Benja Achílle. If you want, you can submit a helpdesk ticket to have your current account name changed.
-If Benja wants to study Patisserie, she can choose that as her lycee later on in her schooling. Her ecole would be Culinary Arts. :)

Please let us know if you have any questions!
